Monday, September 21, 2009

Management Principles Of ISO 9001 Standards

Management Principles Of ISO 9001 Standards
ISO 9000 is based on eight management principles:
• Customer focus, resulting in meeting customer requirements and striving to exceed them;
• Leadership, aiming to create an internal environment in which people are fully involved;
• Involvement of people who are the essence of an organization;
• Process approach, resulting in improved efficiency to obtain desired results;
• System approach to management, leading to improved effectiveness and efficiency through identification, understanding and management of interrelated processes;
• Continual improvement, which becomes a permanent objective of the organization;
• Factual approach to decision-making, based on the analysis of data and information; and
• Mutually beneficial supplier relationships, based on an understanding of their interdependence.
ISO 9000 encourages the adoption of the process approach to manage an organization. There are five main areas considered for the revised process model in ISO 9000:
• Quality management system
• Management responsibility
• Resource management
• Product realization
• Measurement, analysis and improvement.


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  2. Having ISO 9001 registrar benefits many entrepreneurs because they have a guide for getting an assessment certificate. Certification of quality management systems is very essential to every business because this is a proof that their operation is legal and safe.
