Saturday, September 12, 2009

What is a quality systems registrar

What is a quality systems registrar
A registrar, or registration body (the preferred term), is sometimes called a certification body. (Accreditation bodies are entirely different—they are the entities that audit/approve registration bodies.)
There are some 573 registration bodies in operation worldwide, including52 in the United States.
The registrar is the organization that checks your quality system and confirms that it meets ISO 9000 requirements for a prescribed and agreed period of time.
To do this, the registrar:a. Audits your organization’s quality system to determine the degree of conformity to ISO 9000 standards. The audit is carried out:— On paper (desktop study).— On site (throughout your facility).b. Registers your quality system, assuming it conforms, to ISO 9000.c. Monitors conformity on an ongoing basis by means of regular reauditsand other methods.All quality system registrars perform these functions, with certainvariations. Registrars differ in two principal ways:a. Accreditation status.b. Scope of accreditation
Reputable ISO 9000 registrars are accredited by international accreditationbodies. These enforce a standard, EN 45012 (European Standard for Bodies Certificating Suppliers’ Quality Systems), that governs the processes that registrars follow. This standard is quite strict:a. Registrars must make their services available to all qualified supplierswithout imposing undue financial or other conditions, andmust administer their regulations in a nondiscriminatory manner.b. The registrar’s organization must not engage in activities that mayaffect its impartiality. For example:— It must not provide consulting services “on matters to whichits certificates are related” (i.e., quality systems). This requirementis superseded by the ISO 9000 restriction noted earlier.— It must not directly engage in commerce with firms that it hasassessed and/or registered.— Individuals involved in the registration process must not haveprovided consulting services to registration clients, or any relatedfirms, within the previous two years.— Its employees and agents must not engage in business activitiesthat would cause others to question the firm’s impartiality.— The registrar may not market consultancy and registrationservices together, and may not recommend consulting servicesto clients.— Auditors may not give advice as part of registration audits.— The registrar must provide the accreditation body with documentationof its employees’ qualifications.— The registrar must have appropriate facilities for carrying outits activities.— The registrar must have a quality manual and documentedprocedures. (Curiously, EN 45012 does not require that registrarsregister to ISO 9000!)— Registrars may not grant or renew certificates of registration until all major noncompliances are eliminated.
Another point of differentiation is scope of accreditation. All registrarsare not accredited, or approved, to register firms in any line of business. Each registrar is accredited to operate within the business or industrial sectors about which it has documented expertise. This is generically referred to as the registrar’s scope.

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