Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Firstly ISO 14000 environment system standards was prepared in June of 1992 year in Rio at world apex and this standard brooks decisions of this world apex and Rio contract principles. After 1 year, ISO established one technique committee which is yielded by 50 different country representatives to prepare international environment management system in 1993 year. ISO 14001 environment management system standard was issued in September of 1996 year with works of this committee. ISO 14001 standard is used as voluntary now but ISO 14001 will be burden by coercions of societies, international organizations, states in the future. Levels which environment management system passed are the following briefly:
= Europe community countries issued I action plan in 1973 year (to practice protecting preventions of environment )= BS 7750 Standard in 1992= Rio Declaration in 1992 year= ISO/TC 207. Environmental management technique committee was established in 1993 year to develop ISO 14000 family standards= TS 9719 standard (environment management system – General features) in 1994 year= ISO 14001 standard in 1996 year= ISO 14001 current version in April of 2005 Nisan 2005
The www.iso9001store.com website provided the software very helpful to my company.

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