Saturday, December 26, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Monitoring and Measurement In ISO 14001 Standards
Monitoring and Measurement In ISO 14001 Standards
The Monitoring and Measurement section contains two requirements:
1) Measurement and monitoring of environmental performance associated with operations that can have a significant impact on the environment; and
2) Calibration and maintenance of equipment used for environmental monitoring and measurement.
Monitoring and Measuring of Performance — This section calls for a“procedure to monitor and measure… key characteristics of… operations that can have a significant impact on the environment.”
Note that the section does not specifically require the organization to monitor and measure the significant environmental impacts of its products or services. As a practical matter, however, organizations should establish measurements over all environmental aspects that they determine are significant irrespective of whether the impacts relate to an activity, product, or service.
This section also requires the documentation“of information to monitor performance, applicable operational controls, and… environmental objectives and targets.” §4.6,
Management Review, requires that environmental performance and achievement of objectives and targets become inputs into the Management Review (sub-sections c & d).
Calibration and Maintenance — The requirement of having a calibration system is to ensure that measurements are reliable and accurate. A calibration system may be developed following these steps:
· Identification of measurements to be made;
· Identification of equipment, instruments, hardware and software to be used;
· Identification of the testing methods to be used;
· Determination of the accuracy and precision required or desired;
· Definition of calibration procedures;
· Use of the system;
· Establishment of records;
· If equipment is found to be out of calibration, corrective action; and
· Improvement of the system as necessary.
Evaluation of Compliance In ISO 14001 Standards
Evaluation of Compliance In ISO 14001 Standards
The requirement to establish a procedure for periodically evaluating compliance with applicable legal and other requirements falls short of specifically requiring regulatory compliance audits but, in fact, a system of regular regulatory compliance audits may be the most practical means for meeting this requirement of the standard. In the U.S., determination of whether to conduct a compliance audit will be governed in part by the particular jurisdiction’s approach to allowing a legal privilege for the self-assessment audit.
Evaluation vs. Audit – The difference between an evaluation and audit can only be determined by looking outside of ISO 14001. Consulting a dictionary reveals that an evaluation involves a determination of value or worth and that an audit is an examination of accounts done by persons appointed for the purpose. A better definition `is the more specific ISO 19011:2002, Guidelines for Quality and/or Environmental Management Systems Auditing, which defines an audit as a “systematic, independent, and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which the audit criteria are fulfilled.” Many organizations do not have a system for evaluating regulatory compliance other than their own records and the inspections of regulatory officials. This lack of a verification system can be a risky way to operate. Reports of enforcement actions and consent agreements show that many organizations are blindsided by rogue employees who violate rules and falsify documents to cover up environmental misdeeds. Although ISO 14001 does not prescribe a specific approach to evaluation of regulatory compliance, organizations should consider methods for going beyond verification of records by collecting and evaluating physical evidence.
Monday, November 9, 2009
In 1988, Dr. Karl-Henrik Robert began the process of developing the principles and objectives that have become known as The Natural Step.
Robert convened a group of over 100 Swedish scientists and asked them to develop a vision for a sustainable society based on the scientific principles. The Natural Step framework (Robert, 1991) was the result of this effort and is becoming widely recognized.
In this framework, there are four underlying principles or conditions and four guiding objectives.
These system conditions are:
Nature should not be subject to systematically increasing concentrations of substances extracted from the Earth’s crust;
Nature should not be subject to increasing concentrations of substances produced by society;
Nature should not be subject to systematically increasing degradation by physical means; and
People should not be subject to conditions that systematically undermine their capacity to meet their needs.
These conditions can be converted to four objectives that are more easily understood:
Eliminate our community’s contribution to fossil fuel dependency and to the wasteful use of scarce metals and minerals;
Eliminate our community’s contribution to dependency upon persistent chemicals and the wasteful use of synthetic substances;
Eliminate our community’s contribution to encroachment upon nature; and Meet human needs fairly and efficiently.
To apply The Natural Step, Boisvert et al. (1999) recommend an A-B-C-D approach: Awareness, Baseline Analysis, Compelling Vision, and Down to Action. Kent County chose to align its program with The Natural Step because of its simplicity and scientific basis.
An environmental management system (EMS) is a set of processes and practices that enable an organization to reduce the environmental impacts from its operations and increase efficiency. It helps the organization to systematically manage its environmental “footprint.” Alternatively, according to the ISO definition (ISO, 2004) an EMS is “a part of an organization’s management system used to develop and implement its environmental policy and manage its environmental aspects.” It is built upon the concept of continuous improvement and follows a four element Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle. The EMS is an evolving process and is consistently modified to accommodate new information, changing circumstances and changes in organization priorities.
The critical components of each of the four elements are:
Planning, includes identifying environmental aspects and establishing goals [Plan];
Implementing, includes training and operational controls [Do];
Checking, includes monitoring and corrective action [Check]; and
Reviewing, includes progress reviews and acting to make needed changes to the EMS [Act].
There are a variety of reasons that an organization may develop and implement an EMS. The reasons are many and varied and often depend upon the type of organization. A business with international offices has different reasons than a public agency to develop and implement an EMS. Table 1 provides a list of the most common of these reasons.
Some disadvantages to developing and implementing an EMS relate to the costs associated with development of the program and include:
An investment of internal resources, including staff/employee time;
Costs for training of personnel;
Costs associated with hiring consulting assistance, if needed; and
Costs for technical resources to analyze environmental impacts and improvement options, if needed.
Critical factors that assure the success of any management system include:
Commitment from senior management;
Designated staff including a Core team to act as a cheerleader and a representative trained in the program;
Involvement of all employees in the covered fenceline;
Dedicated resources;
A link to the overall strategic planning of the organization;
Sufficient time to develop and implement the program;
Proper follow through on the checking and acting components; and
A willingness to make the cultural shift required for the program to succeed.
The ISO 14001 guidance lists 17 elements, shown in Table 2, as the foundation of an EMS.
Several documents and publications cover the various elements of an EMS in detail. One of these is the US EPA publication “Achieving Environmental Excellence: An Environmental Management Systems (EMS) Handbook for Wastewater Utilities,”
Robert convened a group of over 100 Swedish scientists and asked them to develop a vision for a sustainable society based on the scientific principles. The Natural Step framework (Robert, 1991) was the result of this effort and is becoming widely recognized.
In this framework, there are four underlying principles or conditions and four guiding objectives.
These system conditions are:
Nature should not be subject to systematically increasing concentrations of substances extracted from the Earth’s crust;
Nature should not be subject to increasing concentrations of substances produced by society;
Nature should not be subject to systematically increasing degradation by physical means; and
People should not be subject to conditions that systematically undermine their capacity to meet their needs.
These conditions can be converted to four objectives that are more easily understood:
Eliminate our community’s contribution to fossil fuel dependency and to the wasteful use of scarce metals and minerals;
Eliminate our community’s contribution to dependency upon persistent chemicals and the wasteful use of synthetic substances;
Eliminate our community’s contribution to encroachment upon nature; and Meet human needs fairly and efficiently.
To apply The Natural Step, Boisvert et al. (1999) recommend an A-B-C-D approach: Awareness, Baseline Analysis, Compelling Vision, and Down to Action. Kent County chose to align its program with The Natural Step because of its simplicity and scientific basis.
An environmental management system (EMS) is a set of processes and practices that enable an organization to reduce the environmental impacts from its operations and increase efficiency. It helps the organization to systematically manage its environmental “footprint.” Alternatively, according to the ISO definition (ISO, 2004) an EMS is “a part of an organization’s management system used to develop and implement its environmental policy and manage its environmental aspects.” It is built upon the concept of continuous improvement and follows a four element Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle. The EMS is an evolving process and is consistently modified to accommodate new information, changing circumstances and changes in organization priorities.
The critical components of each of the four elements are:
Planning, includes identifying environmental aspects and establishing goals [Plan];
Implementing, includes training and operational controls [Do];
Checking, includes monitoring and corrective action [Check]; and
Reviewing, includes progress reviews and acting to make needed changes to the EMS [Act].
There are a variety of reasons that an organization may develop and implement an EMS. The reasons are many and varied and often depend upon the type of organization. A business with international offices has different reasons than a public agency to develop and implement an EMS. Table 1 provides a list of the most common of these reasons.
Some disadvantages to developing and implementing an EMS relate to the costs associated with development of the program and include:
An investment of internal resources, including staff/employee time;
Costs for training of personnel;
Costs associated with hiring consulting assistance, if needed; and
Costs for technical resources to analyze environmental impacts and improvement options, if needed.
Critical factors that assure the success of any management system include:
Commitment from senior management;
Designated staff including a Core team to act as a cheerleader and a representative trained in the program;
Involvement of all employees in the covered fenceline;
Dedicated resources;
A link to the overall strategic planning of the organization;
Sufficient time to develop and implement the program;
Proper follow through on the checking and acting components; and
A willingness to make the cultural shift required for the program to succeed.
The ISO 14001 guidance lists 17 elements, shown in Table 2, as the foundation of an EMS.
Several documents and publications cover the various elements of an EMS in detail. One of these is the US EPA publication “Achieving Environmental Excellence: An Environmental Management Systems (EMS) Handbook for Wastewater Utilities,”
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Understand Quality Management
Quality Management may be defined as the process through which organizations apply statistical process control mechanisms in order to improve the quality and standards of goods and services that are manufactured. Closely related to Quality Management is tqm, also known as total quality management. This is basically a management strategy that is applied in businesses in order to create awareness of high quality in most organizational processes. Quality Management features three main components including quality assurance, quality improvement and quality control. Quality management is focused not only on the quality of products and services but also on continuous improvement of quality standards.
Most methods that are now being used for Quality Management, quality system and quality manufacturing system take into consideration the need for high quality as an essential attribute in services and products that are manufactured by companies and organizations. Quality Management usually involves the successful improvement of quality of services and products. This is usually done through quality training processes where one can also acquire lessons on quality process and process management. One tool that is used for ensuring auditing quality in Quality Management is the MasterControlQAAD(TM) software. Besides using tools to carry out Quality Management successfully, one can also consider applying project management. This will help ensure continuous quality improvement.
The other way through which organizations can improve quality of process and service output is by using six sigma. This is basically a business management strategy that helps identify and remove defects and variations in the manufacturing process. It also helps guarantee Quality Management. It works by using a set of high quality business management and overall management methods to ensure quality and guarantee Quality Management. Most products and services to which Quality Management is applied are certified with iso certificates. Some of the iso certificates that guarantee that a product or service has undertaken Quality Management, change management and process improvement is iso 9001.
iso 9001 and iso 14001:2004 set down specific guidelines for environmental management systems and Quality Management. Other guidelines can be found in other generic process management philosophies such as the lean management that follows iso 9000 quality improvement standards aimed at guaranteeing total quality to its quality systems. The other mode through which organizations guarantee Quality Management is by use of a quality plan that meets iso 14000 and iso 14001 iso certification requirements. The other iso certification that guarantees product quality in Quality Management include iso 9001 2000.
In order to meet supplier quality in Quality Management systems, there are several iso training sessions that are offered. These meet iso standards. An organization that is in need of Quality Management for its products and services may also consider using a quality manual for its day to day Quality Management plans. Such a manual will usually have guidelines for iso quality. However, when applying the guidelines in the manual, regard must be had to quality audit measures aimed at guaranteeing Quality Management for the organization. Quality Management also involves knowledge of as9100 and iso 13485 that are commonly applicable in supplier management.
Quality Management programs that are iso certified help offer quality policy to existing iso 9001 certifications and quality management system that meet iso 9000 and ts16949 requirements. Quality companies that are aimed at ensuring Quality Management for the products and services that they manufacture also use quality management software that guarantees managing quality. In order to enhance Quality Management, the software guarantees quality procedures through its high rate of functionality. Besides such software, an organization can adopt quality assurance training and also offer quality consulting to its members in order to guarantee Quality Management to its products and services.
There are also several quality project management plans, which meet iso standards such as iso 9002 that are available today. Such plans are usually developed with a view to developing flexible, affordable and scalable management solutions to companies that seek to uphold Quality Management for their products and services. Such plans feature quality management systems that offer quality control management and quality assurance management through quality a management plan. Other quality objectives that can be obtained through iso 9001 training thus meeting iso 9000 certification use project management skills to improve Quality Management for the manufactured products and services.
Most methods that are now being used for Quality Management, quality system and quality manufacturing system take into consideration the need for high quality as an essential attribute in services and products that are manufactured by companies and organizations. Quality Management usually involves the successful improvement of quality of services and products. This is usually done through quality training processes where one can also acquire lessons on quality process and process management. One tool that is used for ensuring auditing quality in Quality Management is the MasterControlQAAD(TM) software. Besides using tools to carry out Quality Management successfully, one can also consider applying project management. This will help ensure continuous quality improvement.
The other way through which organizations can improve quality of process and service output is by using six sigma. This is basically a business management strategy that helps identify and remove defects and variations in the manufacturing process. It also helps guarantee Quality Management. It works by using a set of high quality business management and overall management methods to ensure quality and guarantee Quality Management. Most products and services to which Quality Management is applied are certified with iso certificates. Some of the iso certificates that guarantee that a product or service has undertaken Quality Management, change management and process improvement is iso 9001.
iso 9001 and iso 14001:2004 set down specific guidelines for environmental management systems and Quality Management. Other guidelines can be found in other generic process management philosophies such as the lean management that follows iso 9000 quality improvement standards aimed at guaranteeing total quality to its quality systems. The other mode through which organizations guarantee Quality Management is by use of a quality plan that meets iso 14000 and iso 14001 iso certification requirements. The other iso certification that guarantees product quality in Quality Management include iso 9001 2000.
In order to meet supplier quality in Quality Management systems, there are several iso training sessions that are offered. These meet iso standards. An organization that is in need of Quality Management for its products and services may also consider using a quality manual for its day to day Quality Management plans. Such a manual will usually have guidelines for iso quality. However, when applying the guidelines in the manual, regard must be had to quality audit measures aimed at guaranteeing Quality Management for the organization. Quality Management also involves knowledge of as9100 and iso 13485 that are commonly applicable in supplier management.
Quality Management programs that are iso certified help offer quality policy to existing iso 9001 certifications and quality management system that meet iso 9000 and ts16949 requirements. Quality companies that are aimed at ensuring Quality Management for the products and services that they manufacture also use quality management software that guarantees managing quality. In order to enhance Quality Management, the software guarantees quality procedures through its high rate of functionality. Besides such software, an organization can adopt quality assurance training and also offer quality consulting to its members in order to guarantee Quality Management to its products and services.
There are also several quality project management plans, which meet iso standards such as iso 9002 that are available today. Such plans are usually developed with a view to developing flexible, affordable and scalable management solutions to companies that seek to uphold Quality Management for their products and services. Such plans feature quality management systems that offer quality control management and quality assurance management through quality a management plan. Other quality objectives that can be obtained through iso 9001 training thus meeting iso 9000 certification use project management skills to improve Quality Management for the manufactured products and services.
ISO 14001 Standards – Complying with Environmental Laws and Regulations
One of the most commonly cited reasons for implementing an ISO 14001 environmental management system is that it helps an organization comply with environmental laws and regulations.
ISO 14001 registration will provide additional assurance to City Council, senior management, regulators and key stakeholders that appropriate procedures have been implemented to identify, track, and communicate environmental laws and regulations. ISO 14001 registration will also provide assurance that our Administration is controlling, monitoring, and improving performance, relative to these laws/regulations.
A strong environmental management system, aimed at legal/regulatory compliance, will serve the City of Edmonton by increasing the likelihood of avoiding convictions, fines and judgments; avoiding internal legal costs; and promoting positive relations with regulators.
ISO 14001 registration will provide additional assurance to City Council, senior management, regulators and key stakeholders that appropriate procedures have been implemented to identify, track, and communicate environmental laws and regulations. ISO 14001 registration will also provide assurance that our Administration is controlling, monitoring, and improving performance, relative to these laws/regulations.
A strong environmental management system, aimed at legal/regulatory compliance, will serve the City of Edmonton by increasing the likelihood of avoiding convictions, fines and judgments; avoiding internal legal costs; and promoting positive relations with regulators.
Friday, October 2, 2009
ISO 14001:2004 aims to clarify the 1996 edition and align it more closely with the ISO 9001:2000 standard. Some clauses have not been modified for content but have been rewritten to align ISO 14001:2004 with the format, wording, and layout of ISO 9001:2000 and to enhance the compatibility between the two standards.
References in Annex A of the standard are aligned with the numbering in the standard for ease of use. Annex B of the standard identifies similarities and associations between ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001:2004.
An important change in wording throughout the revised standard appears in requirements that previously stated that an organisation shall “establish and maintain”; these have now been changed to “establish, implement and maintain”.
Throughout the standard the word “personnel” in the original standard is replaced with “persons working for or on behalf of the organisation” in the revised standard. This is included to ensure that external contractors and applicable suppliers are included under the requirements of certain clauses.
In developing, implementing and maintaining the organisation’s EMS, significant environmental aspects, applicable legal requirements and other requirements to which the organisation subscribes must be considered, and management must ensure the availability of resources.
There are additional paragraphs in the introduction, which generally cover:
• the aim of the ISO 14001:2004 standard is to enhance compatibility with ISO 9001:2000;
• alignment is improved between clause references and supporting Annexes. For example, 4.3.3 and A.3.3 both deal with objectives, targets and programme(s), and 4.5.5 and A.5.5 both deal with internal audit;
• an explanation of the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) model used in ISO 9001:2000;
• the use of the process approach is promoted in alignment with ISO 9001:2000;
• possible alignment and integration with other management systems is reviewed.
ISO 14001:2004 aims to clarify the 1996 edition and align it more closely with the ISO 9001:2000 standard. Some clauses have not been modified for content but have been rewritten to align ISO 14001:2004 with the format, wording, and layout of ISO 9001:2000 and to enhance the compatibility between the two standards.
References in Annex A of the standard are aligned with the numbering in the standard for ease of use. Annex B of the standard identifies similarities and associations between ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001:2004.
An important change in wording throughout the revised standard appears in requirements that previously stated that an organisation shall “establish and maintain”; these have now been changed to “establish, implement and maintain”.
Throughout the standard the word “personnel” in the original standard is replaced with “persons working for or on behalf of the organisation” in the revised standard. This is included to ensure that external contractors and applicable suppliers are included under the requirements of certain clauses.
In developing, implementing and maintaining the organisation’s EMS, significant environmental aspects, applicable legal requirements and other requirements to which the organisation subscribes must be considered, and management must ensure the availability of resources.
There are additional paragraphs in the introduction, which generally cover:
• the aim of the ISO 14001:2004 standard is to enhance compatibility with ISO 9001:2000;
• alignment is improved between clause references and supporting Annexes. For example, 4.3.3 and A.3.3 both deal with objectives, targets and programme(s), and 4.5.5 and A.5.5 both deal with internal audit;
• an explanation of the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) model used in ISO 9001:2000;
• the use of the process approach is promoted in alignment with ISO 9001:2000;
• possible alignment and integration with other management systems is reviewed.
Environment Policy In ISO 14001:2004
Environment Policy In ISO 14001:2004
To develop a successful and effective EMS, five key tasks that must be undertaken by management:a. Select an EMS CoordinatorThe selection of an EMS Coordinator is crucial to the success of your EMS. This person will be responsible for developing and implementing the environmental policy and the EMS. Great care must be taken to ensure that the person chosen is well qualified to handle the responsibilities associated with the EMS.b. Perform a gap analysisA gap analysis determines the differences, or gaps, between one system and another. Not only will this analysis identify the gaps, but it also should etermine the size of the gaps. These findings will lead to recommendations, project plans, and the identification of necessary resources for filling the gaps.
c. Prepare a budget, and obtain the appropriate resourcesAfter conducting a gap analysis, the EMS Coordinator will develop a budget that covers the necessary resources to complete an EMS that conforms with ISO 14001. For some organizations, this may mean establishing a budget for the entire process; other organizations may only need to update certain portions of their existing management system.
ISO 14001 Section 4.4.1 requires top management to provide the essential resources to implement, control, and manage the EMS.
d. Select an EMS TeamTop management and the EMS Coordinator may consider creating an EMS Team to assist in developing and implementing the system. This decision should be based on the size of the organization or facility that will be implementing the EMS.
This team should consist of key individuals from various divisions, departments, and operating work areas within the organization who are familiar with the facility, the various processes, and its environmental requirements. Diversity among team members will bring together a pool of expertise and ideas from which to develop and implement the EMS.
e. Develop an environmental policyThe environmental policy is an essential part of an organization’s EMS. The environmental policy must establish the overall direction of the organization in terms of its commitment to environmental responsibility. A policy should also set the foundation and framework for meeting the environmental objectives and targets for the organization.
The ISO 14001 standard establishes certain requirements that an organization’s environmental policy must meet. If your organization already has an environmental policy, review this section to ensure it meets the ISO 14001 requirements.
The first requirement is that top management must establish and define the environmental policy. Note that ISO 14001 does not specifically state that top management must write the policy, only that it be committed to the policy and ensure its implementation.
These actions are essential in constructing a firm foundation for an effective EMS.
To develop a successful and effective EMS, five key tasks that must be undertaken by management:a. Select an EMS CoordinatorThe selection of an EMS Coordinator is crucial to the success of your EMS. This person will be responsible for developing and implementing the environmental policy and the EMS. Great care must be taken to ensure that the person chosen is well qualified to handle the responsibilities associated with the EMS.b. Perform a gap analysisA gap analysis determines the differences, or gaps, between one system and another. Not only will this analysis identify the gaps, but it also should etermine the size of the gaps. These findings will lead to recommendations, project plans, and the identification of necessary resources for filling the gaps.
c. Prepare a budget, and obtain the appropriate resourcesAfter conducting a gap analysis, the EMS Coordinator will develop a budget that covers the necessary resources to complete an EMS that conforms with ISO 14001. For some organizations, this may mean establishing a budget for the entire process; other organizations may only need to update certain portions of their existing management system.
ISO 14001 Section 4.4.1 requires top management to provide the essential resources to implement, control, and manage the EMS.
d. Select an EMS TeamTop management and the EMS Coordinator may consider creating an EMS Team to assist in developing and implementing the system. This decision should be based on the size of the organization or facility that will be implementing the EMS.
This team should consist of key individuals from various divisions, departments, and operating work areas within the organization who are familiar with the facility, the various processes, and its environmental requirements. Diversity among team members will bring together a pool of expertise and ideas from which to develop and implement the EMS.
e. Develop an environmental policyThe environmental policy is an essential part of an organization’s EMS. The environmental policy must establish the overall direction of the organization in terms of its commitment to environmental responsibility. A policy should also set the foundation and framework for meeting the environmental objectives and targets for the organization.
The ISO 14001 standard establishes certain requirements that an organization’s environmental policy must meet. If your organization already has an environmental policy, review this section to ensure it meets the ISO 14001 requirements.
The first requirement is that top management must establish and define the environmental policy. Note that ISO 14001 does not specifically state that top management must write the policy, only that it be committed to the policy and ensure its implementation.
These actions are essential in constructing a firm foundation for an effective EMS.
Self-Audit Procedures
The following checklist should be used as an aid in reviewing your facility’s compliance with industry environmental and health & safety regulations and requirements.
Additional Information: This checklist is based on the current laws and regulations as of the date of publication. Regulations frequently change.
Therefore, you should review current laws and regulations for any recent changes in the requirements. Some of the items you should check include:
Additional Requirements: In addition to recent changes in the requirements, you should also consider additional Cal/OSHA standards that might apply to your facility.
These might include any of the following:
Employer postings; ergonomics; process safety management; use of asbestos, formaldehyde, or lead containing substances; blood borne
pathogens; welding operations; use of compressed air and gases; boiler operations; use of power tools, hoists and grinding equipment; spray coating; elevated platforms; aisle way, ramp, door and exit requirements; fire sprinkler requirements; and seismic requirements.
Legal Authority : The compliance requirements provided on the following pages are taken from the respective laws and regulations, as indicated in the references column. In addition to the statutory and regulatory requirements, some compliance items that reflect improved and accepted management practices have been included. These management practices have been included because of their overall industry acceptance and their potential to reduce environmental risk and improve compliance.
The following checklist should be used as an aid in reviewing your facility’s compliance with industry environmental and health & safety regulations and requirements.
Additional Information: This checklist is based on the current laws and regulations as of the date of publication. Regulations frequently change.
Therefore, you should review current laws and regulations for any recent changes in the requirements. Some of the items you should check include:
Additional Requirements: In addition to recent changes in the requirements, you should also consider additional Cal/OSHA standards that might apply to your facility.
These might include any of the following:
Employer postings; ergonomics; process safety management; use of asbestos, formaldehyde, or lead containing substances; blood borne
pathogens; welding operations; use of compressed air and gases; boiler operations; use of power tools, hoists and grinding equipment; spray coating; elevated platforms; aisle way, ramp, door and exit requirements; fire sprinkler requirements; and seismic requirements.
Legal Authority : The compliance requirements provided on the following pages are taken from the respective laws and regulations, as indicated in the references column. In addition to the statutory and regulatory requirements, some compliance items that reflect improved and accepted management practices have been included. These management practices have been included because of their overall industry acceptance and their potential to reduce environmental risk and improve compliance.
ISO 14001 Standard – Specifications With Guidance for Use
ISO 14001 Standard – Specifications with Guidance For Use
Given the number of international participants involved in the process of developing the ISO 14001 Specifications, it is amazingly brief, consisting of five pages. This includes a Scope, Definitions, and EMS requirements.
The heart of the specification is in the EMS Requirements, the principles of which are summarized below:
Principle #1 – Commitment and Policy Top management must make a commitment to the program.
Principle #2 – Planning To be successful, the program must be organized. This includes an organizational structure, open communications, both internal and external, and a mechanism for identifying issues.
Principle #3 Implementation Program must be undertaken, including training, writing process descriptions, and establishing prevention programs.
Principle #4 Measurement and Evaluation Create a mechanism for assessing performance and progress toward goals.Principle #5 Review and Improvement? ISO 14004, Section 4, Environmental Management System (EMS)
Reference: ISO 14004, Section 4, Environmental Management System (EMS) Principles and Elements.
Given the number of international participants involved in the process of developing the ISO 14001 Specifications, it is amazingly brief, consisting of five pages. This includes a Scope, Definitions, and EMS requirements.
The heart of the specification is in the EMS Requirements, the principles of which are summarized below:
Principle #1 – Commitment and Policy Top management must make a commitment to the program.
Principle #2 – Planning To be successful, the program must be organized. This includes an organizational structure, open communications, both internal and external, and a mechanism for identifying issues.
Principle #3 Implementation Program must be undertaken, including training, writing process descriptions, and establishing prevention programs.
Principle #4 Measurement and Evaluation Create a mechanism for assessing performance and progress toward goals.Principle #5 Review and Improvement? ISO 14004, Section 4, Environmental Management System (EMS)
Reference: ISO 14004, Section 4, Environmental Management System (EMS) Principles and Elements.
ISO 14001 – Certification/Registration
ISO 14001 – Certification/Registration
Similar to the organized approach to problem solving contained in ISO 9000
and ISO 14000, an organized approach is necessary to achieve certification. Although the written requirements contained in ISO 14001 are straightforward and brief, the level of effort required to conform with the requirements should not be underestimated.
If an environmental review of the facility‘s operations has not been conducted, it is important to retain a qualified consultant to conduct the review. which should focus on the requirements of ISO 14000 versus programs currently in use. This activity is known as a Gap Analysis.?E After the Gap Analysis is completed, the environmental status of the operation should be known and the level of effort necessary to develop the ISO 14000 program understood.
It can easily take six months to a year to develop a program that meets EMS requirements. Staff should develop the EMS program as they will ultimately be required to manage it. If staff is inadequate to develop the program, a consultant can be retained to provide guidance to staff as the program is being developed.
But, retaining a consultant will not resolve the problem of long term program maintenance. The ultimate goal of developing the EMS is to obtain certification/registration. Aside from the internal benefits offered by the ISO 14000 series of standards, external benefits may be derived through the certification/registration process. The certification/registration process only applies to ISO 14001, and this is the only standard to which the audit process applies. For the purposes of certification/registration, all other ISO 14000 standards are considered guidance. Certification can either be by a self declaration?Eor by an independent registrar.
Obviously the use of an independent registrar would give more credibility to those looking at an organization from outside.
Registrars have individual preferences about how the requirements should be administered. A registrar should be selected early in the process to help ensure that the program being developed is consistent with the registrars preferences. When the program is fully prepared and implemented, the registrar will be notified and a formal program audit undertaken. This audit will not result in a denial of ISO 14000 certification, but it may result in either approval or a list of deficiencies that must be corrected before certification.
Similar to the organized approach to problem solving contained in ISO 9000
and ISO 14000, an organized approach is necessary to achieve certification. Although the written requirements contained in ISO 14001 are straightforward and brief, the level of effort required to conform with the requirements should not be underestimated.
If an environmental review of the facility‘s operations has not been conducted, it is important to retain a qualified consultant to conduct the review. which should focus on the requirements of ISO 14000 versus programs currently in use. This activity is known as a Gap Analysis.?E After the Gap Analysis is completed, the environmental status of the operation should be known and the level of effort necessary to develop the ISO 14000 program understood.
It can easily take six months to a year to develop a program that meets EMS requirements. Staff should develop the EMS program as they will ultimately be required to manage it. If staff is inadequate to develop the program, a consultant can be retained to provide guidance to staff as the program is being developed.
But, retaining a consultant will not resolve the problem of long term program maintenance. The ultimate goal of developing the EMS is to obtain certification/registration. Aside from the internal benefits offered by the ISO 14000 series of standards, external benefits may be derived through the certification/registration process. The certification/registration process only applies to ISO 14001, and this is the only standard to which the audit process applies. For the purposes of certification/registration, all other ISO 14000 standards are considered guidance. Certification can either be by a self declaration?Eor by an independent registrar.
Obviously the use of an independent registrar would give more credibility to those looking at an organization from outside.
Registrars have individual preferences about how the requirements should be administered. A registrar should be selected early in the process to help ensure that the program being developed is consistent with the registrars preferences. When the program is fully prepared and implemented, the registrar will be notified and a formal program audit undertaken. This audit will not result in a denial of ISO 14000 certification, but it may result in either approval or a list of deficiencies that must be corrected before certification.
ISO 14001 Environmental Aspects And Impacts
The fundamental purpose of the EMS is to control and reduce the environmental impacts of your facility’s processes and products. For this reason, a critical element of the EMS involves identifying and prioritizing the environmental aspects and impacts associated with your facility. An environmental aspect is an element of an organizations activities, products, or services that can interact with the environment. For example, chrome plating is a metal finishing activity and an associated aspect is chrome air emissions.This aspect may have an impact on the environment in several ways, for example, ambient air quality degradation.The environmental aspects and impacts of your metal finishing operations can be identified, prioritized, and documented in several ways. This Template includes two approaches, either of which can be used during EMS implementation. Use the approach that works best for your circumstances. This process is important because high-priority environmental aspects and impacts will be considered when environmental objectives and targets are established.
Aspects and Impacts Form A — The first approach uses the experience and judgment ofemployees familiar with facility processes to identify the top five environmental issuescurrently facing the facility. These issues and their specific aspects and impacts shouldbe summarized using Aspects and Impacts Form A.
Aspects and Impacts Form B — The second approach uses detailed, structured matricesto list and prioritize environmental aspects and impacts according to the followingcategories:• Environmental Aspects and Impacts: Wastewater• Environmental Aspects and Impacts: Air Emissions• Environmental Aspects and Impacts: Hazardous and Solid Waste• Environmental Aspects and Impacts: Raw Materials• Environmental Aspects and Impacts: Water and Energy
The matrices that comprise Form B will help facility staff identify and document environmental aspects and impacts. The matrices also provide criteria for prioritizing environmental aspects and impacts; this process is important because high-priority environmental aspects and impacts will be considered when environmental objectives and targets are established. One possible way to prioritize environmental aspects and impacts using Form B is described as follows:Step 1:For each aspect and impact, score each prioritization criterion on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 indicates the criterion is very important or relevant to that aspect (for example, the aspect is strictly regulated, is the subject of compliance violations, or is a waste generated in large uantities), and 5 indicates the criterion is relatively unimportant or irrelevant to that aspect (for example, the aspect is an unregulated waste, is generated infrequently, and is inexpensive to manage).Step 2:Add the scores of all criteria for each aspect and write the total in the right-most column of the form.This number indicates the relative priority of the aspect compared to other aspects and impacts in the same category. The lower the total score, the higher the priority.Purpose Of This procedure is used to identify, document, and update the environmental aspects and impacts of facility processes and operations.
Step 1 The environmental manager and other facility personnel selected by the environmental manager are responsible for identifying and prioritizing the environmental aspects and impacts of facility operations during EMS planning and development.Environmental aspects are characteristics of facility processes and products that interact with the environment. Only environmental aspects the company can control or influence will be considered. Environmental impacts are the effects of an organization’s activitie , products or services on the environment.
Step 2 Environmental aspects and impacts will be documented and prioritized.Environmental aspects and impacts will be associated with the following categories:• Wastewater• Air emissions• Hazardous and solid waste• Raw materials• Water and energyHigh-priority environmental aspects and impacts will be considered when environmentalobjectives and targets are set.
Step 3 The environmental manager and other facility personnel will review and updatethe environmental aspects and impacts documentation annually.
Step 4 Environmental aspects and impacts documentation will be retained at the facilityfor at least 2 years.
Responsible Person: _____________________________________
Signature and Date: ______________________________________
The fundamental purpose of the EMS is to control and reduce the environmental impacts of your facility’s processes and products. For this reason, a critical element of the EMS involves identifying and prioritizing the environmental aspects and impacts associated with your facility. An environmental aspect is an element of an organizations activities, products, or services that can interact with the environment. For example, chrome plating is a metal finishing activity and an associated aspect is chrome air emissions.This aspect may have an impact on the environment in several ways, for example, ambient air quality degradation.The environmental aspects and impacts of your metal finishing operations can be identified, prioritized, and documented in several ways. This Template includes two approaches, either of which can be used during EMS implementation. Use the approach that works best for your circumstances. This process is important because high-priority environmental aspects and impacts will be considered when environmental objectives and targets are established.
Aspects and Impacts Form A — The first approach uses the experience and judgment ofemployees familiar with facility processes to identify the top five environmental issuescurrently facing the facility. These issues and their specific aspects and impacts shouldbe summarized using Aspects and Impacts Form A.
Aspects and Impacts Form B — The second approach uses detailed, structured matricesto list and prioritize environmental aspects and impacts according to the followingcategories:• Environmental Aspects and Impacts: Wastewater• Environmental Aspects and Impacts: Air Emissions• Environmental Aspects and Impacts: Hazardous and Solid Waste• Environmental Aspects and Impacts: Raw Materials• Environmental Aspects and Impacts: Water and Energy
The matrices that comprise Form B will help facility staff identify and document environmental aspects and impacts. The matrices also provide criteria for prioritizing environmental aspects and impacts; this process is important because high-priority environmental aspects and impacts will be considered when environmental objectives and targets are established. One possible way to prioritize environmental aspects and impacts using Form B is described as follows:Step 1:For each aspect and impact, score each prioritization criterion on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 indicates the criterion is very important or relevant to that aspect (for example, the aspect is strictly regulated, is the subject of compliance violations, or is a waste generated in large uantities), and 5 indicates the criterion is relatively unimportant or irrelevant to that aspect (for example, the aspect is an unregulated waste, is generated infrequently, and is inexpensive to manage).Step 2:Add the scores of all criteria for each aspect and write the total in the right-most column of the form.This number indicates the relative priority of the aspect compared to other aspects and impacts in the same category. The lower the total score, the higher the priority.Purpose Of This procedure is used to identify, document, and update the environmental aspects and impacts of facility processes and operations.
Step 1 The environmental manager and other facility personnel selected by the environmental manager are responsible for identifying and prioritizing the environmental aspects and impacts of facility operations during EMS planning and development.Environmental aspects are characteristics of facility processes and products that interact with the environment. Only environmental aspects the company can control or influence will be considered. Environmental impacts are the effects of an organization’s activitie , products or services on the environment.
Step 2 Environmental aspects and impacts will be documented and prioritized.Environmental aspects and impacts will be associated with the following categories:• Wastewater• Air emissions• Hazardous and solid waste• Raw materials• Water and energyHigh-priority environmental aspects and impacts will be considered when environmentalobjectives and targets are set.
Step 3 The environmental manager and other facility personnel will review and updatethe environmental aspects and impacts documentation annually.
Step 4 Environmental aspects and impacts documentation will be retained at the facilityfor at least 2 years.
Responsible Person: _____________________________________
Signature and Date: ______________________________________
ISO 9001 Standards – Management Review
ISO 9001 Standards – Management Review
Review the quality management system at planned intervals to:- Assess possible opportunities for improvementEnsure a suitable, adequate, and effective system
- Evaluate the need for any changes to the system
- Consider the need for changes to the quality policy and objectives
Maintain records of the management reviews.
Inputs for management review must include information on:
- Results of audits
- Customer feedback
- Process performance and product conformity
- Status of preventive and corrective actions
- Follow-up actions from earlier reviews
- Changes that could affect the quality system
- Recommendations for improvement
Outputs from the management review must include any decisions and actions related to:
- Improvement of the effectiveness of the quality management system and its processes
- Improvement of product related to customer requirements
- Resource needs
Review the quality management system at planned intervals to:- Assess possible opportunities for improvementEnsure a suitable, adequate, and effective system
- Evaluate the need for any changes to the system
- Consider the need for changes to the quality policy and objectives
Maintain records of the management reviews.
Inputs for management review must include information on:
- Results of audits
- Customer feedback
- Process performance and product conformity
- Status of preventive and corrective actions
- Follow-up actions from earlier reviews
- Changes that could affect the quality system
- Recommendations for improvement
Outputs from the management review must include any decisions and actions related to:
- Improvement of the effectiveness of the quality management system and its processes
- Improvement of product related to customer requirements
- Resource needs
Monday, September 21, 2009
ISO 14001 Environmental Aspects And Impacts
The fundamental purpose of the EMS is to control and reduce the environmental impacts of your facility’s processes and products. For this reason, a critical element of the EMS involves identifying and prioritizing the environmental aspects and impacts associated with your facility. An environmental aspect is an element of an organizations activities, products, or services that can interact with the environment. For example, chrome plating is a metal finishing activity and an associated aspect is chrome air emissions.
This aspect may have an impact on the environment in several ways, for example, ambient air quality degradation.
The environmental aspects and impacts of your metal finishing operations can be identified, prioritized, and documented in several ways. This Template includes two approaches, either of which can be used during EMS implementation. Use the approach that works best for your circumstances. This process is important because high-priority environmental aspects and impacts will be considered when environmental objectives and targets are established.
Aspects and Impacts Form A -- The first approach uses the experience and judgment of
employees familiar with facility processes to identify the top five environmental issues
currently facing the facility. These issues and their specific aspects and impacts should
be summarized using Aspects and Impacts Form A.
Aspects and Impacts Form B -- The second approach uses detailed, structured matrices
to list and prioritize environmental aspects and impacts according to the following
• Environmental Aspects and Impacts: Wastewater
• Environmental Aspects and Impacts: Air Emissions
• Environmental Aspects and Impacts: Hazardous and Solid Waste
• Environmental Aspects and Impacts: Raw Materials
• Environmental Aspects and Impacts: Water and Energy
The matrices that comprise Form B will help facility staff identify and document environmental aspects and impacts. The matrices also provide criteria for prioritizing environmental aspects and impacts; this process is important because high-priority environmental aspects and impacts will be considered when environmental objectives and targets are established. One possible way to prioritize environmental aspects and impacts using Form B is described as follows:
Step 1:
For each aspect and impact, score each prioritization criterion on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 indicates the criterion is very important or relevant to that aspect (for example, the aspect is strictly regulated, is the subject of compliance violations, or is a waste generated in large uantities), and 5 indicates the criterion is relatively unimportant or irrelevant to that aspect (for example, the aspect is an unregulated waste, is generated infrequently, and is inexpensive to manage).
Step 2:
Add the scores of all criteria for each aspect and write the total in the right-most column of the form.
This number indicates the relative priority of the aspect compared to other aspects and impacts in the same category. The lower the total score, the higher the priority.
Purpose Of This procedure is used to identify, document, and update the environmental aspects and impacts of facility processes and operations.
Step 1 The environmental manager and other facility personnel selected by the environmental manager are responsible for identifying and prioritizing the environmental aspects and impacts of facility operations during EMS planning and development.
Environmental aspects are characteristics of facility processes and products that interact with the environment. Only environmental aspects the company can control or influence will be considered. Environmental impacts are the effects of an organization's activitie , products or services on the environment.
Step 2 Environmental aspects and impacts will be documented and prioritized.
Environmental aspects and impacts will be associated with the following categories:
• Wastewater
• Air emissions
• Hazardous and solid waste
• Raw materials
• Water and energy
High-priority environmental aspects and impacts will be considered when environmental
objectives and targets are set.
Step 3 The environmental manager and other facility personnel will review and update
the environmental aspects and impacts documentation annually.
Step 4 Environmental aspects and impacts documentation will be retained at the facility
for at least 2 years.
Responsible Person: _____________________________________
Signature and Date: ______________________________________
The fundamental purpose of the EMS is to control and reduce the environmental impacts of your facility’s processes and products. For this reason, a critical element of the EMS involves identifying and prioritizing the environmental aspects and impacts associated with your facility. An environmental aspect is an element of an organizations activities, products, or services that can interact with the environment. For example, chrome plating is a metal finishing activity and an associated aspect is chrome air emissions.
This aspect may have an impact on the environment in several ways, for example, ambient air quality degradation.
The environmental aspects and impacts of your metal finishing operations can be identified, prioritized, and documented in several ways. This Template includes two approaches, either of which can be used during EMS implementation. Use the approach that works best for your circumstances. This process is important because high-priority environmental aspects and impacts will be considered when environmental objectives and targets are established.
Aspects and Impacts Form A -- The first approach uses the experience and judgment of
employees familiar with facility processes to identify the top five environmental issues
currently facing the facility. These issues and their specific aspects and impacts should
be summarized using Aspects and Impacts Form A.
Aspects and Impacts Form B -- The second approach uses detailed, structured matrices
to list and prioritize environmental aspects and impacts according to the following
• Environmental Aspects and Impacts: Wastewater
• Environmental Aspects and Impacts: Air Emissions
• Environmental Aspects and Impacts: Hazardous and Solid Waste
• Environmental Aspects and Impacts: Raw Materials
• Environmental Aspects and Impacts: Water and Energy
The matrices that comprise Form B will help facility staff identify and document environmental aspects and impacts. The matrices also provide criteria for prioritizing environmental aspects and impacts; this process is important because high-priority environmental aspects and impacts will be considered when environmental objectives and targets are established. One possible way to prioritize environmental aspects and impacts using Form B is described as follows:
Step 1:
For each aspect and impact, score each prioritization criterion on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 indicates the criterion is very important or relevant to that aspect (for example, the aspect is strictly regulated, is the subject of compliance violations, or is a waste generated in large uantities), and 5 indicates the criterion is relatively unimportant or irrelevant to that aspect (for example, the aspect is an unregulated waste, is generated infrequently, and is inexpensive to manage).
Step 2:
Add the scores of all criteria for each aspect and write the total in the right-most column of the form.
This number indicates the relative priority of the aspect compared to other aspects and impacts in the same category. The lower the total score, the higher the priority.
Purpose Of This procedure is used to identify, document, and update the environmental aspects and impacts of facility processes and operations.
Step 1 The environmental manager and other facility personnel selected by the environmental manager are responsible for identifying and prioritizing the environmental aspects and impacts of facility operations during EMS planning and development.
Environmental aspects are characteristics of facility processes and products that interact with the environment. Only environmental aspects the company can control or influence will be considered. Environmental impacts are the effects of an organization's activitie , products or services on the environment.
Step 2 Environmental aspects and impacts will be documented and prioritized.
Environmental aspects and impacts will be associated with the following categories:
• Wastewater
• Air emissions
• Hazardous and solid waste
• Raw materials
• Water and energy
High-priority environmental aspects and impacts will be considered when environmental
objectives and targets are set.
Step 3 The environmental manager and other facility personnel will review and update
the environmental aspects and impacts documentation annually.
Step 4 Environmental aspects and impacts documentation will be retained at the facility
for at least 2 years.
Responsible Person: _____________________________________
Signature and Date: ______________________________________
The intent of an environmental policy is to state the organization’s commitment to continuous improvement in environmental performance. A strong, clear environmental policy can serve as both a starting point for developing the EMS and a reference point for maintaining continuous improvement.
The policy should be evaluated regularly and modified, as necessary, to reflect changing environmental priorities.
The policy should function in two ways: (1) within the company, the policy should focus attention on environmental issues associated with company activities, products, and services; and (2) outside the company, the policy is a public commitment to addressing environmental issues and continuously improving environmental performance.
The environmental policy must address:
• Commitment to compliance with relevant environmental legislation and
• Pollution prevention
• Continuous improvement
Tips for Developing an Environmental Policy:
1. Develop a policy that reflects perspectives of various employees within the company (for example, line worker, owner, wastewater treatment operator, quality inspector, compliance/legal manager, production manager).
2. Display the policy statement in view of all employees; the policy should be available to the public and customers if requested and be printed in languages other than English, as appropriate.
3. Include top management signatures on the policy to demonstrate understanding and commitment.
Purpose This procedure is used to develop and write the company’s environmental policy.
Step 1 The environmental manager will form a policy development team responsible for developing and writing the environmental policy. The policy will address, at a minimum, compliance, pollution prevention, and continuous improvement.
Step 2 The policy development team will review other relevant documents to ensure consistency with other company policies and guide the content and phrasing of the policy. Example documents include the company mission statement and the example environmental policies included in this EMS element.
Step 3 The policy will be displayed in view of all employees and introduced to new employees; the policy will be available in languages other than English, as appropriate, and to the public (on request) and customers (as appropriate).
Step 4 The environmental manager will review the environmental policy at least annually, and update it if needed.
Responsible Person: _____________________________________
Signature and Date: ______________________________________
Environmental Policy Example 1
It is the policy of COMPANY NAME to conduct its operations in a manner that is environmentally responsible and befitting a good corporate neighbor and citizen.
In accordance with this policy, COMPANY NAME complies with all environmental laws and manages all phases of its business in a manner that minimizes the impact of its operations on the environment.
To further this policy, COMPANY NAME shall:
1. Include environmental requirements in planning and design activities
2. Comply with applicable environmental laws and regulations
3. Eliminate, or reduce to the maximum practical extent, the release of contaminants into the environment, first through pollution prevention (material substitution and source reduction), then recycling, and finally through treatment and control technologies
4. Effectively communicate with company employees, suppliers, regulators, and customers, as well as the surrounding community, regarding the environmental impact of company operations
5. Periodically review and demonstrate continuous improvement in the company’s environmental management system
Responsible Person
Environmental Policy Sample 2
Effective Date
The intent of an environmental policy is to state the organization’s commitment to continuous improvement in environmental performance. A strong, clear environmental policy can serve as both a starting point for developing the EMS and a reference point for maintaining continuous improvement.
The policy should be evaluated regularly and modified, as necessary, to reflect changing environmental priorities.
The policy should function in two ways: (1) within the company, the policy should focus attention on environmental issues associated with company activities, products, and services; and (2) outside the company, the policy is a public commitment to addressing environmental issues and continuously improving environmental performance.
The environmental policy must address:
• Commitment to compliance with relevant environmental legislation and
• Pollution prevention
• Continuous improvement
Tips for Developing an Environmental Policy:
1. Develop a policy that reflects perspectives of various employees within the company (for example, line worker, owner, wastewater treatment operator, quality inspector, compliance/legal manager, production manager).
2. Display the policy statement in view of all employees; the policy should be available to the public and customers if requested and be printed in languages other than English, as appropriate.
3. Include top management signatures on the policy to demonstrate understanding and commitment.
Purpose This procedure is used to develop and write the company’s environmental policy.
Step 1 The environmental manager will form a policy development team responsible for developing and writing the environmental policy. The policy will address, at a minimum, compliance, pollution prevention, and continuous improvement.
Step 2 The policy development team will review other relevant documents to ensure consistency with other company policies and guide the content and phrasing of the policy. Example documents include the company mission statement and the example environmental policies included in this EMS element.
Step 3 The policy will be displayed in view of all employees and introduced to new employees; the policy will be available in languages other than English, as appropriate, and to the public (on request) and customers (as appropriate).
Step 4 The environmental manager will review the environmental policy at least annually, and update it if needed.
Responsible Person: _____________________________________
Signature and Date: ______________________________________
Environmental Policy Example 1
It is the policy of COMPANY NAME to conduct its operations in a manner that is environmentally responsible and befitting a good corporate neighbor and citizen.
In accordance with this policy, COMPANY NAME complies with all environmental laws and manages all phases of its business in a manner that minimizes the impact of its operations on the environment.
To further this policy, COMPANY NAME shall:
1. Include environmental requirements in planning and design activities
2. Comply with applicable environmental laws and regulations
3. Eliminate, or reduce to the maximum practical extent, the release of contaminants into the environment, first through pollution prevention (material substitution and source reduction), then recycling, and finally through treatment and control technologies
4. Effectively communicate with company employees, suppliers, regulators, and customers, as well as the surrounding community, regarding the environmental impact of company operations
5. Periodically review and demonstrate continuous improvement in the company’s environmental management system
Responsible Person
Environmental Policy Sample 2
Effective Date
ISO 9001 Standards In General
ISO 9001 Standards In General
The adoption of a quality management system should be a strategic decision of an organization. The design and implementation of an organization’s quality management system is influenced by— its business environment, changes in that environment, or risks associated with that environment,— its varying needs,— its particular objectives,— the products it provides,— the processes it employs,— its size and organizational structure.It is not the intent of this International Standard to imply uniformity in the structure of quality management systems or uniformity of documentation.The quality management system requirements specified in this International Standard are complementary to requirements for products. Information marked “NOTE” is for guidance in understanding or clarifying theassociated requirement.This International Standard can be used by internal and external parties, including certification bodies, to assess the organization’s ability to meet customer, statutory and regulatory requirements applicable to theproduct, and the organization’s own requirements.The quality management principles stated in ISO 9000 and ISO 9004 have been taken into consideration during the development of this International Standard.
The adoption of a quality management system should be a strategic decision of an organization. The design and implementation of an organization’s quality management system is influenced by— its business environment, changes in that environment, or risks associated with that environment,— its varying needs,— its particular objectives,— the products it provides,— the processes it employs,— its size and organizational structure.It is not the intent of this International Standard to imply uniformity in the structure of quality management systems or uniformity of documentation.The quality management system requirements specified in this International Standard are complementary to requirements for products. Information marked “NOTE” is for guidance in understanding or clarifying theassociated requirement.This International Standard can be used by internal and external parties, including certification bodies, to assess the organization’s ability to meet customer, statutory and regulatory requirements applicable to theproduct, and the organization’s own requirements.The quality management principles stated in ISO 9000 and ISO 9004 have been taken into consideration during the development of this International Standard.
ISO 9001 – Compatibility with other management systems
ISO 9001 – Compatibility with other management systems
ISO 9001 and ISO 9004 are quality management system standards which have been designed to complement each other, but can also be used independently.ISO 9001 specifies requirements for a quality management system that can be used for internal application by organizations, for certification, or for contractual purposes. It focuses on the effectiveness of the qualitymanagement system in meeting customer requirements.ISO 9004 gives guidance on a wider range of objectives of a quality management system than does ISO 9001, particularly for the continual improvement of an organizations overall performance and efficiency, as well as its effectiveness. ISO 9004 is recommended as a guide for organizations whose top management wishes to move beyond the requirements of ISO 9001, in pursuit of continual improvement of performance. However, it is not intended for certification or for contractual purposes.
During the development of this International Standard, due consideration was given to the provisions of ISO 14001:2004 to enhance the compatibility of the two standards for the benefit of the user community.This International Standard does not include requirements specific to other management systems, such as those particular to environmental management, occupational health and safety management, financialmanagement or risk management. However, this International Standard enables an organization to align or integrate its own quality management system with related management system requirements. It is possible foran organization to adapt its existing management system(s) in order to establish a quality management system that complies with the requirements of this International Standard
ISO 9001 and ISO 9004 are quality management system standards which have been designed to complement each other, but can also be used independently.ISO 9001 specifies requirements for a quality management system that can be used for internal application by organizations, for certification, or for contractual purposes. It focuses on the effectiveness of the qualitymanagement system in meeting customer requirements.ISO 9004 gives guidance on a wider range of objectives of a quality management system than does ISO 9001, particularly for the continual improvement of an organizations overall performance and efficiency, as well as its effectiveness. ISO 9004 is recommended as a guide for organizations whose top management wishes to move beyond the requirements of ISO 9001, in pursuit of continual improvement of performance. However, it is not intended for certification or for contractual purposes.
During the development of this International Standard, due consideration was given to the provisions of ISO 14001:2004 to enhance the compatibility of the two standards for the benefit of the user community.This International Standard does not include requirements specific to other management systems, such as those particular to environmental management, occupational health and safety management, financialmanagement or risk management. However, this International Standard enables an organization to align or integrate its own quality management system with related management system requirements. It is possible foran organization to adapt its existing management system(s) in order to establish a quality management system that complies with the requirements of this International Standard
Certification In ISO 9001 Standards
Certification In ISO 9001 Standards
Certification involves an independent assessment of your quality system to confirm that it meets the requirements of ISO 9001. You will need to design, document and implement your own quality system. The system will need to cover all the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard. Many certification bodies will not conduct a formal assessment until the system has been operating for at least three months. Your quality system cannot be audited until you have generated documentary evidence to show that you are meeting the standard. To find a certification body with relevant experience in your sector and accreditation from the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS). Certification by a non-UKAS accredited body is likely to lead to credibility problems with your customers. Arrange a visit from the certification body’s auditors. UKAS prohibits auditors from acting as consultants. They will not tell you how to meet the standard but can offer advice. They will seek objective evidence that you are complying with each of the clauses of the ISO 9001 standard. The auditors will tell you of any shortcomings in your system. If you satisfy the standard, the auditors put your name forward for certification. You will be required to correct these problems within a specified timeframe. You can also be certificated if the auditors only identify a small number of ‘minor’ problems. Once you are certificated, you can display the certification body’s logo, and if the body is UKAS-accredited, the UKAS ‘tick and crown’ symbol (consult UKAS about exceptions to this rule). If the auditors identify more serious ‘major’ problems, you will be required to correct these before certification. These surveillance visits normally take place twice a year at agreed dates. All certification bodies are required to revisit registered companies to ensure they still meet the requirements of the standard. You will be given time to deal with any minor or major problems which are identified before any action is taken to withdraw your certificate.
Certification involves an independent assessment of your quality system to confirm that it meets the requirements of ISO 9001. You will need to design, document and implement your own quality system. The system will need to cover all the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard. Many certification bodies will not conduct a formal assessment until the system has been operating for at least three months. Your quality system cannot be audited until you have generated documentary evidence to show that you are meeting the standard. To find a certification body with relevant experience in your sector and accreditation from the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS). Certification by a non-UKAS accredited body is likely to lead to credibility problems with your customers. Arrange a visit from the certification body’s auditors. UKAS prohibits auditors from acting as consultants. They will not tell you how to meet the standard but can offer advice. They will seek objective evidence that you are complying with each of the clauses of the ISO 9001 standard. The auditors will tell you of any shortcomings in your system. If you satisfy the standard, the auditors put your name forward for certification. You will be required to correct these problems within a specified timeframe. You can also be certificated if the auditors only identify a small number of ‘minor’ problems. Once you are certificated, you can display the certification body’s logo, and if the body is UKAS-accredited, the UKAS ‘tick and crown’ symbol (consult UKAS about exceptions to this rule). If the auditors identify more serious ‘major’ problems, you will be required to correct these before certification. These surveillance visits normally take place twice a year at agreed dates. All certification bodies are required to revisit registered companies to ensure they still meet the requirements of the standard. You will be given time to deal with any minor or major problems which are identified before any action is taken to withdraw your certificate.
Costs and resources Of ISO 9001 Standards
Costs and resources Of ISO 9001 Standards
The largest cost of ISO 9001 is the involvement of company
employees. The ‘ownership’ created by involving employees in designing the quality system maximises the chances of them accepting it. Reducing this cost by minimising employee involvement is a false economy. The next largest cost will be for designing and developing the system. This needs to be led by someone with experience in this particular field. You may have someone within your own organisation who has carried out this role, perhaps with a former employer. Your Business Link may offer free or subsidised advice and training, and will be able to provide names of approved consultants. Grants for work in this area tend to be directed through Business Links. Different areas have different grants, which depend on local conditions. A typical grant may cover up to 50 per cent of the cost of an approved consultant. Certification fees are around £800 for the smallest companies. Overall costs depend upon company size and the number of locations involved. Ask certification bodies for quotes for initial audits and surveillance visits. Many will give an all-inclusive price, including surveillance visits for three years. Typically, special rates will depend on how long the assessment is likely to take and what the company’s turnover is. Ask your certification body if it offers special rates for small companies. The standard requires that companies have trained internal auditors to conduct audits on the system. An internal audit can provide an effective means of monitoring the system and identifying areas for improvement. For further details, contact the International Register of Certificated Auditors.
The largest cost of ISO 9001 is the involvement of company
employees. The ‘ownership’ created by involving employees in designing the quality system maximises the chances of them accepting it. Reducing this cost by minimising employee involvement is a false economy. The next largest cost will be for designing and developing the system. This needs to be led by someone with experience in this particular field. You may have someone within your own organisation who has carried out this role, perhaps with a former employer. Your Business Link may offer free or subsidised advice and training, and will be able to provide names of approved consultants. Grants for work in this area tend to be directed through Business Links. Different areas have different grants, which depend on local conditions. A typical grant may cover up to 50 per cent of the cost of an approved consultant. Certification fees are around £800 for the smallest companies. Overall costs depend upon company size and the number of locations involved. Ask certification bodies for quotes for initial audits and surveillance visits. Many will give an all-inclusive price, including surveillance visits for three years. Typically, special rates will depend on how long the assessment is likely to take and what the company’s turnover is. Ask your certification body if it offers special rates for small companies. The standard requires that companies have trained internal auditors to conduct audits on the system. An internal audit can provide an effective means of monitoring the system and identifying areas for improvement. For further details, contact the International Register of Certificated Auditors.
ISO 9000 family of standards and SMEs
ISO 9000 family of standards and SMEs
The ISO 9000 quality management system is generic in nature and applicable to all companies, regardless of the type and size of the business, including small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and they are applicable to all categories of products, whether hardware, software, processed materials or services. ISO 9001:2008 specifies what is required to be done by an organization but does not indicate how it should be done, thus giving the enterprise a lot of flexibility to run its business.
It is simple to use, clear in language and easily understandable. The new standard is also appropriate for small companies, as it does not demand the type of paper bureaucracy needed for the implementation of the 1994 version. Only six documented procedures are now required and need for other procedures/documents can be decided by the company. Companies will, however, be required to provide objective evidence that the QMS has been effectively implemented. A small company may find it appropriate to include the description of its entire QMS within a single Quality Manual, including all the documented procedures required by the standard.
The process-based approach given in the new standard will tend to ensure that systems are documented and implemented in a manner that suits a SME’s own way of doing business. This approach makes it easier for SMEs to implement, instead of just taking over an artificial structure of QMS imposed from outside. It will also be easier for SMEs managed by their owners to demonstrate “top management commitment” towards QMS. Furthermore, in a SME, it is easier to ensure effective internal communication, better utilization of resources, people clearly understanding their roles and responsibilities, etc.
The new standard has included a provision for deciding on the applicability of
certain product realization processes included in section 7 of the standard. For example, if the SME has no responsibility for the design and development of the product it provides, the SME may say so, giving the reasoning behind it, in the Quality Manual; the certification body, being satisfied that this corresponds, would then award it certification to ISO 9001:2008. Similarly, other product realization processes such as purchasing, product identification and traceability, control of measuring devices may also be excluded if these are not applicable for the type of products or services being provided by the company.
It is also possible that SMEs may not have adequate in-house expertise or there may be other constraints to perform all processes on their own. In such cases, the new standard also permits the outsourcing of any of the QMS processes, providing the company has control over such processes. The nature of this control will depend on the nature of the outsourced or subcontracted processes and the risk involved. For example, the design and development process may be subcontracted to an expert or a specialized agency, inspection/verification of goods purchased may be subcontracted to an inspection agency, internal audit of QMS can be outsourced, etc. However, overall responsibility for ensuring control on all outsourced processes as per requirements of the standard would remain with the company’s management.
The ISO 9000 quality management system is generic in nature and applicable to all companies, regardless of the type and size of the business, including small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and they are applicable to all categories of products, whether hardware, software, processed materials or services. ISO 9001:2008 specifies what is required to be done by an organization but does not indicate how it should be done, thus giving the enterprise a lot of flexibility to run its business.
It is simple to use, clear in language and easily understandable. The new standard is also appropriate for small companies, as it does not demand the type of paper bureaucracy needed for the implementation of the 1994 version. Only six documented procedures are now required and need for other procedures/documents can be decided by the company. Companies will, however, be required to provide objective evidence that the QMS has been effectively implemented. A small company may find it appropriate to include the description of its entire QMS within a single Quality Manual, including all the documented procedures required by the standard.
The process-based approach given in the new standard will tend to ensure that systems are documented and implemented in a manner that suits a SME’s own way of doing business. This approach makes it easier for SMEs to implement, instead of just taking over an artificial structure of QMS imposed from outside. It will also be easier for SMEs managed by their owners to demonstrate “top management commitment” towards QMS. Furthermore, in a SME, it is easier to ensure effective internal communication, better utilization of resources, people clearly understanding their roles and responsibilities, etc.
The new standard has included a provision for deciding on the applicability of
certain product realization processes included in section 7 of the standard. For example, if the SME has no responsibility for the design and development of the product it provides, the SME may say so, giving the reasoning behind it, in the Quality Manual; the certification body, being satisfied that this corresponds, would then award it certification to ISO 9001:2008. Similarly, other product realization processes such as purchasing, product identification and traceability, control of measuring devices may also be excluded if these are not applicable for the type of products or services being provided by the company.
It is also possible that SMEs may not have adequate in-house expertise or there may be other constraints to perform all processes on their own. In such cases, the new standard also permits the outsourcing of any of the QMS processes, providing the company has control over such processes. The nature of this control will depend on the nature of the outsourced or subcontracted processes and the risk involved. For example, the design and development process may be subcontracted to an expert or a specialized agency, inspection/verification of goods purchased may be subcontracted to an inspection agency, internal audit of QMS can be outsourced, etc. However, overall responsibility for ensuring control on all outsourced processes as per requirements of the standard would remain with the company’s management.
Management Principles Of ISO 9001 Standards
Management Principles Of ISO 9001 Standards
ISO 9000 is based on eight management principles:
• Customer focus, resulting in meeting customer requirements and striving to exceed them;
• Leadership, aiming to create an internal environment in which people are fully involved;
• Involvement of people who are the essence of an organization;
• Process approach, resulting in improved efficiency to obtain desired results;
• System approach to management, leading to improved effectiveness and efficiency through identification, understanding and management of interrelated processes;
• Continual improvement, which becomes a permanent objective of the organization;
• Factual approach to decision-making, based on the analysis of data and information; and
• Mutually beneficial supplier relationships, based on an understanding of their interdependence.
ISO 9000 encourages the adoption of the process approach to manage an organization. There are five main areas considered for the revised process model in ISO 9000:
• Quality management system
• Management responsibility
• Resource management
• Product realization
• Measurement, analysis and improvement.
ISO 9000 is based on eight management principles:
• Customer focus, resulting in meeting customer requirements and striving to exceed them;
• Leadership, aiming to create an internal environment in which people are fully involved;
• Involvement of people who are the essence of an organization;
• Process approach, resulting in improved efficiency to obtain desired results;
• System approach to management, leading to improved effectiveness and efficiency through identification, understanding and management of interrelated processes;
• Continual improvement, which becomes a permanent objective of the organization;
• Factual approach to decision-making, based on the analysis of data and information; and
• Mutually beneficial supplier relationships, based on an understanding of their interdependence.
ISO 9000 encourages the adoption of the process approach to manage an organization. There are five main areas considered for the revised process model in ISO 9000:
• Quality management system
• Management responsibility
• Resource management
• Product realization
• Measurement, analysis and improvement.
Costs Of Setting Up A Quality Management System
Costs Of Setting Up A Quality Management System
Common implementation costs that companies incur can be broken down into direct and indirect costs.
The direct costs include, inter alia, the following:
• hiring consultants or external trainers, if required;
• sending personnel for external training;
• acquiring relevant national and international standards of the ISO 9000 family and other related books and publications; and
• acquiring additional equipment, instruments and other resources as identified by the company.
The indirect costs include, inter alia, the following:
• time spent by the management and other staff in developing the system;
• reorganization of the processes, including improvements in the house-keeping, if required;
• external calibration charges for equipment to ensure national and/or international measurement traceability;
• organizing in-house training;
• time spent by internal auditors for periodic internal audits;
• corrective actions, including revision of manuals and procedures, if required; and
• expenditure on word-processing, stationery and other consumables required for the preparation of manuals and documenting procedures, etc.
Some factors can help to lower the above costs. They include:
• having people in the company already conversant with QMS requirements;
• having documented system-related activities such as work instructions, quality plans, procedures, etc. already in place;
• using consultants only for specific activities like gap analysis, training of
auditors, pre-assessment audits, etc., and having in-house staff oversee the remaining activities.
On the other hand, there are factors that can mean higher implementation costs for the company. For example, if your company carries out activities at different locations, or if your company is involved in product design and development, this may increase costs.
Common implementation costs that companies incur can be broken down into direct and indirect costs.
The direct costs include, inter alia, the following:
• hiring consultants or external trainers, if required;
• sending personnel for external training;
• acquiring relevant national and international standards of the ISO 9000 family and other related books and publications; and
• acquiring additional equipment, instruments and other resources as identified by the company.
The indirect costs include, inter alia, the following:
• time spent by the management and other staff in developing the system;
• reorganization of the processes, including improvements in the house-keeping, if required;
• external calibration charges for equipment to ensure national and/or international measurement traceability;
• organizing in-house training;
• time spent by internal auditors for periodic internal audits;
• corrective actions, including revision of manuals and procedures, if required; and
• expenditure on word-processing, stationery and other consumables required for the preparation of manuals and documenting procedures, etc.
Some factors can help to lower the above costs. They include:
• having people in the company already conversant with QMS requirements;
• having documented system-related activities such as work instructions, quality plans, procedures, etc. already in place;
• using consultants only for specific activities like gap analysis, training of
auditors, pre-assessment audits, etc., and having in-house staff oversee the remaining activities.
On the other hand, there are factors that can mean higher implementation costs for the company. For example, if your company carries out activities at different locations, or if your company is involved in product design and development, this may increase costs.
Benefits Of Obtaining ISO 9000 Certification
Benefits Of Obtaining ISO 9000 Certification
Implementing a quality management system brings internal benefits to most organizations, as well as opening up opportunities vis-Ã -vis the outside world.
Internal benefits to the company include:
• improved customer focus and process orientation within the company;
• improved management commitment and decision-making;
• better working conditions for employees;
• increased motivation of employees;
• reduced cost of internal failures (lower rates of rework, rejection, etc.) and external failures (fewer customer returns, replacements, etc.); and last but not least,
• continual improvement of the quality management system.
The following external benefits are generated:
• customers are more confident that they will receive products conforming to their requirements, which in turn results in higher customer satisfaction;
• an improved image of the company;
• more aggressive publicity, as customers can be informed of the benefits of their doing business with a company that manages the quality of its outputs;
• more confidence that the company’s products meet relevant regulatory
• better objective evidence to defend product liability charges if such are brought by customers.
Refer for more information.
Implementing a quality management system brings internal benefits to most organizations, as well as opening up opportunities vis-Ã -vis the outside world.
Internal benefits to the company include:
• improved customer focus and process orientation within the company;
• improved management commitment and decision-making;
• better working conditions for employees;
• increased motivation of employees;
• reduced cost of internal failures (lower rates of rework, rejection, etc.) and external failures (fewer customer returns, replacements, etc.); and last but not least,
• continual improvement of the quality management system.
The following external benefits are generated:
• customers are more confident that they will receive products conforming to their requirements, which in turn results in higher customer satisfaction;
• an improved image of the company;
• more aggressive publicity, as customers can be informed of the benefits of their doing business with a company that manages the quality of its outputs;
• more confidence that the company’s products meet relevant regulatory
• better objective evidence to defend product liability charges if such are brought by customers.
Refer for more information.
Implementing A Quality Management System
Implementing A Quality Management System
An ISO 9000:2008 quality management system can be implemented by following the steps detailed as follows:
1. Evaluate the organization’s need/goals for implementing a QMS Need may arise from repeated customer complaints; frequent warranty returns; delayed deliveries; high inventories; frequent production hold-ups; and high level of rework or rejection of products or services.
At this stage, identify the goals which you would like to achieve through a QMS, such as customer satisfaction, increased market share, improved communications and morale in the organization, greater efficiency and profitability, etc. Another objective in implementing a QMS may be a demonstration of compliance through third party certification, which may be requested by an important client or required for enlisting as a supplier to large companies, e.g., original equipment manufacturers (OEMs).
2. Obtain information about the ISO 9000 family
The persons identified for initiating the development of an ISO 9000 QMS need tounderstand the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 as read with ISO 9000:2000 and ISO 9001:2008.
Supporting information such as quality management principles, frequently asked questions (FAQs), guidance on clause 1.2 (application) of ISO 9001:2008, guidance on documentation requirements of ISO 9001:2008 and other brochures are available free of charge on the ISO web site;
3. Appoint a consultant, if necessary
If, within the organization, you do not have adequate competence to develop a QMS, you may appoint a consultant. Before doing so, it is good to check his/her background; knowledge about the product realization processes of your organization; and experience in helping other organizations to achieve their stated goals, including certification.
Carry out a cost-benefit analysis of hiring a consultant and agree the scope of his/her work in writing. It is also possible to appoint a consultant only for the training of key staff; the latter can then carry out further training and development of the system.
4. Awareness and training
Raise awareness about QMS requirements amongst all personnel performing activities that affect quality. Plan for and provide specific training on how to develop Quality Manuals; on procedures; on QMS planning; on how to identify and implement improvement processes; and on how to audit compliance with the QMS, etc.
The Institute of Quality Assurance (IQA), the American Society for Quality (ASQ)and the International Auditor and Training Certification Association (IATCA) can provide lists of training organizations.
5. Gap analysis
Evaluate gaps between your existing quality management system and the QMS requirements of ISO 9001. Prepare how to bridge these gaps, including by planning for any additional resources required. Gap analysis may be carried out through selfassessment or by the external consultant.
6. Product realization processes
Review clause 7 of ISO 9001:2008 relating to “Product realization” to determine how the requirements apply or do not apply to your company’s QMS.
The processes covered by this clause include:
• Customer-related processes
• Design and development
• Purchasing
• Production and service provision
• Control of measuring and monitoring devices
Note that if your company is not responsible for preparing the design of your product, you can exclude the requirement for “design and development” from your QMS and explain the reasons for doing so in your Quality Manual.
7. Staffing
Decide on the responsibilities of the persons who will be involved in developing and documenting the QMS, including the appointment of a management representative who will oversee the implementation of the QMS. Establishing a project Steering Committee may also prove useful to oversee progress and provide resources wherever required.
8. Planning a time frame
Prepare a complete plan to close the gaps identified in Step 5 to develop the QMS processes. In the plan, include activities to be performed, resources required, responsibilities and an estimated completion time for each activity. Clauses 4.1 and
7.1 of ISO 9001:2008 provide information that should be used when developing the plan. The total time required for each phase (planning, documentation, implementation and evaluation) depends on the extent of the gaps in your existing QMS.
9. Draft a Quality Manual
In your Quality Manual;
• Include how the QMS applies to the products, processes, locations and departments of the organization;
• Exclude any requirement with justification for doing so as decided in step 6
• Refer to or include documented procedures for QMS;
• Describe the interaction between the processes of the QMS, e.g., the interaction between product realization processes and other management, measurement and improvement processes; and
• Draft the quality policy and quality objectives for the organization.
The staff concerned in the organization should review the Quality Manual and the documented procedures so that their comments and suggestions can be taken into account before the Quality Manual and procedures are approved for issue and use.
The effective date of implementation should also be decided.
10. Carry out internal audits
During the phase of implementation of some three to six months after the documentation has been written, the trained auditors should carry out one or two internal audits covering all activities for the QMS, and concerned management should take corrective action on the audit findings without delay. Wherever required, revise the manuals, procedures and objectives. After each internal audit, the top management should review the effectiveness of the system and provide necessary resources for corrective actions and improvements.
11. Apply for certification
On satisfactory completion of Step 10, and if your company decides to obtain third party certification, you can make an application for certification to an accredited certification body. The certification audit process is explained section VII.
12. Conduct periodic evaluations
After certification, the organization should periodically conduct internal audits to review the effectiveness of the QMS and see how it can be “continually improved”. The organization should evaluate periodically if the purpose and goals (see Step 1) for which the QMS was developed are being achieved, including its continual improvement.
An ISO 9000:2008 quality management system can be implemented by following the steps detailed as follows:
1. Evaluate the organization’s need/goals for implementing a QMS Need may arise from repeated customer complaints; frequent warranty returns; delayed deliveries; high inventories; frequent production hold-ups; and high level of rework or rejection of products or services.
At this stage, identify the goals which you would like to achieve through a QMS, such as customer satisfaction, increased market share, improved communications and morale in the organization, greater efficiency and profitability, etc. Another objective in implementing a QMS may be a demonstration of compliance through third party certification, which may be requested by an important client or required for enlisting as a supplier to large companies, e.g., original equipment manufacturers (OEMs).
2. Obtain information about the ISO 9000 family
The persons identified for initiating the development of an ISO 9000 QMS need tounderstand the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 as read with ISO 9000:2000 and ISO 9001:2008.
Supporting information such as quality management principles, frequently asked questions (FAQs), guidance on clause 1.2 (application) of ISO 9001:2008, guidance on documentation requirements of ISO 9001:2008 and other brochures are available free of charge on the ISO web site;
3. Appoint a consultant, if necessary
If, within the organization, you do not have adequate competence to develop a QMS, you may appoint a consultant. Before doing so, it is good to check his/her background; knowledge about the product realization processes of your organization; and experience in helping other organizations to achieve their stated goals, including certification.
Carry out a cost-benefit analysis of hiring a consultant and agree the scope of his/her work in writing. It is also possible to appoint a consultant only for the training of key staff; the latter can then carry out further training and development of the system.
4. Awareness and training
Raise awareness about QMS requirements amongst all personnel performing activities that affect quality. Plan for and provide specific training on how to develop Quality Manuals; on procedures; on QMS planning; on how to identify and implement improvement processes; and on how to audit compliance with the QMS, etc.
The Institute of Quality Assurance (IQA), the American Society for Quality (ASQ)and the International Auditor and Training Certification Association (IATCA) can provide lists of training organizations.
5. Gap analysis
Evaluate gaps between your existing quality management system and the QMS requirements of ISO 9001. Prepare how to bridge these gaps, including by planning for any additional resources required. Gap analysis may be carried out through selfassessment or by the external consultant.
6. Product realization processes
Review clause 7 of ISO 9001:2008 relating to “Product realization” to determine how the requirements apply or do not apply to your company’s QMS.
The processes covered by this clause include:
• Customer-related processes
• Design and development
• Purchasing
• Production and service provision
• Control of measuring and monitoring devices
Note that if your company is not responsible for preparing the design of your product, you can exclude the requirement for “design and development” from your QMS and explain the reasons for doing so in your Quality Manual.
7. Staffing
Decide on the responsibilities of the persons who will be involved in developing and documenting the QMS, including the appointment of a management representative who will oversee the implementation of the QMS. Establishing a project Steering Committee may also prove useful to oversee progress and provide resources wherever required.
8. Planning a time frame
Prepare a complete plan to close the gaps identified in Step 5 to develop the QMS processes. In the plan, include activities to be performed, resources required, responsibilities and an estimated completion time for each activity. Clauses 4.1 and
7.1 of ISO 9001:2008 provide information that should be used when developing the plan. The total time required for each phase (planning, documentation, implementation and evaluation) depends on the extent of the gaps in your existing QMS.
9. Draft a Quality Manual
In your Quality Manual;
• Include how the QMS applies to the products, processes, locations and departments of the organization;
• Exclude any requirement with justification for doing so as decided in step 6
• Refer to or include documented procedures for QMS;
• Describe the interaction between the processes of the QMS, e.g., the interaction between product realization processes and other management, measurement and improvement processes; and
• Draft the quality policy and quality objectives for the organization.
The staff concerned in the organization should review the Quality Manual and the documented procedures so that their comments and suggestions can be taken into account before the Quality Manual and procedures are approved for issue and use.
The effective date of implementation should also be decided.
10. Carry out internal audits
During the phase of implementation of some three to six months after the documentation has been written, the trained auditors should carry out one or two internal audits covering all activities for the QMS, and concerned management should take corrective action on the audit findings without delay. Wherever required, revise the manuals, procedures and objectives. After each internal audit, the top management should review the effectiveness of the system and provide necessary resources for corrective actions and improvements.
11. Apply for certification
On satisfactory completion of Step 10, and if your company decides to obtain third party certification, you can make an application for certification to an accredited certification body. The certification audit process is explained section VII.
12. Conduct periodic evaluations
After certification, the organization should periodically conduct internal audits to review the effectiveness of the QMS and see how it can be “continually improved”. The organization should evaluate periodically if the purpose and goals (see Step 1) for which the QMS was developed are being achieved, including its continual improvement.
ISO 9001 Standards – Management Review
ISO 9001 Standards – Management Review
Review the quality management system at planned intervals to:- Assess possible opportunities for improvementEnsure a suitable, adequate, and effective system
- Evaluate the need for any changes to the system
- Consider the need for changes to the quality policy and objectives
Maintain records of the management reviews.
Inputs for management review must include information on:
- Results of audits
- Customer feedback
- Process performance and product conformity
- Status of preventive and corrective actions
- Follow-up actions from earlier reviews
- Changes that could affect the quality system
- Recommendations for improvement
Outputs from the management review must include any decisions and actions related to:
- Improvement of the effectiveness of the quality management system and its processes
- Improvement of product related to customer requirements
- Resource needs
Review the quality management system at planned intervals to:- Assess possible opportunities for improvementEnsure a suitable, adequate, and effective system
- Evaluate the need for any changes to the system
- Consider the need for changes to the quality policy and objectives
Maintain records of the management reviews.
Inputs for management review must include information on:
- Results of audits
- Customer feedback
- Process performance and product conformity
- Status of preventive and corrective actions
- Follow-up actions from earlier reviews
- Changes that could affect the quality system
- Recommendations for improvement
Outputs from the management review must include any decisions and actions related to:
- Improvement of the effectiveness of the quality management system and its processes
- Improvement of product related to customer requirements
- Resource needs
ISO 9001 Standards – Design and Development
ISO 9001 Standards - Design and Development
Plan and control the product design and development. This planning must determine the:Identify problems and propose any necessary actions
- Stages of design and development
- Appropriate review, verification, and validation activities for each stage
- Responsibility and authority for design and development
The interfaces between the different involved groups must be managed to ensure effective communication and the clear assignment of responsibility. Update, as appropriate, the planning output during design and development.
NOTE: Design and development review, verification, and validation have distinct purposes. They can be conducted and recorded separately or in any combination, as deemed suitable for the product and the organization.
Determine product requirement inputs and maintain records. The inputs must include:
- Functional and performance requirements
- Applicable statutory and regulatory requirements
- Applicable information derived from similar designs
- Requirements essential for design and development
Review these inputs for adequacy. Resolve any incomplete, ambiguous, or conflicting requirements.
Document the outputs of the design and development process in a form suitable for verification against the inputs to the process. The outputs must:
- Meet design and development input requirements
- Provide information for purchasing, production, and service
- Contain or reference product acceptance criteria
- Define essential characteristics for safe and proper use
- Be approved before their release
Perform systematic reviews of design and development at suitable stages in accordance with planned arrangements to:
- Evaluate the ability of the results to meet requirements
- The reviews must include representatives of the functions concerned with the stage being reviewed. Maintain the results of reviews and subsequent follow-up actions.
Plan and control the product design and development. This planning must determine the:Identify problems and propose any necessary actions
- Stages of design and development
- Appropriate review, verification, and validation activities for each stage
- Responsibility and authority for design and development
The interfaces between the different involved groups must be managed to ensure effective communication and the clear assignment of responsibility. Update, as appropriate, the planning output during design and development.
NOTE: Design and development review, verification, and validation have distinct purposes. They can be conducted and recorded separately or in any combination, as deemed suitable for the product and the organization.
Determine product requirement inputs and maintain records. The inputs must include:
- Functional and performance requirements
- Applicable statutory and regulatory requirements
- Applicable information derived from similar designs
- Requirements essential for design and development
Review these inputs for adequacy. Resolve any incomplete, ambiguous, or conflicting requirements.
Document the outputs of the design and development process in a form suitable for verification against the inputs to the process. The outputs must:
- Meet design and development input requirements
- Provide information for purchasing, production, and service
- Contain or reference product acceptance criteria
- Define essential characteristics for safe and proper use
- Be approved before their release
Perform systematic reviews of design and development at suitable stages in accordance with planned arrangements to:
- Evaluate the ability of the results to meet requirements
- The reviews must include representatives of the functions concerned with the stage being reviewed. Maintain the results of reviews and subsequent follow-up actions.
ISO 9001 Standards – Control of Measuring and Monitoring Equipment
ISO 9001 Standards - Control of Measuring and Monitoring Equipment
Determine the monitoring and measurements to be made, and the required equipment, to provide evidence of product conformity. Use and control the monitoring and measuring devices to ensure that measurement capability is consistent with monitoring and measurement requirements.
Where necessary to ensure valid results:
- Calibrate and/or verify the measuring equipment at specified intervals or prior to use
- Calibrate the equipment to national or international standards (or record other basis)
- Adjust or re-adjust as necessary
- Identify the measuring equipment in order to determine its calibration status
- Safeguard them from improper adjustments
- Protect them from damage and deterioration
Assess and record the validity of prior results if the device is found to not conform to requirements. Maintain records of the calibration and verification results.
Confirm the ability of software used for monitoring and measuring for the intended application before its initial use (and reconfirmed as necessary).
NOTE: Confirming the ability of software to satisfy the intended application would typically include its verification and configuration management to maintain its suitability for use.
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Determine the monitoring and measurements to be made, and the required equipment, to provide evidence of product conformity. Use and control the monitoring and measuring devices to ensure that measurement capability is consistent with monitoring and measurement requirements.
Where necessary to ensure valid results:
- Calibrate and/or verify the measuring equipment at specified intervals or prior to use
- Calibrate the equipment to national or international standards (or record other basis)
- Adjust or re-adjust as necessary
- Identify the measuring equipment in order to determine its calibration status
- Safeguard them from improper adjustments
- Protect them from damage and deterioration
Assess and record the validity of prior results if the device is found to not conform to requirements. Maintain records of the calibration and verification results.
Confirm the ability of software used for monitoring and measuring for the intended application before its initial use (and reconfirmed as necessary).
NOTE: Confirming the ability of software to satisfy the intended application would typically include its verification and configuration management to maintain its suitability for use.
For More Information Please Visit
ISO 14001:2004 Standards Contents
ISO 14000 is a series of international standards on environmental management. It provides a framework for the development of an environmental management system and the supporting audit programme.
The main thrust for its development came as a result of the Rio Summit on the Environment held in 1992.
ISO 14000 is an Environmental Management System (EMS), which requires that an organization consider the environmental aspects of its products and services.
Iso14000 approach forces you to take a hard look at all areas of your business that has an environmental impact.
Iso14000 is the world’s first series of Internationally accepted Standards for Environmental Management Systems (EMS).
Iso14000 elevates Environmental Management to a Strategic Level that can be applied to any organization, from any industry, anywhere in the world.
ISO 14000 is a series of voluntary standards and guideline reference documents.
The part of the overall management system that includes organizational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for developing, implementing, achieving, reviewing and maintaining the environmental policy.
Iso14000 is the world’s first series of Internationally accepted Standards for Environmental Management Systems (EMS).
Iso14000 elevates Environmental Management to a Strategic Level that can be applied to any organization, from any industry, anywhere in the world.
ISO 14000 is a series of voluntary standards and guideline reference documents.
The part of the overall management system that includes organizational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for developing, implementing, achieving, reviewing and maintaining the environmental policy.
ISO 14000 is an Environmental Management System (EMS) who’s purpose is:
· A management commitment to pollution prevention.
· An understanding of the environmental impacts (reducing) of an organization’s activities.
A commitment (pollution prevention) to employees, neighbors and customers
ISO 14001 is the corner stone standard of the ISO 14000 series. It specifies a framework of control for an Environmental Management System against which an organization can be certified by a third party.
The environment cannot be protected by our convictions or goodwill alone. Efforts to protect the environment must be planned, coordinated and organized into a system, such as ISO 14001.
ISO14001 requires an Environmental Policy to be in existence within the organisation, fully supported by senior management, and outlining the policies of the company, not only to the staff but to the public. The policy needs to clarify compliance with Environmental Legislation that may effect the organization and stress a commitment to continuous improvement. Emphasis has been placed on policy as this provides the direction for the remainder of the Management System.
Those companies who have witnessed ISO9000 Assessments will know that the policy is frequently discussed during the assessment, many staff are asked if they understand or are aware of the policy, and any problems associated with the policy are seldom serious. The Environmental Policy is different, this provides the initial foundation and direction for the Management System and will be more stringently reviewed than a similar ISO9000 policy. The statement must be publicised in non-technical language so that it can be understood by the majority of readers. It should relate to the sites within the organisation encompassed by the Management System, it should provide an overview of the company’s activities on the site and a description of those activities. A clear picture of the company’s operations.
The preparatory review and definition of the organization’s environmental effects is not part of a ISO14001 Assessment, however examination of this data will provide an external audit with a wealth of information on the methods adopted by the company. The preparatory review itself should be comprehensive in consideration of input processes and output at the site. This review should be designed to identify all relevant environmental aspects that may arise from existence on the site. These may relate to current operations, they may relate to future, perhaps even unplanned future activities, and they will certainly relate to the activities performed on site in the past (i.e. contamination of land).
The initial or preparatory review will also include a wide-ranging consideration of the legislation which may effect the site, whether it is currently being complied with, and perhaps even whether copies of the legislation are available. Many of the environmental assessments undertaken already have highlighted that companies are often unaware of ALL of the legislation that affects them, and being unaware, are often not meeting the requirements of that legislation.
The company will declare its primary environmental objectives, those that can have most environmental impact. In order to gain most benefit these will become the primary areas of consideration within the improvement process, and the company’s environmental program. The program will be the plan to achieve specific goals or targets along the route to a specific goal and describe the means to reach those objectives such that they are real and achievable. The Environmental Management System provides further detail on the environmental program. The EMS establishes procedures, work instructions and controls to ensure that implementation of the policy and achievement of the targets can become a reality. Communication is a vital factor, enabling people in the organisation to be aware of their responsibilities, aware of the objectives of the scheme, and able to contribute to its success.
As with ISO9000 the Environmental Management System requires a planned comprehensive periodic audit of the Environmental Management System to ensure that it is effective in operation, is meeting specified goals, and the system continues to perform in accordance with relevant regulations and standards. The audits are designed to provide additional information in order to exercise effective management of the system, providing information on practices which differ to the current procedures or offer an opportunity for improvement.
In addition to audit, there is a requirement for Management Review of the system to ensure that it is suitable (for the organization and the objectives) and effective in operation. The management review is the ideal forum to make decisions on howe to improve for the future.
The newly revised ISO 14001:2004 specifies the requirements for an environmental management system (EMS), which provides a framework for an organization to control the environmental impacts of its activities, products and services, and to continually improve its environmental performance. It applies to those environmental aspects which the organization can control and over which it can be expected to have an influence. It does not itself state specific environmental performance criteria. ISO 14001:2004 is applicable to any organization that wishes to:
· implement, maintain and improve an environmental management system
· assure itself of its conformance with its stated environmental policy
· demonstrate such conformance to others
· seek certification/registration of its environmental management system by an external organization
· make a self-determination and self-declaration of conformance with this international standard.
All the requirements in this standard can be incorporated into any environmental management system. Having been revised, the improved ISO 14001 is now expected to bring the benefits of implementing an EMS to more businesses than ever. The standard is now easier to understand and use and has more detailed checklists for inputs and outputs from the management review and has increased compatibility to ISO 9001. Organizations who are currently registered to ISO 14001:1996 will have an 18-month transition period to register to ISO 14001:2004.
The main thrust for its development came as a result of the Rio Summit on the Environment held in 1992.
ISO 14000 is an Environmental Management System (EMS), which requires that an organization consider the environmental aspects of its products and services.
Iso14000 approach forces you to take a hard look at all areas of your business that has an environmental impact.
Iso14000 is the world’s first series of Internationally accepted Standards for Environmental Management Systems (EMS).
Iso14000 elevates Environmental Management to a Strategic Level that can be applied to any organization, from any industry, anywhere in the world.
ISO 14000 is a series of voluntary standards and guideline reference documents.
The part of the overall management system that includes organizational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for developing, implementing, achieving, reviewing and maintaining the environmental policy.
Iso14000 is the world’s first series of Internationally accepted Standards for Environmental Management Systems (EMS).
Iso14000 elevates Environmental Management to a Strategic Level that can be applied to any organization, from any industry, anywhere in the world.
ISO 14000 is a series of voluntary standards and guideline reference documents.
The part of the overall management system that includes organizational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for developing, implementing, achieving, reviewing and maintaining the environmental policy.
ISO 14000 is an Environmental Management System (EMS) who’s purpose is:
· A management commitment to pollution prevention.
· An understanding of the environmental impacts (reducing) of an organization’s activities.
A commitment (pollution prevention) to employees, neighbors and customers
ISO 14001 is the corner stone standard of the ISO 14000 series. It specifies a framework of control for an Environmental Management System against which an organization can be certified by a third party.
The environment cannot be protected by our convictions or goodwill alone. Efforts to protect the environment must be planned, coordinated and organized into a system, such as ISO 14001.
ISO14001 requires an Environmental Policy to be in existence within the organisation, fully supported by senior management, and outlining the policies of the company, not only to the staff but to the public. The policy needs to clarify compliance with Environmental Legislation that may effect the organization and stress a commitment to continuous improvement. Emphasis has been placed on policy as this provides the direction for the remainder of the Management System.
Those companies who have witnessed ISO9000 Assessments will know that the policy is frequently discussed during the assessment, many staff are asked if they understand or are aware of the policy, and any problems associated with the policy are seldom serious. The Environmental Policy is different, this provides the initial foundation and direction for the Management System and will be more stringently reviewed than a similar ISO9000 policy. The statement must be publicised in non-technical language so that it can be understood by the majority of readers. It should relate to the sites within the organisation encompassed by the Management System, it should provide an overview of the company’s activities on the site and a description of those activities. A clear picture of the company’s operations.
The preparatory review and definition of the organization’s environmental effects is not part of a ISO14001 Assessment, however examination of this data will provide an external audit with a wealth of information on the methods adopted by the company. The preparatory review itself should be comprehensive in consideration of input processes and output at the site. This review should be designed to identify all relevant environmental aspects that may arise from existence on the site. These may relate to current operations, they may relate to future, perhaps even unplanned future activities, and they will certainly relate to the activities performed on site in the past (i.e. contamination of land).
The initial or preparatory review will also include a wide-ranging consideration of the legislation which may effect the site, whether it is currently being complied with, and perhaps even whether copies of the legislation are available. Many of the environmental assessments undertaken already have highlighted that companies are often unaware of ALL of the legislation that affects them, and being unaware, are often not meeting the requirements of that legislation.
The company will declare its primary environmental objectives, those that can have most environmental impact. In order to gain most benefit these will become the primary areas of consideration within the improvement process, and the company’s environmental program. The program will be the plan to achieve specific goals or targets along the route to a specific goal and describe the means to reach those objectives such that they are real and achievable. The Environmental Management System provides further detail on the environmental program. The EMS establishes procedures, work instructions and controls to ensure that implementation of the policy and achievement of the targets can become a reality. Communication is a vital factor, enabling people in the organisation to be aware of their responsibilities, aware of the objectives of the scheme, and able to contribute to its success.
As with ISO9000 the Environmental Management System requires a planned comprehensive periodic audit of the Environmental Management System to ensure that it is effective in operation, is meeting specified goals, and the system continues to perform in accordance with relevant regulations and standards. The audits are designed to provide additional information in order to exercise effective management of the system, providing information on practices which differ to the current procedures or offer an opportunity for improvement.
In addition to audit, there is a requirement for Management Review of the system to ensure that it is suitable (for the organization and the objectives) and effective in operation. The management review is the ideal forum to make decisions on howe to improve for the future.
The newly revised ISO 14001:2004 specifies the requirements for an environmental management system (EMS), which provides a framework for an organization to control the environmental impacts of its activities, products and services, and to continually improve its environmental performance. It applies to those environmental aspects which the organization can control and over which it can be expected to have an influence. It does not itself state specific environmental performance criteria. ISO 14001:2004 is applicable to any organization that wishes to:
· implement, maintain and improve an environmental management system
· assure itself of its conformance with its stated environmental policy
· demonstrate such conformance to others
· seek certification/registration of its environmental management system by an external organization
· make a self-determination and self-declaration of conformance with this international standard.
All the requirements in this standard can be incorporated into any environmental management system. Having been revised, the improved ISO 14001 is now expected to bring the benefits of implementing an EMS to more businesses than ever. The standard is now easier to understand and use and has more detailed checklists for inputs and outputs from the management review and has increased compatibility to ISO 9001. Organizations who are currently registered to ISO 14001:1996 will have an 18-month transition period to register to ISO 14001:2004.
ISO 9001 Standards New Blogs
Some of the new blogs on ISO 9001 Standards & ISO 14001 standards was found as below:
- An Romania Perspective
The assurance of quality of the delivered products and services has always represented the main goal of any organisation which wants to be on the market. The concept of „quality” is larger than in the past, referring also to management aspects. Thus, the quality of products and services does not represent only a goal, but a consequence of the quality of the whole managerial activities, workers, and even a quality of partnerships. Modern industrial reorganisations are usually realised through the strategies of quality management, due to the fact that these are able to release the continuous and substantial improvements of the economical agents’ performances.
Within such a frame, one possibility for an organisation to maintain and to gain new positions on a market is to design, to implement and to certificate a Quality Management System (QMS), system through which all processes are controlled.
The Romanian pharmaceutical market is currently restricted as volume and value compared to other countries in the region. Joining the European Union and future improvement of living conditions will mean increase of pharmaceutical expenses per person, considering the fact that the demand for pharmaceutical products (medication) is not influenced by the evolution of prices. After 1990, foreign manufacturers have become interested in the increasing potential of Romania, a country of 22 million inhabitants with a very low intake of drugs per person, due to the low living standard. They have penetrated the market through direct import companies, through license agreements, acquisitions and privatizations.
Romanian manufacturers have tried to shift their direction towards export, but the barrier represented by the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP – for production) and ISO 9001:2000 standards (for distribution) has stopped their penetration of new markets. Their exports mainly targeted Russia, Moldova and former socialist countries. Without norms of this kind, also known as standards, today’s international trade would be inconceivable because every product would have to be checked in keeping with individual criteria. Norms, therefore, create comparability.
Nowadays, the external market has, for several companies, the same importance as the domestic one. The conquest of external market is essential because it brings currency, improves commercial balance, creates new working places and promotes the managerial or technological know-how transfer.
ISO 9000 is a generic name given to a family of standards developed to provide a framework around which a quality management system can be effectively implemented. These standards were developed mainly to facilitate commercial relationships and to increase the confidence of consumers in the capability of a supplier to constantly satisfy the requirements of products and services quality.
The paper presents some advantages achieved by implementation of Quality Management System in pharmaceutical industry, namely S.C. X Company S.A from Tirgu-Mures, one of the most important producer and distributor of pharmaceutical products in Romania.
Using a proven management system combined with ongoing external validation, enables the X Company to continually renew its strategies, domestic and external operations and service level. To this respect, the paper presents the main steps in implementing the Quality Management System within this organisation and some benefits of the registration such as increasing domestic sales, but most off all, the penetration and increasing sales on external markets.
The ISO 9000 family of standards represents an international consensus on good quality management practices. It consists of standards and guidelines related to quality management systems and related supporting standards.
ISO 9001:2000 is the standard that provides a set of standardized requirements for a quality management system, regardless of what the user organization does, its size, or whether it is in the private, or public sector. It is the only standard in the family against which organizations can be certified – although certification is not a compulsory requirement of the standard.
The other standards in the family cover specific aspects such as fundamentals and vocabulary, performance improvements, documentation, training, and financial and economic aspects. Implementing a Quality Management System within an organisation needs to be a decision of top management. The objective of the quality system needs to be clearly defined so that the system can be effective. The design and implementation of quality management system will vary depending on the type, size and products of the organisation and should be used in conjunction with the ISO 9000:2000 standards. Implementing a Quality Management System is not that difficult as it seems, the key is planning and commitment. How complex or simple the QMS is depends entirely on the organisation and what the objectives are. It can be a simple guide to the organisation policy and procedures, or it can document every task and procedure. It really depends on how much risk is involved and how much control is required.
The documentation of QMS involves:
1. The policy to refer to quality, the objectives of quality and the book of quality (Quality Management System)
2. Management Responsibility
3. Resource Management
4. Product Realisation
5. Measurements, Analysis and Improvement
A well managed quality system will have impact on:
1. customer loyalty and repeat business
2. market share
3. operational efficiencies
4. flexibility and ability to respond to market opportunities
5. effective and efficient use of resources
6. cost reductions
7. competitive advantages
- An Romania Perspective
The assurance of quality of the delivered products and services has always represented the main goal of any organisation which wants to be on the market. The concept of „quality” is larger than in the past, referring also to management aspects. Thus, the quality of products and services does not represent only a goal, but a consequence of the quality of the whole managerial activities, workers, and even a quality of partnerships. Modern industrial reorganisations are usually realised through the strategies of quality management, due to the fact that these are able to release the continuous and substantial improvements of the economical agents’ performances.
Within such a frame, one possibility for an organisation to maintain and to gain new positions on a market is to design, to implement and to certificate a Quality Management System (QMS), system through which all processes are controlled.
The Romanian pharmaceutical market is currently restricted as volume and value compared to other countries in the region. Joining the European Union and future improvement of living conditions will mean increase of pharmaceutical expenses per person, considering the fact that the demand for pharmaceutical products (medication) is not influenced by the evolution of prices. After 1990, foreign manufacturers have become interested in the increasing potential of Romania, a country of 22 million inhabitants with a very low intake of drugs per person, due to the low living standard. They have penetrated the market through direct import companies, through license agreements, acquisitions and privatizations.
Romanian manufacturers have tried to shift their direction towards export, but the barrier represented by the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP – for production) and ISO 9001:2000 standards (for distribution) has stopped their penetration of new markets. Their exports mainly targeted Russia, Moldova and former socialist countries. Without norms of this kind, also known as standards, today’s international trade would be inconceivable because every product would have to be checked in keeping with individual criteria. Norms, therefore, create comparability.
Nowadays, the external market has, for several companies, the same importance as the domestic one. The conquest of external market is essential because it brings currency, improves commercial balance, creates new working places and promotes the managerial or technological know-how transfer.
ISO 9000 is a generic name given to a family of standards developed to provide a framework around which a quality management system can be effectively implemented. These standards were developed mainly to facilitate commercial relationships and to increase the confidence of consumers in the capability of a supplier to constantly satisfy the requirements of products and services quality.
The paper presents some advantages achieved by implementation of Quality Management System in pharmaceutical industry, namely S.C. X Company S.A from Tirgu-Mures, one of the most important producer and distributor of pharmaceutical products in Romania.
Using a proven management system combined with ongoing external validation, enables the X Company to continually renew its strategies, domestic and external operations and service level. To this respect, the paper presents the main steps in implementing the Quality Management System within this organisation and some benefits of the registration such as increasing domestic sales, but most off all, the penetration and increasing sales on external markets.
The ISO 9000 family of standards represents an international consensus on good quality management practices. It consists of standards and guidelines related to quality management systems and related supporting standards.
ISO 9001:2000 is the standard that provides a set of standardized requirements for a quality management system, regardless of what the user organization does, its size, or whether it is in the private, or public sector. It is the only standard in the family against which organizations can be certified – although certification is not a compulsory requirement of the standard.
The other standards in the family cover specific aspects such as fundamentals and vocabulary, performance improvements, documentation, training, and financial and economic aspects. Implementing a Quality Management System within an organisation needs to be a decision of top management. The objective of the quality system needs to be clearly defined so that the system can be effective. The design and implementation of quality management system will vary depending on the type, size and products of the organisation and should be used in conjunction with the ISO 9000:2000 standards. Implementing a Quality Management System is not that difficult as it seems, the key is planning and commitment. How complex or simple the QMS is depends entirely on the organisation and what the objectives are. It can be a simple guide to the organisation policy and procedures, or it can document every task and procedure. It really depends on how much risk is involved and how much control is required.
The documentation of QMS involves:
1. The policy to refer to quality, the objectives of quality and the book of quality (Quality Management System)
2. Management Responsibility
3. Resource Management
4. Product Realisation
5. Measurements, Analysis and Improvement
A well managed quality system will have impact on:
1. customer loyalty and repeat business
2. market share
3. operational efficiencies
4. flexibility and ability to respond to market opportunities
5. effective and efficient use of resources
6. cost reductions
7. competitive advantages
Thursday, September 17, 2009
ISO 14001 Standards - Contents
ISO 14001 Standards - Contents
ISO 14000 is a series of international standards on environmental management. It provides a framework for the development of an environmental management system and the supporting audit programme.
The main thrust for its development came as a result of the Rio Summit on the Environment held in 1992.
ISO 14000 is an Environmental Management System (EMS), which requires that an organization consider the environmental aspects of its products and services.
Iso14000 approach forces you to take a hard look at all areas of your business that has an environmental impact.
Iso14000 is the world’s first series of Internationally accepted Standards for Environmental Management Systems (EMS).
Iso14000 elevates Environmental Management to a Strategic Level that can be applied to any organization, from any industry, anywhere in the world.
ISO 14000 is a series of voluntary standards and guideline reference documents.
The part of the overall management system that includes organizational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for developing, implementing, achieving, reviewing and maintaining the environmental policy.
Iso14000 is the world’s first series of Internationally accepted Standards for Environmental Management Systems (EMS).
Iso14000 elevates Environmental Management to a Strategic Level that can be applied to any organization, from any industry, anywhere in the world.
ISO 14000 is a series of voluntary standards and guideline reference documents.
The part of the overall management system that includes organizational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for developing, implementing, achieving, reviewing and maintaining the environmental policy.
ISO 14000 is an Environmental Management System (EMS) who’s purpose is:
· A management commitment to pollution prevention.
· An understanding of the environmental impacts (reducing) of an organization’s activities.
A commitment (pollution prevention) to employees, neighbors and customers
ISO 14001 is the corner stone standard of the ISO 14000 series. It specifies a framework of control for an Environmental Management System against which an organization can be certified by a third party.
The environment cannot be protected by our convictions or goodwill alone. Efforts to protect the environment must be planned, coordinated and organized into a system, such as ISO 14001.
ISO14001 requires an Environmental Policy to be in existence within the organisation, fully supported by senior management, and outlining the policies of the company, not only to the staff but to the public. The policy needs to clarify compliance with Environmental Legislation that may effect the organization and stress a commitment to continuous improvement. Emphasis has been placed on policy as this provides the direction for the remainder of the Management System.
Those companies who have witnessed ISO9000 Assessments will know that the policy is frequently discussed during the assessment, many staff are asked if they understand or are aware of the policy, and any problems associated with the policy are seldom serious. The Environmental Policy is different, this provides the initial foundation and direction for the Management System and will be more stringently reviewed than a similar ISO9000 policy. The statement must be publicised in non-technical language so that it can be understood by the majority of readers. It should relate to the sites within the organisation encompassed by the Management System, it should provide an overview of the company’s activities on the site and a description of those activities. A clear picture of the company’s operations.
The preparatory review and definition of the organization’s environmental effects is not part of a ISO14001 Assessment, however examination of this data will provide an external audit with a wealth of information on the methods adopted by the company. The preparatory review itself should be comprehensive in consideration of input processes and output at the site. This review should be designed to identify all relevant environmental aspects that may arise from existence on the site. These may relate to current operations, they may relate to future, perhaps even unplanned future activities, and they will certainly relate to the activities performed on site in the past (i.e. contamination of land).
The initial or preparatory review will also include a wide-ranging consideration of the legislation which may effect the site, whether it is currently being complied with, and perhaps even whether copies of the legislation are available. Many of the environmental assessments undertaken already have highlighted that companies are often unaware of ALL of the legislation that affects them, and being unaware, are often not meeting the requirements of that legislation.
The company will declare its primary environmental objectives, those that can have most environmental impact. In order to gain most benefit these will become the primary areas of consideration within the improvement process, and the company’s environmental program. The program will be the plan to achieve specific goals or targets along the route to a specific goal and describe the means to reach those objectives such that they are real and achievable. The Environmental Management System provides further detail on the environmental program. The EMS establishes procedures, work instructions and controls to ensure that implementation of the policy and achievement of the targets can become a reality. Communication is a vital factor, enabling people in the organisation to be aware of their responsibilities, aware of the objectives of the scheme, and able to contribute to its success.
As with ISO9000 the Environmental Management System requires a planned comprehensive periodic audit of the Environmental Management System to ensure that it is effective in operation, is meeting specified goals, and the system continues to perform in accordance with relevant regulations and standards. The audits are designed to provide additional information in order to exercise effective management of the system, providing information on practices which differ to the current procedures or offer an opportunity for improvement.
In addition to audit, there is a requirement for Management Review of the system to ensure that it is suitable (for the organization and the objectives) and effective in operation. The management review is the ideal forum to make decisions on howe to improve for the future.
The newly revised ISO 14001:2004 specifies the requirements for an environmental management system (EMS), which provides a framework for an organization to control the environmental impacts of its activities, products and services, and to continually improve its environmental performance. It applies to those environmental aspects which the organization can control and over which it can be expected to have an influence. It does not itself state specific environmental performance criteria. ISO 14001:2004 is applicable to any organization that wishes to:
· implement, maintain and improve an environmental management system
· assure itself of its conformance with its stated environmental policy
· demonstrate such conformance to others
· seek certification/registration of its environmental management system by an external organization
· make a self-determination and self-declaration of conformance with this international standard.
All the requirements in this standard can be incorporated into any environmental management system. Having been revised, the improved ISO 14001 is now expected to bring the benefits of implementing an EMS to more businesses than ever. The standard is now easier to understand and use and has more detailed checklists for inputs and outputs from the management review and has increased compatibility to ISO 9001. Organizations who are currently registered to ISO 14001:1996 will have an 18-month transition period to register to ISO 14001:2004.
ISO 14000 is a series of international standards on environmental management. It provides a framework for the development of an environmental management system and the supporting audit programme.
The main thrust for its development came as a result of the Rio Summit on the Environment held in 1992.
ISO 14000 is an Environmental Management System (EMS), which requires that an organization consider the environmental aspects of its products and services.
Iso14000 approach forces you to take a hard look at all areas of your business that has an environmental impact.
Iso14000 is the world’s first series of Internationally accepted Standards for Environmental Management Systems (EMS).
Iso14000 elevates Environmental Management to a Strategic Level that can be applied to any organization, from any industry, anywhere in the world.
ISO 14000 is a series of voluntary standards and guideline reference documents.
The part of the overall management system that includes organizational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for developing, implementing, achieving, reviewing and maintaining the environmental policy.
Iso14000 is the world’s first series of Internationally accepted Standards for Environmental Management Systems (EMS).
Iso14000 elevates Environmental Management to a Strategic Level that can be applied to any organization, from any industry, anywhere in the world.
ISO 14000 is a series of voluntary standards and guideline reference documents.
The part of the overall management system that includes organizational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for developing, implementing, achieving, reviewing and maintaining the environmental policy.
ISO 14000 is an Environmental Management System (EMS) who’s purpose is:
· A management commitment to pollution prevention.
· An understanding of the environmental impacts (reducing) of an organization’s activities.
A commitment (pollution prevention) to employees, neighbors and customers
ISO 14001 is the corner stone standard of the ISO 14000 series. It specifies a framework of control for an Environmental Management System against which an organization can be certified by a third party.
The environment cannot be protected by our convictions or goodwill alone. Efforts to protect the environment must be planned, coordinated and organized into a system, such as ISO 14001.
ISO14001 requires an Environmental Policy to be in existence within the organisation, fully supported by senior management, and outlining the policies of the company, not only to the staff but to the public. The policy needs to clarify compliance with Environmental Legislation that may effect the organization and stress a commitment to continuous improvement. Emphasis has been placed on policy as this provides the direction for the remainder of the Management System.
Those companies who have witnessed ISO9000 Assessments will know that the policy is frequently discussed during the assessment, many staff are asked if they understand or are aware of the policy, and any problems associated with the policy are seldom serious. The Environmental Policy is different, this provides the initial foundation and direction for the Management System and will be more stringently reviewed than a similar ISO9000 policy. The statement must be publicised in non-technical language so that it can be understood by the majority of readers. It should relate to the sites within the organisation encompassed by the Management System, it should provide an overview of the company’s activities on the site and a description of those activities. A clear picture of the company’s operations.
The preparatory review and definition of the organization’s environmental effects is not part of a ISO14001 Assessment, however examination of this data will provide an external audit with a wealth of information on the methods adopted by the company. The preparatory review itself should be comprehensive in consideration of input processes and output at the site. This review should be designed to identify all relevant environmental aspects that may arise from existence on the site. These may relate to current operations, they may relate to future, perhaps even unplanned future activities, and they will certainly relate to the activities performed on site in the past (i.e. contamination of land).
The initial or preparatory review will also include a wide-ranging consideration of the legislation which may effect the site, whether it is currently being complied with, and perhaps even whether copies of the legislation are available. Many of the environmental assessments undertaken already have highlighted that companies are often unaware of ALL of the legislation that affects them, and being unaware, are often not meeting the requirements of that legislation.
The company will declare its primary environmental objectives, those that can have most environmental impact. In order to gain most benefit these will become the primary areas of consideration within the improvement process, and the company’s environmental program. The program will be the plan to achieve specific goals or targets along the route to a specific goal and describe the means to reach those objectives such that they are real and achievable. The Environmental Management System provides further detail on the environmental program. The EMS establishes procedures, work instructions and controls to ensure that implementation of the policy and achievement of the targets can become a reality. Communication is a vital factor, enabling people in the organisation to be aware of their responsibilities, aware of the objectives of the scheme, and able to contribute to its success.
As with ISO9000 the Environmental Management System requires a planned comprehensive periodic audit of the Environmental Management System to ensure that it is effective in operation, is meeting specified goals, and the system continues to perform in accordance with relevant regulations and standards. The audits are designed to provide additional information in order to exercise effective management of the system, providing information on practices which differ to the current procedures or offer an opportunity for improvement.
In addition to audit, there is a requirement for Management Review of the system to ensure that it is suitable (for the organization and the objectives) and effective in operation. The management review is the ideal forum to make decisions on howe to improve for the future.
The newly revised ISO 14001:2004 specifies the requirements for an environmental management system (EMS), which provides a framework for an organization to control the environmental impacts of its activities, products and services, and to continually improve its environmental performance. It applies to those environmental aspects which the organization can control and over which it can be expected to have an influence. It does not itself state specific environmental performance criteria. ISO 14001:2004 is applicable to any organization that wishes to:
· implement, maintain and improve an environmental management system
· assure itself of its conformance with its stated environmental policy
· demonstrate such conformance to others
· seek certification/registration of its environmental management system by an external organization
· make a self-determination and self-declaration of conformance with this international standard.
All the requirements in this standard can be incorporated into any environmental management system. Having been revised, the improved ISO 14001 is now expected to bring the benefits of implementing an EMS to more businesses than ever. The standard is now easier to understand and use and has more detailed checklists for inputs and outputs from the management review and has increased compatibility to ISO 9001. Organizations who are currently registered to ISO 14001:1996 will have an 18-month transition period to register to ISO 14001:2004.
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