Friday, October 2, 2009


ISO 14001 Environmental Aspects And Impacts
The fundamental purpose of the EMS is to control and reduce the environmental impacts of your facility’s processes and products. For this reason, a critical element of the EMS involves identifying and prioritizing the environmental aspects and impacts associated with your facility. An environmental aspect is an element of an organizations activities, products, or services that can interact with the environment. For example, chrome plating is a metal finishing activity and an associated aspect is chrome air emissions.This aspect may have an impact on the environment in several ways, for example, ambient air quality degradation.The environmental aspects and impacts of your metal finishing operations can be identified, prioritized, and documented in several ways. This Template includes two approaches, either of which can be used during EMS implementation. Use the approach that works best for your circumstances. This process is important because high-priority environmental aspects and impacts will be considered when environmental objectives and targets are established.
Aspects and Impacts Form A — The first approach uses the experience and judgment ofemployees familiar with facility processes to identify the top five environmental issuescurrently facing the facility. These issues and their specific aspects and impacts shouldbe summarized using Aspects and Impacts Form A.
Aspects and Impacts Form B — The second approach uses detailed, structured matricesto list and prioritize environmental aspects and impacts according to the followingcategories:• Environmental Aspects and Impacts: Wastewater• Environmental Aspects and Impacts: Air Emissions• Environmental Aspects and Impacts: Hazardous and Solid Waste• Environmental Aspects and Impacts: Raw Materials• Environmental Aspects and Impacts: Water and Energy
The matrices that comprise Form B will help facility staff identify and document environmental aspects and impacts. The matrices also provide criteria for prioritizing environmental aspects and impacts; this process is important because high-priority environmental aspects and impacts will be considered when environmental objectives and targets are established. One possible way to prioritize environmental aspects and impacts using Form B is described as follows:Step 1:For each aspect and impact, score each prioritization criterion on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 indicates the criterion is very important or relevant to that aspect (for example, the aspect is strictly regulated, is the subject of compliance violations, or is a waste generated in large uantities), and 5 indicates the criterion is relatively unimportant or irrelevant to that aspect (for example, the aspect is an unregulated waste, is generated infrequently, and is inexpensive to manage).Step 2:Add the scores of all criteria for each aspect and write the total in the right-most column of the form.This number indicates the relative priority of the aspect compared to other aspects and impacts in the same category. The lower the total score, the higher the priority.Purpose Of This procedure is used to identify, document, and update the environmental aspects and impacts of facility processes and operations.
Step 1 The environmental manager and other facility personnel selected by the environmental manager are responsible for identifying and prioritizing the environmental aspects and impacts of facility operations during EMS planning and development.Environmental aspects are characteristics of facility processes and products that interact with the environment. Only environmental aspects the company can control or influence will be considered. Environmental impacts are the effects of an organization’s activitie , products or services on the environment.
Step 2 Environmental aspects and impacts will be documented and prioritized.Environmental aspects and impacts will be associated with the following categories:• Wastewater• Air emissions• Hazardous and solid waste• Raw materials• Water and energyHigh-priority environmental aspects and impacts will be considered when environmentalobjectives and targets are set.
Step 3 The environmental manager and other facility personnel will review and updatethe environmental aspects and impacts documentation annually.
Step 4 Environmental aspects and impacts documentation will be retained at the facilityfor at least 2 years.
Responsible Person: _____________________________________
Signature and Date: ______________________________________

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