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Sunday, August 30, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Commitment and Environmental Policy
An environmental policy is a statement of the organization’s overall aims and principles ofaction with respect to the environment, including compliance with all relevant stakeholders. As such, it should be written clearly and concisely to enable a
regulatory requirements. It is a key tool in communicating the environmental priorities of your organization to employees at all levels, as well as to external layperson to understand it, and should be made publicly available. It is up to the organization to decide on environmental priorities based on an initial environmental review, but these choices should be justified in the policy. To be truly effective the policy should regularly be reviewed and revised and incorporated into the organization’s overall corporate policy. The policy statement should set in writing a few achievable quantifiable priorities related to the environmental management system and the significant environmental effects found at the work-site. Furthermore, EMAS requires that the most signifcant environmental effects be mitigated within three years. Some form of improvement must also be accomplished from year-to-year by the organization and must be shown in the annual reports.
Although the formulation of policies and clear priorities is the most important step of
environmental management, this step is often neglected. Many top managers feel pressure to do something for the environment and thus embark on some form of ?Environmental activism?E often containing many isolated activities but no clear direction. For an organization to be a credible and efficient environmental performer and to reap the benefits of being an environmental leader in its markets, the rationale for investing in environmental management must be very clear.
To ensure an organization’s commitment towards a formulated environmental policy, it is
essential that top management is involved in the process of formulating the policy and of setting priorities. Therefore the first step is to get the commitment from the highest level of management. Based on this commitment the organization should then conduct an initial environmental review and draft an environmental policy. This draft should be discussed and approved by the board of directors. Finally, the approved environmental policy statement must be communicated internally and made available to the public.
As the environmental policy establishes an overall sense of direction and sets the principles
of action for an organization, it requires commitment from the highest level of management. Top management should be involved in the development and adoption of an environmental policy.
Getting the commitment from the highest level should be argued on the basis of costs and the implementation of an EMS increases shareholder value it is easier for top
benefits and their impact on shareholder value. If management to commit themselves to approving an environmental policy and to implementing an environmental management system. This commitment includes three basic policy statements:
Continuous improvement in environmental performance
Compliance with environmental regulations
Maintaining public relations regarding environmental issues of the organization, its activities, products and services.
The central focus of the policy should be a commitment to continuous improvement. This
means improvement in the EMS itself and a decrease in environmental impacts caused by an organization’s activities, products and services. It is important for businesses to show improvement over time, both in environmental performance and in organizational commitment to this path.
A commitment to comply with at least local environmental regulations is a minimum
requirement for all of the environmental standards. However, multinationals operating in various environments and facing different laws in each, should think about which laws to abide by and if it is feasible to adopt the same standard worldwide. Generally, laws in newly industrializing countries are lax as compared to industrialized countries. However, given the increase in interest in environmental issues in these industrializing countries and the possible impact of the ISO 14000 series, it may be sound practice to adopt the more stringent laws in worldwide operations, where it is feasible to do so. In addition, the adoption of high standards worldwide can yield other benefits, such as an improved public image or easier technology transfer between different sites.
Companies should guard against going overboard in fulfilling environmental policies. Limits
are in fact set on how far a company has to go to reduce its environmental impacts. Reductions do not have to exceed levels which can be achieved by economically viable application of the best available technology (BAT).
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The Development of EMS Standards
Posted by everise iso 14001 Sunday 23 August 2009 1:41 am
The world’s first standard for environmental management systems (EMS) – BS 7750 – wasdeveloped and published by the British Standards Institution (BSI) in 1992. This standard was the model for the ISO 14000 Series developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). ISO 14001, which establishes the requirements for an EMS, was finalized in 1996. BS 7750 was also the basis for the European Union’s Eco-Management and Audit scheme, known as EMAS.
ISO is an international standard and therefore must incorporate the different interests ofmany countries. This standard clearly has the weakest requirements. By contrast, EMAS is the most stringent and detailed standard reflecting the high environmental standards of German interests and companies which played a key role developing it.
Because ISO 14001 and EMAS are both based on BS 7750, all three standards arequite similar in their approach. If your organization complies with BS 7750 today, little effort will be needed to fullfill the requirements of ISO 14001 or EMAS. Be aware however, that EMAS emphasizes public environmental reporting.
Today there are two major areas in the evaluation of environmental management practice.One area focuses on organizational issues, and the other on products, services and processes.
1. Organization Evaluation
a. Environmental Management Systems (ISO 14001, 14004)
b. Environmental Performance Evaluation (ISO 14014, 14015, 14031)
c. Environmental Auditing (ISO 14010, 14011, 14012, 14013, 14014)
2. Products, Services and Processes
a. Life Cycle Assessment (ISO 14040, 14041, 14042, 14043)
b. Environmental Labeling (ISO 14020, 14021, 14022, 14023, 1402X)
c. Environmental Aspects in Product Standards (ISO 14060)
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ISO 14000 – Environmental Program Management
Posted by everise iso 14001 Friday 21 August 2009 11:07 pm
The ISO 14000 series of standards has
received widespread attention, and, like ISO 9000, it is becoming a requirementfor domestic and global organizations.
This document is intended to provide a
baseline understanding of the ISO 14000 standards and to discuss the current status of this important standard.
The International Organization for Geneva, Switzerland, is composed of 92 European Union (EU) to establish universal quality standards. Over time, ISO
Standardization (IOS), headquartered in member countries. Adherance to standards developed by the IOS is voluntary. However, countries and industries may adopt the IOS standards. Until approximately 15 years ago, IOS focused on traditional standards-setting activities. In 1987, IOS published the ISO 9000 series standards that were used with the 9000 became recognized as a positive indicator of quality and a prerequisite to establishing/maintaining business relationships within and outside the European Union.
In the United States, both the American
National Standards Institute and the American Society of Quality Control are privately funded organizations that have adopted ISO 9000, Quality Management, and the ISO 14000 standards.
ISO 14000 is the generic title given to 14040, ISO 14041, and ISO14050 have
the 14000 series of standards. ISO 14001, ISO 14004, ISO 14010, ISO 14011, ISO 14012, ISO 14020, ISO been published as international standards. The ISO 14000 series of standards consists of the following 18 subjects that can be grouped under two major headings:
14001 Specification with Guidance for Use
14004 General Guidelines on Principles,
14010 General Principles of Environmental Auditing
14011 Audit Procedures
14012 Environmental Auditing ? Qualification Criteria
14015 Environmental Site Assessments
14031 Evaluation of Environmental Performance ? Guidelines
14032 Evaluation of Environmental Performance ? Case Studies
14020 Goals and Principles of All Environmental Labeling
14021 Environmental Labels and Declarations ? Terms and Definitions
14024 Environmental Labels and
14025 Type III Labeling
14040 Life Cycle Assessment ? Principles and Framework
14041 Life Cycle Assessment ? Inventory Analysis
14042 Life Cycle Assessment ? ImpactAssessment
14043 Life Cycle Assessment ? Interpretation
14048 Life Cycle Indicator Format
14050 Guide on the Principles of Terminology Work
At the current time, the ISO 14000 as International Standards are referred to
Standards that have not been published as Draft International Standards (DIS). Most DIS are in the final review period before publication. If a particular standard is of interest and is not final, a copy of the DIS may be available for review.
regulatory requirements. It is a key tool in communicating the environmental priorities of your organization to employees at all levels, as well as to external layperson to understand it, and should be made publicly available. It is up to the organization to decide on environmental priorities based on an initial environmental review, but these choices should be justified in the policy. To be truly effective the policy should regularly be reviewed and revised and incorporated into the organization’s overall corporate policy. The policy statement should set in writing a few achievable quantifiable priorities related to the environmental management system and the significant environmental effects found at the work-site. Furthermore, EMAS requires that the most signifcant environmental effects be mitigated within three years. Some form of improvement must also be accomplished from year-to-year by the organization and must be shown in the annual reports.
Although the formulation of policies and clear priorities is the most important step of
environmental management, this step is often neglected. Many top managers feel pressure to do something for the environment and thus embark on some form of ?Environmental activism?E often containing many isolated activities but no clear direction. For an organization to be a credible and efficient environmental performer and to reap the benefits of being an environmental leader in its markets, the rationale for investing in environmental management must be very clear.
To ensure an organization’s commitment towards a formulated environmental policy, it is
essential that top management is involved in the process of formulating the policy and of setting priorities. Therefore the first step is to get the commitment from the highest level of management. Based on this commitment the organization should then conduct an initial environmental review and draft an environmental policy. This draft should be discussed and approved by the board of directors. Finally, the approved environmental policy statement must be communicated internally and made available to the public.
As the environmental policy establishes an overall sense of direction and sets the principles
of action for an organization, it requires commitment from the highest level of management. Top management should be involved in the development and adoption of an environmental policy.
Getting the commitment from the highest level should be argued on the basis of costs and the implementation of an EMS increases shareholder value it is easier for top
benefits and their impact on shareholder value. If management to commit themselves to approving an environmental policy and to implementing an environmental management system. This commitment includes three basic policy statements:
Continuous improvement in environmental performance
Compliance with environmental regulations
Maintaining public relations regarding environmental issues of the organization, its activities, products and services.
The central focus of the policy should be a commitment to continuous improvement. This
means improvement in the EMS itself and a decrease in environmental impacts caused by an organization’s activities, products and services. It is important for businesses to show improvement over time, both in environmental performance and in organizational commitment to this path.
A commitment to comply with at least local environmental regulations is a minimum
requirement for all of the environmental standards. However, multinationals operating in various environments and facing different laws in each, should think about which laws to abide by and if it is feasible to adopt the same standard worldwide. Generally, laws in newly industrializing countries are lax as compared to industrialized countries. However, given the increase in interest in environmental issues in these industrializing countries and the possible impact of the ISO 14000 series, it may be sound practice to adopt the more stringent laws in worldwide operations, where it is feasible to do so. In addition, the adoption of high standards worldwide can yield other benefits, such as an improved public image or easier technology transfer between different sites.
Companies should guard against going overboard in fulfilling environmental policies. Limits
are in fact set on how far a company has to go to reduce its environmental impacts. Reductions do not have to exceed levels which can be achieved by economically viable application of the best available technology (BAT).
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The Development of EMS Standards
Posted by everise iso 14001 Sunday 23 August 2009 1:41 am
The world’s first standard for environmental management systems (EMS) – BS 7750 – wasdeveloped and published by the British Standards Institution (BSI) in 1992. This standard was the model for the ISO 14000 Series developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). ISO 14001, which establishes the requirements for an EMS, was finalized in 1996. BS 7750 was also the basis for the European Union’s Eco-Management and Audit scheme, known as EMAS.
ISO is an international standard and therefore must incorporate the different interests ofmany countries. This standard clearly has the weakest requirements. By contrast, EMAS is the most stringent and detailed standard reflecting the high environmental standards of German interests and companies which played a key role developing it.
Because ISO 14001 and EMAS are both based on BS 7750, all three standards arequite similar in their approach. If your organization complies with BS 7750 today, little effort will be needed to fullfill the requirements of ISO 14001 or EMAS. Be aware however, that EMAS emphasizes public environmental reporting.
Today there are two major areas in the evaluation of environmental management practice.One area focuses on organizational issues, and the other on products, services and processes.
1. Organization Evaluation
a. Environmental Management Systems (ISO 14001, 14004)
b. Environmental Performance Evaluation (ISO 14014, 14015, 14031)
c. Environmental Auditing (ISO 14010, 14011, 14012, 14013, 14014)
2. Products, Services and Processes
a. Life Cycle Assessment (ISO 14040, 14041, 14042, 14043)
b. Environmental Labeling (ISO 14020, 14021, 14022, 14023, 1402X)
c. Environmental Aspects in Product Standards (ISO 14060)
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ISO 14000 – Environmental Program Management
Posted by everise iso 14001 Friday 21 August 2009 11:07 pm
The ISO 14000 series of standards has
received widespread attention, and, like ISO 9000, it is becoming a requirementfor domestic and global organizations.
This document is intended to provide a
baseline understanding of the ISO 14000 standards and to discuss the current status of this important standard.
The International Organization for Geneva, Switzerland, is composed of 92 European Union (EU) to establish universal quality standards. Over time, ISO
Standardization (IOS), headquartered in member countries. Adherance to standards developed by the IOS is voluntary. However, countries and industries may adopt the IOS standards. Until approximately 15 years ago, IOS focused on traditional standards-setting activities. In 1987, IOS published the ISO 9000 series standards that were used with the 9000 became recognized as a positive indicator of quality and a prerequisite to establishing/maintaining business relationships within and outside the European Union.
In the United States, both the American
National Standards Institute and the American Society of Quality Control are privately funded organizations that have adopted ISO 9000, Quality Management, and the ISO 14000 standards.
ISO 14000 is the generic title given to 14040, ISO 14041, and ISO14050 have
the 14000 series of standards. ISO 14001, ISO 14004, ISO 14010, ISO 14011, ISO 14012, ISO 14020, ISO been published as international standards. The ISO 14000 series of standards consists of the following 18 subjects that can be grouped under two major headings:
14001 Specification with Guidance for Use
14004 General Guidelines on Principles,
14010 General Principles of Environmental Auditing
14011 Audit Procedures
14012 Environmental Auditing ? Qualification Criteria
14015 Environmental Site Assessments
14031 Evaluation of Environmental Performance ? Guidelines
14032 Evaluation of Environmental Performance ? Case Studies
14020 Goals and Principles of All Environmental Labeling
14021 Environmental Labels and Declarations ? Terms and Definitions
14024 Environmental Labels and
14025 Type III Labeling
14040 Life Cycle Assessment ? Principles and Framework
14041 Life Cycle Assessment ? Inventory Analysis
14042 Life Cycle Assessment ? ImpactAssessment
14043 Life Cycle Assessment ? Interpretation
14048 Life Cycle Indicator Format
14050 Guide on the Principles of Terminology Work
At the current time, the ISO 14000 as International Standards are referred to
Standards that have not been published as Draft International Standards (DIS). Most DIS are in the final review period before publication. If a particular standard is of interest and is not final, a copy of the DIS may be available for review.
Measurement and Evaluation In ISO 14001:2004
After implementing the environmental policy, management needs to measure environmental that the data can be verified by an internal or external auditor.
interventions and their impact on the environment. This is done by building up an environmental effects register (environmental inventory). All equipment used for monitoring and measuring must be accurate and calibrated on a regular basis. To check the compliance status of an organization, additional information about regulations and other requirements is needed. A so called environmental regulations register?Eis often installed and maintained for this purpose. To obtain a better picture about the financial consequences of environmental protection, the accounting system should reflect environmental costs. Therefore, information about environmentally-induced costs and earnings needs to be collected. All this information should be recorded in such a
Environmental Performance Evaluation Accesses Environment Performance against environmental targets and objectives and against applicable environmental regulations. Responsibilities and authority need to be defined to deal with non-compliance within the EMS. This includes specifying the actions to be taken to correct an undesirable ituation and to prevent future non-compliance.
The analysis of environmental and economic performance leads to eco efficiency, the key component in sustainable business management.
The analysis of environmental and economic performance leads to eco
efficiency, the key component in sustainable business management. The recording of physical environmental data, environmental regulations and environmentally-induced financial information is necessary as a basis for effective decision making. Therefore, financial, legal and ecological data systems must be built up from scratch or adapted to the requirements of the EMS standard.
interventions and their impact on the environment. This is done by building up an environmental effects register (environmental inventory). All equipment used for monitoring and measuring must be accurate and calibrated on a regular basis. To check the compliance status of an organization, additional information about regulations and other requirements is needed. A so called environmental regulations register?Eis often installed and maintained for this purpose. To obtain a better picture about the financial consequences of environmental protection, the accounting system should reflect environmental costs. Therefore, information about environmentally-induced costs and earnings needs to be collected. All this information should be recorded in such a
Environmental Performance Evaluation Accesses Environment Performance against environmental targets and objectives and against applicable environmental regulations. Responsibilities and authority need to be defined to deal with non-compliance within the EMS. This includes specifying the actions to be taken to correct an undesirable ituation and to prevent future non-compliance.
The analysis of environmental and economic performance leads to eco efficiency, the key component in sustainable business management.
The analysis of environmental and economic performance leads to eco
efficiency, the key component in sustainable business management. The recording of physical environmental data, environmental regulations and environmentally-induced financial information is necessary as a basis for effective decision making. Therefore, financial, legal and ecological data systems must be built up from scratch or adapted to the requirements of the EMS standard.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Key Elements of ISO 14001
Key Elements Of ISO 14001
The Resources, Roles, Responsibility, and Authority; Legal and Other Requirements; Evaluation of Compliance; and Nonconformity, Corrective Action and Preventive Action elements of ISO 14001 are all essential to the ongoing effectiveness of the EMS. This section describes how they function within the overall scheme.
1. Resources, Roles, Responsibility, and Authority (ISO 14001:2004, ?4.4.1)
?4.4.1 of ISO 14001 establishes three important requirements:
1. That management ensure the availability of resources to establish, implement, maintain, and improve the EMS;
2. That roles, responsibilities, and authorities be defined, documented, and communicated in order to facilitate effective environmental management; and
3. That top management appoint a management representative(s) who, irrespective of other responsibilities, will have responsibility and authority for implementing and maintaining the EMS and for reporting to top management on the performance of the EMS.
Ensuring Availability of Resources – Provision of resources for the EMS is almost always an issue within organizations. Although top management usually understands and accepts, at least in principle, the requirement to provide resources, the level of management that makes decisions on capital deployment and operating budgets often does not subscribe to the same requirement. Making the case for resources typically requires the implementation team or management representative to quantify intangibles such as the avoided cost of regulatory fines or the value to the environment of reducing environmental impacts.
When considering the requirement to provide resources, especially financial resources, it may be important to recognize that ISO 14001 requires the provision of resources for the establishment, implementation, maintenance, and improvement of the EMS, not necessarily resources to correct or prevent environmental impacts or to register to ISO 14001. When contemplating the cost of implementing ISO 14001, organizations, again, should think in terms of three separate cost categories:
1) Internal labor and external consultant costs to establish, implement, maintain, and improve the policy and procedural elements of ISO 14001;
2) Capital costs for correction or prevention of environmental impacts; and
3) Costs of registration to ISO 14001, if the organization elects to register.
Roles, Responsibilities, and Authorities – In the past, some organizations have employed a practice of not delegating responsibility and authority for environmental affairs to specific management representatives, reasoning that if the responsibility was diffused throughout the organization, no one person could become personally accountable for non-compliance with regulations or for environmental liabilities. §4.4.1 of ISO 14001 limits such ‘willful ignorance’ by requiring top management of the organization to appoint “specific management representative(s)” to ensure that the EMS is implemented and that top management be apprised of EMS performance. It also requires that the delegation of responsibility and authority be documented and communicated, thus eliminating circumstances where responsibility and authority for the EMS are diffuse or uncertain.
When §4.4.1 is read together with the requirement of the Environmental Policy for a commitment to comply with applicable legal requirements, §4.3.2, Legal and Other
Requirements, requiring a procedure for identifying legal requirements (following), and §4.5.2, Evaluation of Compliance, requiring a procedure for evaluating regulatory compliance, it is evident that the management representative is also responsible for ensuring that the organization is in compliance with applicable regulations. While this responsibility and authority can be delegated, the chain of delegation begins with top management and is passed to the management representative, effectively eliminating any uncertainty as to who is responsible and authorized to ensure regulatory compliance.
EMS Organizational Structure – There is an almost universal norm for the management structure of the EMS organization under ISO 14001. It begins with the top management position, proceeds to the top manager’s leadership team, and then to an EMS implementation team that is generally chaired by the management representative. The departments making up the relevant functions and levels of the organization and environmental, safety, and health professionals comprise the typical implementation team.
Defining Roles, Responsibilities, and Authorities for the EMS – In defining, documenting, and communicating EMS roles, responsibilities, and authorities, it makes sense to begin with top management and proceed through all of the positions having EMS responsibilities. Following is a generic example of how roles, responsibilities, and authorities might be documented and communicated in an EMS Procedures Manual:
Plant Manager
Authority: The Plant Manager has the authority, responsibility, and accountability for managing all aspects of ABC Company’s activities, products, and services at the Anytown facility.Source: Senior Vice President, Manufacturing, ABC Company, Inc.
EMS Responsibilities: Under the requirements of ISO 14001, the Plant Manager shall be specifically responsible for:
1) Defining the Environmental Policy;
2) Delegating authority and responsibility for the establishment, implementation, maintenance, and improvement of the EMS;
3) Providing human, technological, infrastructure, and financial resources and specialized skills; and
4) Periodically reviewing the EMS for suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness and directing changes as necessary to achieve the goals for an EMS and the commitment to continual improvement.
Leadership Team
EMS Responsibilities: The Leadership Team shall advise the Plant Manager on the exercise by
the Plant Manager of his/her responsibilities for the EMS.
Management Representative, Implementation and Maintenance Responsibilities
EMS Authority: The Plant Manager delegates to the Manager, the authority
to establish, implement, maintain, and improve the Environmental Management System and to
ensure that it conforms to the requirements of ISO 14001. In the context of ISO 14001, the
Manager, shall be the Management Representative.
The Resources, Roles, Responsibility, and Authority; Legal and Other Requirements; Evaluation of Compliance; and Nonconformity, Corrective Action and Preventive Action elements of ISO 14001 are all essential to the ongoing effectiveness of the EMS. This section describes how they function within the overall scheme.
1. Resources, Roles, Responsibility, and Authority (ISO 14001:2004, ?4.4.1)
?4.4.1 of ISO 14001 establishes three important requirements:
1. That management ensure the availability of resources to establish, implement, maintain, and improve the EMS;
2. That roles, responsibilities, and authorities be defined, documented, and communicated in order to facilitate effective environmental management; and
3. That top management appoint a management representative(s) who, irrespective of other responsibilities, will have responsibility and authority for implementing and maintaining the EMS and for reporting to top management on the performance of the EMS.
Ensuring Availability of Resources – Provision of resources for the EMS is almost always an issue within organizations. Although top management usually understands and accepts, at least in principle, the requirement to provide resources, the level of management that makes decisions on capital deployment and operating budgets often does not subscribe to the same requirement. Making the case for resources typically requires the implementation team or management representative to quantify intangibles such as the avoided cost of regulatory fines or the value to the environment of reducing environmental impacts.
When considering the requirement to provide resources, especially financial resources, it may be important to recognize that ISO 14001 requires the provision of resources for the establishment, implementation, maintenance, and improvement of the EMS, not necessarily resources to correct or prevent environmental impacts or to register to ISO 14001. When contemplating the cost of implementing ISO 14001, organizations, again, should think in terms of three separate cost categories:
1) Internal labor and external consultant costs to establish, implement, maintain, and improve the policy and procedural elements of ISO 14001;
2) Capital costs for correction or prevention of environmental impacts; and
3) Costs of registration to ISO 14001, if the organization elects to register.
Roles, Responsibilities, and Authorities – In the past, some organizations have employed a practice of not delegating responsibility and authority for environmental affairs to specific management representatives, reasoning that if the responsibility was diffused throughout the organization, no one person could become personally accountable for non-compliance with regulations or for environmental liabilities. §4.4.1 of ISO 14001 limits such ‘willful ignorance’ by requiring top management of the organization to appoint “specific management representative(s)” to ensure that the EMS is implemented and that top management be apprised of EMS performance. It also requires that the delegation of responsibility and authority be documented and communicated, thus eliminating circumstances where responsibility and authority for the EMS are diffuse or uncertain.
When §4.4.1 is read together with the requirement of the Environmental Policy for a commitment to comply with applicable legal requirements, §4.3.2, Legal and Other
Requirements, requiring a procedure for identifying legal requirements (following), and §4.5.2, Evaluation of Compliance, requiring a procedure for evaluating regulatory compliance, it is evident that the management representative is also responsible for ensuring that the organization is in compliance with applicable regulations. While this responsibility and authority can be delegated, the chain of delegation begins with top management and is passed to the management representative, effectively eliminating any uncertainty as to who is responsible and authorized to ensure regulatory compliance.
EMS Organizational Structure – There is an almost universal norm for the management structure of the EMS organization under ISO 14001. It begins with the top management position, proceeds to the top manager’s leadership team, and then to an EMS implementation team that is generally chaired by the management representative. The departments making up the relevant functions and levels of the organization and environmental, safety, and health professionals comprise the typical implementation team.
Defining Roles, Responsibilities, and Authorities for the EMS – In defining, documenting, and communicating EMS roles, responsibilities, and authorities, it makes sense to begin with top management and proceed through all of the positions having EMS responsibilities. Following is a generic example of how roles, responsibilities, and authorities might be documented and communicated in an EMS Procedures Manual:
Plant Manager
Authority: The Plant Manager has the authority, responsibility, and accountability for managing all aspects of ABC Company’s activities, products, and services at the Anytown facility.Source: Senior Vice President, Manufacturing, ABC Company, Inc.
EMS Responsibilities: Under the requirements of ISO 14001, the Plant Manager shall be specifically responsible for:
1) Defining the Environmental Policy;
2) Delegating authority and responsibility for the establishment, implementation, maintenance, and improvement of the EMS;
3) Providing human, technological, infrastructure, and financial resources and specialized skills; and
4) Periodically reviewing the EMS for suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness and directing changes as necessary to achieve the goals for an EMS and the commitment to continual improvement.
Leadership Team
EMS Responsibilities: The Leadership Team shall advise the Plant Manager on the exercise by
the Plant Manager of his/her responsibilities for the EMS.
Management Representative, Implementation and Maintenance Responsibilities
EMS Authority: The Plant Manager delegates to the Manager, the authority
to establish, implement, maintain, and improve the Environmental Management System and to
ensure that it conforms to the requirements of ISO 14001. In the context of ISO 14001, the
Manager, shall be the Management Representative.
Document and Data Control in ISO 9000 & ISO 14001
The organization shall establish and maintain procedures for controlling all documents and data required by ISO 9000 & ISO 14001
a) they can be located;
b) they are periodically reviewed, revised as necessary, and approved for adequacy by authorized personnel;
c) current versions of relevant documents and data are available at all locations where operations essential to the effective functioning of the OH&S system are performed;
d) obsolete documents and data are promptly removed from all points of issue and points of use, or otherwise assured against unintended use;
e) archival documents and data retained for legal or knowledge preservation purposes, are suitably identified.
Accidents, incidents, non-conformances and corrective and preventive action
The organization shall implement and record any changes in the documented procedures resulting from corrective and preventive action.
Documents required by the ISO 9000 & ISO 14001 shall be controlled. Records are a special type of document and shall be controlled in accordance with the requirements.
The organization shall establish, implement and maintain procedure[s] to:
a) approve documents for adequacy prior to use;
b) review and update as necessary and re-approve documents;
c) ensure that changes and the current revisions status of documents are identified;
d.) ensure that relevant versions of applicable documents are available at points of use;
e.) ensure that documents remain legible and readily identifiable;
f.) ensure that documents of external origin determined by the organization to be necessary for the planning and operation of the ISO 9000 & ISO 14001 management system are identified and their distribution controlled, and
g.) prevent the unintended use of obsolete documents and apply suitable identification to them if they are retained for any purpose.
a) they can be located;
b) they are periodically reviewed, revised as necessary, and approved for adequacy by authorized personnel;
c) current versions of relevant documents and data are available at all locations where operations essential to the effective functioning of the OH&S system are performed;
d) obsolete documents and data are promptly removed from all points of issue and points of use, or otherwise assured against unintended use;
e) archival documents and data retained for legal or knowledge preservation purposes, are suitably identified.
Accidents, incidents, non-conformances and corrective and preventive action
The organization shall implement and record any changes in the documented procedures resulting from corrective and preventive action.
Documents required by the ISO 9000 & ISO 14001 shall be controlled. Records are a special type of document and shall be controlled in accordance with the requirements.
The organization shall establish, implement and maintain procedure[s] to:
a) approve documents for adequacy prior to use;
b) review and update as necessary and re-approve documents;
c) ensure that changes and the current revisions status of documents are identified;
d.) ensure that relevant versions of applicable documents are available at points of use;
e.) ensure that documents remain legible and readily identifiable;
f.) ensure that documents of external origin determined by the organization to be necessary for the planning and operation of the ISO 9000 & ISO 14001 management system are identified and their distribution controlled, and
g.) prevent the unintended use of obsolete documents and apply suitable identification to them if they are retained for any purpose.
The Future of ISO 14001
ISO 14001 has the potential to reframe the conduct of environmental management. It has proven to be an elegant document that anticipates the needs of organizations of all sizes and purposes for direction on environmental management.
As ISO 14001 gains credibility as an effective system for managing and improving environmental performance, environmental regulators will be encouraged to accept registration to ISO 14001 in satisfaction of some regulatory administrative requirements and, thus, reduce the burden of compliance for those organizations that are managing their environmental exposures.
Ultimately, the greatest strides in environmental performance improvement and sustainability will come as a consequence of millions of organizations – municipalities, colleges and universities, governmental departments, and property owners and operators as well as industrial corporations – identifying and managing the environmental impacts of their activities, services, and products.
As ISO 14001 gains credibility as an effective system for managing and improving environmental performance, environmental regulators will be encouraged to accept registration to ISO 14001 in satisfaction of some regulatory administrative requirements and, thus, reduce the burden of compliance for those organizations that are managing their environmental exposures.
Ultimately, the greatest strides in environmental performance improvement and sustainability will come as a consequence of millions of organizations – municipalities, colleges and universities, governmental departments, and property owners and operators as well as industrial corporations – identifying and managing the environmental impacts of their activities, services, and products.
Assessing the Corporate Impact of ISO 14000 Certification
The 1990s have indeed been a period of change. This has seen a change from a perspective that longer viewed as something that is primarily done for publicity sake or to avoid prosecution. Rather it is recent emergence of the ISO 14000 environmental standard.
There are several features that make this emphasized trade-offs (you can have only one of the following ? shorter lead times, lower costs or higher quality) to a paradigm that stresses simultaneity (you can simultaneously achieve lower costs and higher quality and shorter lead times). This has also become a period when more and more managers are expected to become increasingly environmentally conscious. Being environmentally responsible is no seen as a matter of good business. An indication of the increasing importance of the environment is the new standard noteworthy.
First, it builds on the success of ISO 9000, and its variants (e.g., QS 9000).
Second, ISO 14000 is an international standard. It is hoped that it will replace the numerous and often conflicting standards found in various countries.
Third, ISO 14000 shifts attention from the outcome (reduced pollution) to processes.
However, being a new standard, the introduction of ISO 14000 has raised a number of questions.
There are several features that make this emphasized trade-offs (you can have only one of the following ? shorter lead times, lower costs or higher quality) to a paradigm that stresses simultaneity (you can simultaneously achieve lower costs and higher quality and shorter lead times). This has also become a period when more and more managers are expected to become increasingly environmentally conscious. Being environmentally responsible is no seen as a matter of good business. An indication of the increasing importance of the environment is the new standard noteworthy.
First, it builds on the success of ISO 9000, and its variants (e.g., QS 9000).
Second, ISO 14000 is an international standard. It is hoped that it will replace the numerous and often conflicting standards found in various countries.
Third, ISO 14000 shifts attention from the outcome (reduced pollution) to processes.
However, being a new standard, the introduction of ISO 14000 has raised a number of questions.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Environmental Aspects (ISO 14001:2004, 4.3.1)
The requirement of ?4.3.1 of ISO 14001 is to establish and maintain procedures 1) for identifying the environmental aspects of the organization’s activities, products, and services that it can control and those that it can influence and 2) for determining which of those aspects have or can have a significant impact on the environment. Understanding the requirement of this element of ISO 14001 is central to understanding the concept of an environmental management system.
1 .A single manufacturing facility has potentially hundreds of environmental aspects. How far must it go in identifying its environmental aspects to satisfy the terms of the requirement? ISO 14001 specifies that the organization is to identify those aspects that it can control and those that it can influence and that it must also take into account planned or new developments and new or modified activities, products, and services. These stipulations in the requirements, without actually drawing boundaries on how far the organization must go in identifying environmental aspects, at least establish some categories of aspect that must be considered. Beyond this principle, each organization must identify its aspects comprehensively enough so as to not fail to identify a significant aspect or a legal requirement. An objection to comprehensive identification of aspects is that the organization may become so immersed in aspects identification that it loses sight of the end objective of the procedure, which is to determine significance.
2. Significant impact is not a stand-alone term in ?4.3.1.
It is accompanied by the phrase impact on the environment_ and environment_ is a defined term (see definition of environment, ?3.5). Significant aspects, then, are those environmental aspects that have or can have significant impacts on air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, and humans. The organization determines, using its own criteria, what magnitude of impact on these seven environmental receptors constitutes a significant impact. Whether an aspect is regulated is not intended to be a factor in determining significance.
3. Proper execution of the environmental aspects procedure is important, in part, because it lifts environmental management out of the regulatory compliance mode and into the mode of systematically identifying environmental aspects and impacts and considering their consequences for the environment, irrespective of regulation. The organization that rigorously applies the environmental aspects procedure discovers many opportunities to improve environmental performance that regulation does not address, including:
• Use of energy
• Consumption of materials
• Environmental impacts of employee activities
•Environmental impacts of products and by-products post-manufacture, including distribution, use, reuse, and disposal
• Environmental impacts of services
• Unregulated waste streams such as carbon dioxide
Aspects vs. Impacts – Environmental aspects and environmental impacts differ by definition from one another in that an aspect is an element of an organization’s activities, products or services that can interact (emphasis added) with the environment_ while an impact is any change (emphasis added) to the environment_ resulting from an organization’s environmental aspects._ An aspect, then, is a precursor to an impact and an impact occurs when the aspect interacts with and changes the environment.
When identifying its aspects and impacts, the organization may find that there are more than one potential impacts associated with any given aspect. For example, an environmental aspect of a coal-fired power generation facility is stack emissions containing sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, mercury, and carbon. These emissions change the environment and become impacts by contaminating plants, soil, and surface waters; contributing to the formation of ground-level ozone; causing or exacerbating heart and lung disease in humans; entering the aquatic food chain and impairing reproductive, immune, and endocrine systems; and contributing to the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide leading to global warming. One aspect, stack emissions, then can generate at least five impacts.
Other organizations, applying benefit/cost analyses to their corrective actions, may discover that creation of a beneficial impact provides a greater environmental benefit than elimination of an adverse impact.
The introduction of the beneficial environmental impact concept into the ISO 14001 Terms and Definitions suggests that it was considered by some of the ISO 14001:1996 drafters as a placeholder for the future possibility of offsetting adverse impacts with beneficial and, on balance, achieving an environmentally neutral organization.
Control and Influence – The environmental aspects procedure requires the organization to identify those environmental aspects that it can control and those that it can influence._ Circumstances where control and influence are considered separately can occur where the environmental aspects of products or services are concerned. Some examples illustrate the case:
1. No control, no influence – When an organization manufactures a product, such as lumber, and sells it to a customer that can use the product in any way that it wishes, the organization has no control over the environmental aspects of the product’s use. The customer could use the product benignly as in the manufacture of a table or to damage the environment by burning the lumber and releasing its carbon into the atmosphere. In this case, the organization would not be expected to have either control or influence over the environmental aspects of the product.
2. Control, no influence – When an organization’s environmental aspect is the use of electric power generated from coal, it may be able to control its use of electric power by using less, by buying from a different, less environmentally damaging source, or by generating its own power. Rarely, however, does the organization have influence over the power generator to an extent that it could influence it to reduce the environmental impacts of power production.
3. Influence, no control – When an organization manufactures a product, such as an automobile, which is sold to the customer without restrictions on its use, the organization may be said to have no control over the environmental aspects of the product’s use. The organization may, however, be able to assert influence with the inclusion of owner’s manuals containing instructions for low impact use of the product.
4. Control and influence – When an organization buys a product built to its specifications, it has control over the products’ environmental aspects in the sense that it can determine the environmental aspects of the product. In this case, control also includes influence.
Significant Impacts – ISO 14001 does not provide guidance as to what constitutes a significant impact on the environment_, leaving that determination to the organization.
Many organizations ignore the qualifying phrase, impact on the environment_, and add additional criteria to what they determine to be significant impacts. For example, many organizations decide that aspects that are the subject of regulation, irrespective of impact to the environment, or that can cause damage to business reputation, are significant. Legal requirements, however, are identified in ?4.3.2 and legal requirements and business requirements are specifically considered when the organization establishes its objectives and targets (?4.3.3). Adding criteria that are not relevant to impact on the environment in the determination of significance distorts the outcome of procedures for environmental aspects and objectives and targets by giving these criteria undue weight in the determination of significance. For example, an environmental aspect that is significant only because its disclosure might affect the organization’s reputation is best dealt with in the Public Relations Department rather than as an environmental aspect.
Determination of significance is a yes or no question, not a determination of relative value. It is possible, therefore, that the execution of the environmental aspects procedure will result in the determination that the organization has no significant aspects. While the organization may elect to rank its aspects from most significant to least significant, that does not necessarily mean that any rise to the level of significant impact on the environment.
Where the impact occurs can be material to determination of significance. For example, a coal-fired power plant’s air emissions can interact with the environment; these emissions are clearly environmental aspects. Whether they significantly impact the environment may depend upon where the interaction with the environment occurs.
Part of the importance of establishing significance lies in the fact that the potentially significant environmental impacts become a focus of Objectives and Targets (?4.3.3), Competence (?4.4.2), Operational Controls (?4.4.6), and Monitoring and Measurement (?4.5.1) requirements.
An organization that determines that aspects are significant because of regulation or business reputation increases the amount of work it must do in these areas.
ISO 14001 does not require the organization to establish objectives and targets for each significant environmental aspect. On the one hand, the absence of a requirement to set objectives and targets for all significant aspects gives organizations latitude to conform to the requirements of ISO 14001 while not presently dealing, for example, with the significant environmental aspects of products. On the other, a requirement to establish objectives and targets for all identified significant aspects could easily overwhelm an organization having many significant aspects. Without this latitude, organizations might choose to ignore the existence of significant aspects that they believe are insurmountable or even decide not to implement ISO 14001. As it is, many organizations choose to deny the existence of significant aspects about which they feel they can do nothing.
1 .A single manufacturing facility has potentially hundreds of environmental aspects. How far must it go in identifying its environmental aspects to satisfy the terms of the requirement? ISO 14001 specifies that the organization is to identify those aspects that it can control and those that it can influence and that it must also take into account planned or new developments and new or modified activities, products, and services. These stipulations in the requirements, without actually drawing boundaries on how far the organization must go in identifying environmental aspects, at least establish some categories of aspect that must be considered. Beyond this principle, each organization must identify its aspects comprehensively enough so as to not fail to identify a significant aspect or a legal requirement. An objection to comprehensive identification of aspects is that the organization may become so immersed in aspects identification that it loses sight of the end objective of the procedure, which is to determine significance.
2. Significant impact is not a stand-alone term in ?4.3.1.
It is accompanied by the phrase impact on the environment_ and environment_ is a defined term (see definition of environment, ?3.5). Significant aspects, then, are those environmental aspects that have or can have significant impacts on air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, and humans. The organization determines, using its own criteria, what magnitude of impact on these seven environmental receptors constitutes a significant impact. Whether an aspect is regulated is not intended to be a factor in determining significance.
3. Proper execution of the environmental aspects procedure is important, in part, because it lifts environmental management out of the regulatory compliance mode and into the mode of systematically identifying environmental aspects and impacts and considering their consequences for the environment, irrespective of regulation. The organization that rigorously applies the environmental aspects procedure discovers many opportunities to improve environmental performance that regulation does not address, including:
• Use of energy
• Consumption of materials
• Environmental impacts of employee activities
•Environmental impacts of products and by-products post-manufacture, including distribution, use, reuse, and disposal
• Environmental impacts of services
• Unregulated waste streams such as carbon dioxide
Aspects vs. Impacts – Environmental aspects and environmental impacts differ by definition from one another in that an aspect is an element of an organization’s activities, products or services that can interact (emphasis added) with the environment_ while an impact is any change (emphasis added) to the environment_ resulting from an organization’s environmental aspects._ An aspect, then, is a precursor to an impact and an impact occurs when the aspect interacts with and changes the environment.
When identifying its aspects and impacts, the organization may find that there are more than one potential impacts associated with any given aspect. For example, an environmental aspect of a coal-fired power generation facility is stack emissions containing sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, mercury, and carbon. These emissions change the environment and become impacts by contaminating plants, soil, and surface waters; contributing to the formation of ground-level ozone; causing or exacerbating heart and lung disease in humans; entering the aquatic food chain and impairing reproductive, immune, and endocrine systems; and contributing to the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide leading to global warming. One aspect, stack emissions, then can generate at least five impacts.
Other organizations, applying benefit/cost analyses to their corrective actions, may discover that creation of a beneficial impact provides a greater environmental benefit than elimination of an adverse impact.
The introduction of the beneficial environmental impact concept into the ISO 14001 Terms and Definitions suggests that it was considered by some of the ISO 14001:1996 drafters as a placeholder for the future possibility of offsetting adverse impacts with beneficial and, on balance, achieving an environmentally neutral organization.
Control and Influence – The environmental aspects procedure requires the organization to identify those environmental aspects that it can control and those that it can influence._ Circumstances where control and influence are considered separately can occur where the environmental aspects of products or services are concerned. Some examples illustrate the case:
1. No control, no influence – When an organization manufactures a product, such as lumber, and sells it to a customer that can use the product in any way that it wishes, the organization has no control over the environmental aspects of the product’s use. The customer could use the product benignly as in the manufacture of a table or to damage the environment by burning the lumber and releasing its carbon into the atmosphere. In this case, the organization would not be expected to have either control or influence over the environmental aspects of the product.
2. Control, no influence – When an organization’s environmental aspect is the use of electric power generated from coal, it may be able to control its use of electric power by using less, by buying from a different, less environmentally damaging source, or by generating its own power. Rarely, however, does the organization have influence over the power generator to an extent that it could influence it to reduce the environmental impacts of power production.
3. Influence, no control – When an organization manufactures a product, such as an automobile, which is sold to the customer without restrictions on its use, the organization may be said to have no control over the environmental aspects of the product’s use. The organization may, however, be able to assert influence with the inclusion of owner’s manuals containing instructions for low impact use of the product.
4. Control and influence – When an organization buys a product built to its specifications, it has control over the products’ environmental aspects in the sense that it can determine the environmental aspects of the product. In this case, control also includes influence.
Significant Impacts – ISO 14001 does not provide guidance as to what constitutes a significant impact on the environment_, leaving that determination to the organization.
Many organizations ignore the qualifying phrase, impact on the environment_, and add additional criteria to what they determine to be significant impacts. For example, many organizations decide that aspects that are the subject of regulation, irrespective of impact to the environment, or that can cause damage to business reputation, are significant. Legal requirements, however, are identified in ?4.3.2 and legal requirements and business requirements are specifically considered when the organization establishes its objectives and targets (?4.3.3). Adding criteria that are not relevant to impact on the environment in the determination of significance distorts the outcome of procedures for environmental aspects and objectives and targets by giving these criteria undue weight in the determination of significance. For example, an environmental aspect that is significant only because its disclosure might affect the organization’s reputation is best dealt with in the Public Relations Department rather than as an environmental aspect.
Determination of significance is a yes or no question, not a determination of relative value. It is possible, therefore, that the execution of the environmental aspects procedure will result in the determination that the organization has no significant aspects. While the organization may elect to rank its aspects from most significant to least significant, that does not necessarily mean that any rise to the level of significant impact on the environment.
Where the impact occurs can be material to determination of significance. For example, a coal-fired power plant’s air emissions can interact with the environment; these emissions are clearly environmental aspects. Whether they significantly impact the environment may depend upon where the interaction with the environment occurs.
Part of the importance of establishing significance lies in the fact that the potentially significant environmental impacts become a focus of Objectives and Targets (?4.3.3), Competence (?4.4.2), Operational Controls (?4.4.6), and Monitoring and Measurement (?4.5.1) requirements.
An organization that determines that aspects are significant because of regulation or business reputation increases the amount of work it must do in these areas.
ISO 14001 does not require the organization to establish objectives and targets for each significant environmental aspect. On the one hand, the absence of a requirement to set objectives and targets for all significant aspects gives organizations latitude to conform to the requirements of ISO 14001 while not presently dealing, for example, with the significant environmental aspects of products. On the other, a requirement to establish objectives and targets for all identified significant aspects could easily overwhelm an organization having many significant aspects. Without this latitude, organizations might choose to ignore the existence of significant aspects that they believe are insurmountable or even decide not to implement ISO 14001. As it is, many organizations choose to deny the existence of significant aspects about which they feel they can do nothing.
Key Elements of ISO 14001
The Resources, Roles, Responsibility, and Authority; Legal and Other Requirements; Evaluation of Compliance; and Nonconformity, Corrective Action and Preventive Action elements of ISO 14001 are all essential to the ongoing effectiveness of the EMS. This section describes how they function within the overall scheme.
1. Resources, Roles, Responsibility, and Authority (ISO 14001:2004, ?4.4.1)
?4.4.1 of ISO 14001 establishes three important requirements:
1. That management ensure the availability of resources to establish, implement, maintain, and improve the EMS;
2. That roles, responsibilities, and authorities be defined, documented, and communicated in order to facilitate effective environmental management; and
3. That top management appoint a management representative(s) who, irrespective of other responsibilities, will have responsibility and authority for implementing and maintaining the EMS and for reporting to top management on the performance of the EMS.
Ensuring Availability of Resources – Provision of resources for the EMS is almost always an issue within organizations. Although top management usually understands and accepts, at least in principle, the requirement to provide resources, the level of management that makes decisions on capital deployment and operating budgets often does not subscribe to the same requirement. Making the case for resources typically requires the implementation team or management representative to quantify intangibles such as the avoided cost of regulatory fines or the value to the environment of reducing environmental impacts.
When considering the requirement to provide resources, especially financial resources, it may be important to recognize that ISO 14001 requires the provision of resources for the establishment, implementation, maintenance, and improvement of the EMS, not necessarily resources to correct or prevent environmental impacts or to register to ISO 14001. When contemplating the cost of implementing ISO 14001, organizations, again, should think in terms of three separate cost categories:
1) Internal labor and external consultant costs to establish, implement, maintain, and improve the policy and procedural elements of ISO 14001;
2) Capital costs for correction or prevention of environmental impacts; and
3) Costs of registration to ISO 14001, if the organization elects to register.
Roles, Responsibilities, and Authorities – In the past, some organizations have employed a practice of not delegating responsibility and authority for environmental affairs to specific management representatives, reasoning that if the responsibility was diffused throughout the organization, no one person could become personally accountable for non-compliance with regulations or for environmental liabilities. §4.4.1 of ISO 14001 limits such ‘willful ignorance’ by requiring top management of the organization to appoint “specific management representative(s)” to ensure that the EMS is implemented and that top management be apprised of EMS performance. It also requires that the delegation of responsibility and authority be documented and communicated, thus eliminating circumstances where responsibility and authority for the EMS are diffuse or uncertain.
When §4.4.1 is read together with the requirement of the Environmental Policy for a commitment to comply with applicable legal requirements, §4.3.2, Legal and Other
Requirements, requiring a procedure for identifying legal requirements (following), and §4.5.2, Evaluation of Compliance, requiring a procedure for evaluating regulatory compliance, it is evident that the management representative is also responsible for ensuring that the organization is in compliance with applicable regulations. While this responsibility and authority can be delegated, the chain of delegation begins with top management and is passed to the management representative, effectively eliminating any uncertainty as to who is responsible and authorized to ensure regulatory compliance.
EMS Organizational Structure – There is an almost universal norm for the management structure of the EMS organization under ISO 14001. It begins with the top management position, proceeds to the top manager’s leadership team, and then to an EMS implementation team that is generally chaired by the management representative. The departments making up the relevant functions and levels of the organization and environmental, safety, and health professionals comprise the typical implementation team.
Defining Roles, Responsibilities, and Authorities for the EMS – In defining, documenting, and communicating EMS roles, responsibilities, and authorities, it makes sense to begin with top management and proceed through all of the positions having EMS responsibilities. Following is a generic example of how roles, responsibilities, and authorities might be documented and communicated in an EMS Procedures Manual:
Plant Manager
Authority: The Plant Manager has the authority, responsibility, and accountability for managing all aspects of ABC Company’s activities, products, and services at the Anytown facility.Source: Senior Vice President, Manufacturing, ABC Company, Inc.
EMS Responsibilities: Under the requirements of ISO 14001, the Plant Manager shall be specifically responsible for:
1) Defining the Environmental Policy;
2) Delegating authority and responsibility for the establishment, implementation, maintenance, and improvement of the EMS;
3) Providing human, technological, infrastructure, and financial resources and specialized skills; and
4) Periodically reviewing the EMS for suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness and directing changes as necessary to achieve the goals for an EMS and the commitment to continual improvement.
Leadership Team
EMS Responsibilities: The Leadership Team shall advise the Plant Manager on the exercise by
the Plant Manager of his/her responsibilities for the EMS.
Management Representative, Implementation and Maintenance Responsibilities
EMS Authority: The Plant Manager delegates to the Manager, ______ _______, the authority
to establish, implement, maintain, and improve the Environmental Management System and to
ensure that it conforms to the requirements of ISO 14001. In the context of ISO 14001, the
Manager, _____ _________, shall be the Management Representative.
1. Resources, Roles, Responsibility, and Authority (ISO 14001:2004, ?4.4.1)
?4.4.1 of ISO 14001 establishes three important requirements:
1. That management ensure the availability of resources to establish, implement, maintain, and improve the EMS;
2. That roles, responsibilities, and authorities be defined, documented, and communicated in order to facilitate effective environmental management; and
3. That top management appoint a management representative(s) who, irrespective of other responsibilities, will have responsibility and authority for implementing and maintaining the EMS and for reporting to top management on the performance of the EMS.
Ensuring Availability of Resources – Provision of resources for the EMS is almost always an issue within organizations. Although top management usually understands and accepts, at least in principle, the requirement to provide resources, the level of management that makes decisions on capital deployment and operating budgets often does not subscribe to the same requirement. Making the case for resources typically requires the implementation team or management representative to quantify intangibles such as the avoided cost of regulatory fines or the value to the environment of reducing environmental impacts.
When considering the requirement to provide resources, especially financial resources, it may be important to recognize that ISO 14001 requires the provision of resources for the establishment, implementation, maintenance, and improvement of the EMS, not necessarily resources to correct or prevent environmental impacts or to register to ISO 14001. When contemplating the cost of implementing ISO 14001, organizations, again, should think in terms of three separate cost categories:
1) Internal labor and external consultant costs to establish, implement, maintain, and improve the policy and procedural elements of ISO 14001;
2) Capital costs for correction or prevention of environmental impacts; and
3) Costs of registration to ISO 14001, if the organization elects to register.
Roles, Responsibilities, and Authorities – In the past, some organizations have employed a practice of not delegating responsibility and authority for environmental affairs to specific management representatives, reasoning that if the responsibility was diffused throughout the organization, no one person could become personally accountable for non-compliance with regulations or for environmental liabilities. §4.4.1 of ISO 14001 limits such ‘willful ignorance’ by requiring top management of the organization to appoint “specific management representative(s)” to ensure that the EMS is implemented and that top management be apprised of EMS performance. It also requires that the delegation of responsibility and authority be documented and communicated, thus eliminating circumstances where responsibility and authority for the EMS are diffuse or uncertain.
When §4.4.1 is read together with the requirement of the Environmental Policy for a commitment to comply with applicable legal requirements, §4.3.2, Legal and Other
Requirements, requiring a procedure for identifying legal requirements (following), and §4.5.2, Evaluation of Compliance, requiring a procedure for evaluating regulatory compliance, it is evident that the management representative is also responsible for ensuring that the organization is in compliance with applicable regulations. While this responsibility and authority can be delegated, the chain of delegation begins with top management and is passed to the management representative, effectively eliminating any uncertainty as to who is responsible and authorized to ensure regulatory compliance.
EMS Organizational Structure – There is an almost universal norm for the management structure of the EMS organization under ISO 14001. It begins with the top management position, proceeds to the top manager’s leadership team, and then to an EMS implementation team that is generally chaired by the management representative. The departments making up the relevant functions and levels of the organization and environmental, safety, and health professionals comprise the typical implementation team.
Defining Roles, Responsibilities, and Authorities for the EMS – In defining, documenting, and communicating EMS roles, responsibilities, and authorities, it makes sense to begin with top management and proceed through all of the positions having EMS responsibilities. Following is a generic example of how roles, responsibilities, and authorities might be documented and communicated in an EMS Procedures Manual:
Plant Manager
Authority: The Plant Manager has the authority, responsibility, and accountability for managing all aspects of ABC Company’s activities, products, and services at the Anytown facility.Source: Senior Vice President, Manufacturing, ABC Company, Inc.
EMS Responsibilities: Under the requirements of ISO 14001, the Plant Manager shall be specifically responsible for:
1) Defining the Environmental Policy;
2) Delegating authority and responsibility for the establishment, implementation, maintenance, and improvement of the EMS;
3) Providing human, technological, infrastructure, and financial resources and specialized skills; and
4) Periodically reviewing the EMS for suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness and directing changes as necessary to achieve the goals for an EMS and the commitment to continual improvement.
Leadership Team
EMS Responsibilities: The Leadership Team shall advise the Plant Manager on the exercise by
the Plant Manager of his/her responsibilities for the EMS.
Management Representative, Implementation and Maintenance Responsibilities
EMS Authority: The Plant Manager delegates to the Manager, ______ _______, the authority
to establish, implement, maintain, and improve the Environmental Management System and to
ensure that it conforms to the requirements of ISO 14001. In the context of ISO 14001, the
Manager, _____ _________, shall be the Management Representative.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Understanding the ISO 14001 Standard
ISO 14001 is an international voluntary standard that specifies the minimum elements for an environmental management system. It was published in 1996 by the International Organization for Standardization and is being taken up by organizations throughout the world at varying speeds.
The above is accepted as true by most people who are aware of the standard. Beyond these simple facts, however, there are many misconceptions about ISO 14001. For instance:
ISO 14001 will be a requirement for all companies.As with ISO 9000, conformance to ISO 14001 may become a condition of doing business in certain countries, regions or markets. This process already has begun in some industrial sectors, such as the automotive and electronics markets. However, there are still a tremendous number of companies in business today that do not conform to ISO 9000, even though that standard is now 13 years old. Thus it is too early to tell how widely ISO 14001 will be required in the future.
Implementing ISO 14001 means getting a registration.Many suppliers choose to demonstrate conformance to ISO 14001 through third-party certification. Some customers may require this. However, the standard itself considers a company’s self-declaration of conformance as an acceptable alternative. Further, some companies simply use the ISO 14001 model for internal purposes as a means to enhance their environmental performance.
ISO 14001 is just paperwork and won’t really help my company.ISO 14001 is like many things in life – you get out of it what you put into it. The way a company implements the standard determines what benefits it receives. Many companies that have implemented ISO 14001 report a variety of benefits, including improved environmental performance, greater operating efficiency, cost reduction, improved employee awareness and enhanced public image, among others.
Implementing ISO 14001 means throwing out our current environmental programs.ISO 14001 criteria specify “what to do,” not “how to do it.” Implementation approaches vary widely. There is no reason to think that your existing approach to environmental management must be put aside to satisfy ISO 14001.
The above is accepted as true by most people who are aware of the standard. Beyond these simple facts, however, there are many misconceptions about ISO 14001. For instance:
ISO 14001 will be a requirement for all companies.As with ISO 9000, conformance to ISO 14001 may become a condition of doing business in certain countries, regions or markets. This process already has begun in some industrial sectors, such as the automotive and electronics markets. However, there are still a tremendous number of companies in business today that do not conform to ISO 9000, even though that standard is now 13 years old. Thus it is too early to tell how widely ISO 14001 will be required in the future.
Implementing ISO 14001 means getting a registration.Many suppliers choose to demonstrate conformance to ISO 14001 through third-party certification. Some customers may require this. However, the standard itself considers a company’s self-declaration of conformance as an acceptable alternative. Further, some companies simply use the ISO 14001 model for internal purposes as a means to enhance their environmental performance.
ISO 14001 is just paperwork and won’t really help my company.ISO 14001 is like many things in life – you get out of it what you put into it. The way a company implements the standard determines what benefits it receives. Many companies that have implemented ISO 14001 report a variety of benefits, including improved environmental performance, greater operating efficiency, cost reduction, improved employee awareness and enhanced public image, among others.
Implementing ISO 14001 means throwing out our current environmental programs.ISO 14001 criteria specify “what to do,” not “how to do it.” Implementation approaches vary widely. There is no reason to think that your existing approach to environmental management must be put aside to satisfy ISO 14001.
Identification of environmental aspects and impacts
An organization’s policy, objectives and targets should be based on knowledge about the environmental aspectsand significant environmental impacts associated with its activities, products or services. This can ensure that thesignificant environmental impacts associated with these aspects are taken into account in setting the environmentalobjectives. The relation between environmental aspects and impacts is one of cause and effect. An environmentalaspect refers to an element of an organization’s activity, which can have a beneficial or adverse effect on theenvironment. For example, it could involve a discharge, an emission, consumption or reuse of a material, ornoise. An impact refers to the change which takes place in the environment as a result of the aspect. Examples ofimpacts might include contamination of water or depletion of a natural resource.
The identification of environmental aspects and the evaluation of environmental impacts is a process that can bedealt with in four steps:
Step 1: Select an activity or process. (The selected activity or process should be large enough for meaningfulexamination and small enough to be sufficiently understood.)
Step 2: Identify environmental aspects of the activity product or service. (Identify as many environmental aspectsas possible associated with the selected activity or process.)
Step 3: Identify environmental impacts. (Identify as many actual and potential, positive and negative,environmental impacts as possible associated with each identified aspect.)
The identification of environmental aspects and the evaluation of environmental impacts is a process that can bedealt with in four steps:
Step 1: Select an activity or process. (The selected activity or process should be large enough for meaningfulexamination and small enough to be sufficiently understood.)
Step 2: Identify environmental aspects of the activity product or service. (Identify as many environmental aspectsas possible associated with the selected activity or process.)
Step 3: Identify environmental impacts. (Identify as many actual and potential, positive and negative,environmental impacts as possible associated with each identified aspect.)
Firstly ISO 14000 environment system standards was prepared in June of 1992 year in Rio at world apex and this standard brooks decisions of this world apex and Rio contract principles. After 1 year, ISO established one technique committee which is yielded by 50 different country representatives to prepare international environment management system in 1993 year. ISO 14001 environment management system standard was issued in September of 1996 year with works of this committee. ISO 14001 standard is used as voluntary now but ISO 14001 will be burden by coercions of societies, international organizations, states in the future. Levels which environment management system passed are the following briefly:
= Europe community countries issued I action plan in 1973 year (to practice protecting preventions of environment )= BS 7750 Standard in 1992= Rio Declaration in 1992 year= ISO/TC 207. Environmental management technique committee was established in 1993 year to develop ISO 14000 family standards= TS 9719 standard (environment management system – General features) in 1994 year= ISO 14001 standard in 1996 year= ISO 14001 current version in April of 2005 Nisan 2005
The website provided the software very helpful to my company.
= Europe community countries issued I action plan in 1973 year (to practice protecting preventions of environment )= BS 7750 Standard in 1992= Rio Declaration in 1992 year= ISO/TC 207. Environmental management technique committee was established in 1993 year to develop ISO 14000 family standards= TS 9719 standard (environment management system – General features) in 1994 year= ISO 14001 standard in 1996 year= ISO 14001 current version in April of 2005 Nisan 2005
The website provided the software very helpful to my company.
What Is an Environment Management System (EMS) ?
An EMS can be described as a program of continuous environmental improvement that follows a defined sequence of steps drawn from established project management practice and routinely applied in business
management. In simple terms these steps are as follows:
• Review the environmental consequences of the operations.
• Define a set of policies and objectives for environmental performance.
• Establish an action plan to achieve the objectives.
• Monitor performance against these objectives.
• Report the results appropriately.
• Review the system and the outcomes and strive for continuous improvement.
Not every system will present these steps in exactly the same way, but the basic principles are clear and easily understandable.
The ISO 14000 series is a series of standards for different aspects of environmental management. A number of these standards relating to environmental management systems have been adopted formally by
the members of the ISO, while others are in different stages of preparation.
The standards that have been adopted are (as of early 1997):
ISO 14001-1996 Environmental management systems:
specification with guidance for use
ISO 14004-1996 Environmental management systems:
general guidelines on principles, systems, and supporting techniques
ISO 14010-1996 Guidelines for environmental auditing:
general principles of environmental auditing
ISO 14011-1996 Guidelines for environmental auditing:
audit procedures; auditing of environmental management systems.
ISO 14012-1996 Guidelines for environmental auditing:
qualification criteria for environmental auditors Standards currently available as draft international standards:
ISO 14021 Environmental labels and declarations:
self-declaration environmental claims; guidelines and definition and usage of terms.
ISO 14040 Environmental management: life cycle assessment; principles and framework
ISO 14050 Environmental management: vocabulary More than half a dozen others in this series have been drafted and are under discussion.
management. In simple terms these steps are as follows:
• Review the environmental consequences of the operations.
• Define a set of policies and objectives for environmental performance.
• Establish an action plan to achieve the objectives.
• Monitor performance against these objectives.
• Report the results appropriately.
• Review the system and the outcomes and strive for continuous improvement.
Not every system will present these steps in exactly the same way, but the basic principles are clear and easily understandable.
The ISO 14000 series is a series of standards for different aspects of environmental management. A number of these standards relating to environmental management systems have been adopted formally by
the members of the ISO, while others are in different stages of preparation.
The standards that have been adopted are (as of early 1997):
ISO 14001-1996 Environmental management systems:
specification with guidance for use
ISO 14004-1996 Environmental management systems:
general guidelines on principles, systems, and supporting techniques
ISO 14010-1996 Guidelines for environmental auditing:
general principles of environmental auditing
ISO 14011-1996 Guidelines for environmental auditing:
audit procedures; auditing of environmental management systems.
ISO 14012-1996 Guidelines for environmental auditing:
qualification criteria for environmental auditors Standards currently available as draft international standards:
ISO 14021 Environmental labels and declarations:
self-declaration environmental claims; guidelines and definition and usage of terms.
ISO 14040 Environmental management: life cycle assessment; principles and framework
ISO 14050 Environmental management: vocabulary More than half a dozen others in this series have been drafted and are under discussion.
The ISO 14000 Challenge
The building blocks of an environmental management system is an understanding of aspects and impacts.
Implementing ISO 14001 begins with identifying how an organisation’s business activities impact on the
Many organisations believe they are already aware of the significant aspects and impacts of their operations.
The process of implementing ISO 14001 may uncover significant impacts not previously identified and allows
for a consistent approach to analysis.
Generally this analysis is done department by department or centre by centre.
It is best if it is a team approach that involves the employees who do the activity. An employee’s
familiarity with a task is essential for both the identification of the environmental impacts of business
activities and the determination or implementation of control measures.
An aspect is any element of an organisation’s activities, products or services that can interact with the
An impact is the change caused to the environment.
Impacts may occur during normal and abnormal operating conditions, such as accidents and
Aspects can often be isolated by analysing the inputs and outputs of an activity.
Once the impacts have been determined they have to be evaluated.
Criteria for evaluation include environmental concerns such as the severity of the impact, and business
concerns such as potential regulatory and legal exposure, the probability of the impact occurring, the
cost of changing the impact and effect on public image.
This type of evaluation highlights the significant impacts. These, in turn, determine the significant
aspects. Once the significant aspects have been determined, targets and objectives can be set.
Implementing ISO 14001 begins with identifying how an organisation’s business activities impact on the
Many organisations believe they are already aware of the significant aspects and impacts of their operations.
The process of implementing ISO 14001 may uncover significant impacts not previously identified and allows
for a consistent approach to analysis.
Generally this analysis is done department by department or centre by centre.
It is best if it is a team approach that involves the employees who do the activity. An employee’s
familiarity with a task is essential for both the identification of the environmental impacts of business
activities and the determination or implementation of control measures.
An aspect is any element of an organisation’s activities, products or services that can interact with the
An impact is the change caused to the environment.
Impacts may occur during normal and abnormal operating conditions, such as accidents and
Aspects can often be isolated by analysing the inputs and outputs of an activity.
Once the impacts have been determined they have to be evaluated.
Criteria for evaluation include environmental concerns such as the severity of the impact, and business
concerns such as potential regulatory and legal exposure, the probability of the impact occurring, the
cost of changing the impact and effect on public image.
This type of evaluation highlights the significant impacts. These, in turn, determine the significant
aspects. Once the significant aspects have been determined, targets and objectives can be set.
Implementing ISO 14001
ISO 14001 is an internationally recognised standard that provides a framework for a strategic approach to corporate environmental management. This standard gives organisations the means to identify and control their environmental impacts, improve performance and achieve their objectives and targets. The standard is independently audited, giving it great strength and integrity.
Due to its widespread adoption (e.g. Barclays, Credit Suisse and UBS in the financial sector), it now acts as a common reference for communication about environmental issues. ISO 14001 provides assurance to stakeholders on environmental claims and helps organisations meet requirements laid down by clients and investors.
Adoption of ISO 14001 is being driven by stakeholder concerns as well as the significant benefits on offer to adopters. Few companies are now exempt from government, client and investor demands for accountability and improved environmental performance. With brand and reputation on the line, it is a risky strategy to ignore these concerns.
However, choosing how to act is not a straightforward decision. Companies that rushed to announce their green credentials without independent verification and transparency fell foul of greenwash accusations and suffered perhaps more damage to their reputation than had they not acted in the first place. In response to this, many companies are now choosing to implement internationally recognised and independently audited environmental management systems such as ISO 14001.
The benefits of implementing ISO 14001 are extensive:
It immediately enhances corporate reputation and sends a clear signal of commitment to corporate responsibility. Accusations of greenwash are prevented by the transparent and robust approach of the standard.
Proactive environmental management increases attractiveness to investors, especially for Socially Responsible Investment (SRI), an area already accounting for £9 billion investment per year in the UK alone.
ISO 14001 accreditation may also bring financial benefits through increased market share. Firms can differentiate themselves from competitors as responsible companies as well as securing the rewards of first mover advantage in new markets. In addition, many buyers are now implementing sustainable procurement codes and stipulating conditions in Requests for Information (RFIs) where suppliers are required to have environmental credentials. Gaining ISO 14001 accreditation ensures access to environmentally demanding but high reward markets.
Financial benefits are not limited to increased investment and sales. Implementation of an EMS may produce significant cost savings that actually negate the initial outlay. With energy and waste prices rising sharply, environmental responsibility can produce a win:win opportunity.
Perhaps the most significant benefit for many will be the positive effect on attracting and retaining staff. With intense competition for the best staff, corporate responsibility is becoming a key criterion against which employers are judged.
Finally, responsible environmental management is quickly becoming a necessary condition for business, a socially accepted norm of behaviour. Those who fail to follow these norms risk damage to their reputation and the possibility of their social licence to operate being revoked.
A standard as thorough and robust as ISO 14001 has an equally thorough implementation process with extensive requirements for procedures and auditable document trails. Implementation follows the Plan-Do-Check-Review cycle and key required procedures are detailed in the diagram below. Implementation will entail the creation of at least 20 procedures and supporting documents. The procedures are all company-specific and must be tailored to suit individual operations. It is this level of detail that gives the standard such strength and integrity.
Due to its widespread adoption (e.g. Barclays, Credit Suisse and UBS in the financial sector), it now acts as a common reference for communication about environmental issues. ISO 14001 provides assurance to stakeholders on environmental claims and helps organisations meet requirements laid down by clients and investors.
Adoption of ISO 14001 is being driven by stakeholder concerns as well as the significant benefits on offer to adopters. Few companies are now exempt from government, client and investor demands for accountability and improved environmental performance. With brand and reputation on the line, it is a risky strategy to ignore these concerns.
However, choosing how to act is not a straightforward decision. Companies that rushed to announce their green credentials without independent verification and transparency fell foul of greenwash accusations and suffered perhaps more damage to their reputation than had they not acted in the first place. In response to this, many companies are now choosing to implement internationally recognised and independently audited environmental management systems such as ISO 14001.
The benefits of implementing ISO 14001 are extensive:
It immediately enhances corporate reputation and sends a clear signal of commitment to corporate responsibility. Accusations of greenwash are prevented by the transparent and robust approach of the standard.
Proactive environmental management increases attractiveness to investors, especially for Socially Responsible Investment (SRI), an area already accounting for £9 billion investment per year in the UK alone.
ISO 14001 accreditation may also bring financial benefits through increased market share. Firms can differentiate themselves from competitors as responsible companies as well as securing the rewards of first mover advantage in new markets. In addition, many buyers are now implementing sustainable procurement codes and stipulating conditions in Requests for Information (RFIs) where suppliers are required to have environmental credentials. Gaining ISO 14001 accreditation ensures access to environmentally demanding but high reward markets.
Financial benefits are not limited to increased investment and sales. Implementation of an EMS may produce significant cost savings that actually negate the initial outlay. With energy and waste prices rising sharply, environmental responsibility can produce a win:win opportunity.
Perhaps the most significant benefit for many will be the positive effect on attracting and retaining staff. With intense competition for the best staff, corporate responsibility is becoming a key criterion against which employers are judged.
Finally, responsible environmental management is quickly becoming a necessary condition for business, a socially accepted norm of behaviour. Those who fail to follow these norms risk damage to their reputation and the possibility of their social licence to operate being revoked.
A standard as thorough and robust as ISO 14001 has an equally thorough implementation process with extensive requirements for procedures and auditable document trails. Implementation follows the Plan-Do-Check-Review cycle and key required procedures are detailed in the diagram below. Implementation will entail the creation of at least 20 procedures and supporting documents. The procedures are all company-specific and must be tailored to suit individual operations. It is this level of detail that gives the standard such strength and integrity.
ISO 14001:2004 requires an organization to make a “commitment” in its environmental policy to comply with applicable legal requirements that relate to its environmental aspects. The organization shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure(s) for periodically evaluating compliance with applicable legal requirements that is consistent with realising this commitment.
The specific clauses of ISO 14001:2004, which are most important with respect to legal compliance are the following EMS elements:
1) public environmental policy commitment to legal compliance (sub-clause 4.2);
2) identification and having access to applicable legal requirements and other requirements related to its environmental aspects (sub-clause 4.3.2 a));
3) how those legal requirements apply to the organisation’s environmental aspects (sub-clause 4.3.2 b));
4) objectives/targets/programs (sub-clause 4.3.3)
5) how legal obligations are routinely managed and monitored (sub-clauses 4.4.6 and 4.5.1);
6) evaluation of legal compliance (sub-clause 4.5.2);
7) corrective and preventive actions where necessary (sub-clause 4.5.3);
8) internal audit (sub-clause 4.5.5); and
9) management review (sub-clause 4.6).
The specific clauses of ISO 14001:2004, which are most important with respect to legal compliance are the following EMS elements:
1) public environmental policy commitment to legal compliance (sub-clause 4.2);
2) identification and having access to applicable legal requirements and other requirements related to its environmental aspects (sub-clause 4.3.2 a));
3) how those legal requirements apply to the organisation’s environmental aspects (sub-clause 4.3.2 b));
4) objectives/targets/programs (sub-clause 4.3.3)
5) how legal obligations are routinely managed and monitored (sub-clauses 4.4.6 and 4.5.1);
6) evaluation of legal compliance (sub-clause 4.5.2);
7) corrective and preventive actions where necessary (sub-clause 4.5.3);
8) internal audit (sub-clause 4.5.5); and
9) management review (sub-clause 4.6).
Document and Data Control in ISO 9000 & ISO 14001
The organization shall establish and maintain procedures for controlling all documents and data required by ISO 9000 & ISO 14001
a) they can be located;
b) they are periodically reviewed, revised as necessary, and approved for adequacy by authorized personnel;
c) current versions of relevant documents and data are available at all locations where operations essential to the effective functioning of the OH&S system are performed;
d) obsolete documents and data are promptly removed from all points of issue and points of use, or otherwise assured against unintended use;
e) archival documents and data retained for legal or knowledge preservation purposes, are suitably identified.
Accidents, incidents, non-conformances and corrective and preventive action
The organization shall implement and record any changes in the documented procedures resulting from corrective and preventive action.
Documents required by the ISO 9000 & ISO 14001 shall be controlled. Records are a special type of document and shall be controlled in accordance with the requirements.
The organization shall establish, implement and maintain procedure[s] to:
a) approve documents for adequacy prior to use;
b) review and update as necessary and re-approve documents;
c) ensure that changes and the current revisions status of documents are identified;
d.) ensure that relevant versions of applicable documents are available at points of use;
e.) ensure that documents remain legible and readily identifiable;
f.) ensure that documents of external origin determined by the organization to be necessary for the planning and operation of the ISO 9000 & ISO 14001 management system are identified and their distribution controlled, and
g.) prevent the unintended use of obsolete documents and apply suitable identification to them if they are retained for any purpose.
a) they can be located;
b) they are periodically reviewed, revised as necessary, and approved for adequacy by authorized personnel;
c) current versions of relevant documents and data are available at all locations where operations essential to the effective functioning of the OH&S system are performed;
d) obsolete documents and data are promptly removed from all points of issue and points of use, or otherwise assured against unintended use;
e) archival documents and data retained for legal or knowledge preservation purposes, are suitably identified.
Accidents, incidents, non-conformances and corrective and preventive action
The organization shall implement and record any changes in the documented procedures resulting from corrective and preventive action.
Documents required by the ISO 9000 & ISO 14001 shall be controlled. Records are a special type of document and shall be controlled in accordance with the requirements.
The organization shall establish, implement and maintain procedure[s] to:
a) approve documents for adequacy prior to use;
b) review and update as necessary and re-approve documents;
c) ensure that changes and the current revisions status of documents are identified;
d.) ensure that relevant versions of applicable documents are available at points of use;
e.) ensure that documents remain legible and readily identifiable;
f.) ensure that documents of external origin determined by the organization to be necessary for the planning and operation of the ISO 9000 & ISO 14001 management system are identified and their distribution controlled, and
g.) prevent the unintended use of obsolete documents and apply suitable identification to them if they are retained for any purpose.
ISO 14001:2004 Document Control System
Documents required by the environmental management system and by this international standard shall be controlled. Records are a special type of document and shall be controlled in accordance with the requirements given in 4.5.4 (Control of Records).
The organization shall establish, implement, and maintain a procedure(s) to
a) approve documents for adequacy prior to issue;
b) review and update as necessary and re-approve documents;
c) ensure that changes and the current revision status of documents are identified;
d) ensure that relevant versions of applicable documents are available at points of use;
e) ensure that documents remain legible and readily identifiable;
f) ensure that documents of external origin determined by the organization to be necessary for the planning and operation of the environmental management system are identified and their distribution controlled; and
g) prevent the unintended use of obsolete documents and apply suitable identification to them if they are retained for any purpose. [ISO 14001, 4.4.5]
The organization shall establish, implement, and maintain a procedure(s) to
a) approve documents for adequacy prior to issue;
b) review and update as necessary and re-approve documents;
c) ensure that changes and the current revision status of documents are identified;
d) ensure that relevant versions of applicable documents are available at points of use;
e) ensure that documents remain legible and readily identifiable;
f) ensure that documents of external origin determined by the organization to be necessary for the planning and operation of the environmental management system are identified and their distribution controlled; and
g) prevent the unintended use of obsolete documents and apply suitable identification to them if they are retained for any purpose. [ISO 14001, 4.4.5]
Monday, August 10, 2009
What Is an Environment Management System (EMS) ?
An EMS can be described as a program of continuous environmental improvement that follows a defined sequence of steps drawn from established project management practice and routinely applied in business
management. In simple terms these steps are as follows:
• Review the environmental consequences of the operations.
• Define a set of policies and objectives for environmental performance.
• Establish an action plan to achieve the objectives.
• Monitor performance against these objectives.
• Report the results appropriately.
• Review the system and the outcomes and strive for continuous improvement.
Not every system will present these steps in exactly the same way, but the basic principles are clear and easily understandable.
The ISO 14000 series is a series of standards for different aspects of environmental management. A number of these standards relating to environmental management systems have been adopted formally by
the members of the ISO, while others are in different stages of preparation.
The standards that have been adopted are (as of early 1997):
ISO 14001-1996 Environmental management systems:
specification with guidance for use
ISO 14004-1996 Environmental management systems:
general guidelines on principles, systems, and supporting techniques
ISO 14010-1996 Guidelines for environmental auditing:
general principles of environmental auditing
ISO 14011-1996 Guidelines for environmental auditing:
audit procedures; auditing of environmental management systems.
ISO 14012-1996 Guidelines for environmental auditing:
qualification criteria for environmental auditors Standards currently available as draft international standards:
ISO 14021 Environmental labels and declarations:
self-declaration environmental claims; guidelines and definition and usage of terms.
ISO 14040 Environmental management: life cycle assessment; principles and framework
ISO 14050 Environmental management: vocabulary More than half a dozen others in this series have been drafted and are under discussion.
management. In simple terms these steps are as follows:
• Review the environmental consequences of the operations.
• Define a set of policies and objectives for environmental performance.
• Establish an action plan to achieve the objectives.
• Monitor performance against these objectives.
• Report the results appropriately.
• Review the system and the outcomes and strive for continuous improvement.
Not every system will present these steps in exactly the same way, but the basic principles are clear and easily understandable.
The ISO 14000 series is a series of standards for different aspects of environmental management. A number of these standards relating to environmental management systems have been adopted formally by
the members of the ISO, while others are in different stages of preparation.
The standards that have been adopted are (as of early 1997):
ISO 14001-1996 Environmental management systems:
specification with guidance for use
ISO 14004-1996 Environmental management systems:
general guidelines on principles, systems, and supporting techniques
ISO 14010-1996 Guidelines for environmental auditing:
general principles of environmental auditing
ISO 14011-1996 Guidelines for environmental auditing:
audit procedures; auditing of environmental management systems.
ISO 14012-1996 Guidelines for environmental auditing:
qualification criteria for environmental auditors Standards currently available as draft international standards:
ISO 14021 Environmental labels and declarations:
self-declaration environmental claims; guidelines and definition and usage of terms.
ISO 14040 Environmental management: life cycle assessment; principles and framework
ISO 14050 Environmental management: vocabulary More than half a dozen others in this series have been drafted and are under discussion.
is in fact a series of international standards on environmental management. It provides a framework for the development of an [url=htttp://]environmental management system[/url] and the supporting audit programme.
The ISO 14001 series emerged primarily as a result of the Uruguay round of the GATT negotiations and the Rio Summit on the Environment held in 1992. While GATT concentrates on the need to reduce non-tariff barriers to trade, the Rio Summit generated a commitment to protection of the environment across the world.
After the rapid acceptance of ISO 9000, and the increase of environmental standards around the world, the International Standards Organisation (ISO) assessed the need for international environmental management standards. They formed the Strategic Advisory Group on the Environment (SAGE) in 1991, to consider whether such standards could serve to:
Promote a common approach to environmental management similar to quality management;Enhance organizations’ ability to attain and measure improvements in environmental performance; andFacilitate trade and remove trade barriers.In 1992, SAGE’s recommendations created a new committee, TC 207, for international environmental management standards. This committee and its sub-committees included representatives from industry, standards organizations, government and environmental organizations from many countries. What developed was a series of ISO14000 standards designed to cover:
-environmental management systems-environmental auditing-environmental performance evaluation-environmental labelling-life-cycle assessment-environmental aspects in product standards
ISO 14001 was first published as a standard in 1996 and it specifies the actual requirements for an environmental management system. It applies to those environmental aspects over which an organization has control and where it can be expected to have an influence.
ISO 14001 is often seen as the corner-stone standard of the ISO 14000 series. It specifies a framework of control for an Environmental Management System and is the only ISO 14000 standard against which it is currently possible to be certified by an external certification body. However, it does not in itself state specific environmental performance criteria.
The ISO 14001 series emerged primarily as a result of the Uruguay round of the GATT negotiations and the Rio Summit on the Environment held in 1992. While GATT concentrates on the need to reduce non-tariff barriers to trade, the Rio Summit generated a commitment to protection of the environment across the world.
After the rapid acceptance of ISO 9000, and the increase of environmental standards around the world, the International Standards Organisation (ISO) assessed the need for international environmental management standards. They formed the Strategic Advisory Group on the Environment (SAGE) in 1991, to consider whether such standards could serve to:
Promote a common approach to environmental management similar to quality management;Enhance organizations’ ability to attain and measure improvements in environmental performance; andFacilitate trade and remove trade barriers.In 1992, SAGE’s recommendations created a new committee, TC 207, for international environmental management standards. This committee and its sub-committees included representatives from industry, standards organizations, government and environmental organizations from many countries. What developed was a series of ISO14000 standards designed to cover:
-environmental management systems-environmental auditing-environmental performance evaluation-environmental labelling-life-cycle assessment-environmental aspects in product standards
ISO 14001 was first published as a standard in 1996 and it specifies the actual requirements for an environmental management system. It applies to those environmental aspects over which an organization has control and where it can be expected to have an influence.
ISO 14001 is often seen as the corner-stone standard of the ISO 14000 series. It specifies a framework of control for an Environmental Management System and is the only ISO 14000 standard against which it is currently possible to be certified by an external certification body. However, it does not in itself state specific environmental performance criteria.
Firstly ISO 14000 environment system standards was prepared in June of 1992 year in Rio at world apex and this standard brooks decisions of this world apex and Rio contract principles. After 1 year, ISO established one technique committee which is yielded by 50 different country representatives to prepare international environment management system in 1993 year. ISO 14001 environment management system standard was issued in September of 1996 year with works of this committee. ISO 14001 standard is used as voluntary now but ISO 14001 will be burden by coercions of societies, international organizations, states in the future. Levels which environment management system passed are the following briefly:
= Europe community countries issued I action plan in 1973 year (to practice protecting preventions of environment )= BS 7750 Standard in 1992= Rio Declaration in 1992 year= ISO/TC 207. Environmental management technique committee was established in 1993 year to develop ISO 14000 family standards= TS 9719 standard (environment management system – General features) in 1994 year= ISO 14001 standard in 1996 year= ISO 14001 current version in April of 2005 Nisan 2005
The website provided the software very helpful to my company.
= Europe community countries issued I action plan in 1973 year (to practice protecting preventions of environment )= BS 7750 Standard in 1992= Rio Declaration in 1992 year= ISO/TC 207. Environmental management technique committee was established in 1993 year to develop ISO 14000 family standards= TS 9719 standard (environment management system – General features) in 1994 year= ISO 14001 standard in 1996 year= ISO 14001 current version in April of 2005 Nisan 2005
The website provided the software very helpful to my company.
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