Thursday, November 26, 2009

Monitoring and Measurement In ISO 14001 Standards

Monitoring and Measurement In ISO 14001 Standards
The Monitoring and Measurement section contains two requirements:
1) Measurement and monitoring of environmental performance associated with operations that can have a significant impact on the environment; and
2) Calibration and maintenance of equipment used for environmental monitoring and measurement.
Monitoring and Measuring of Performance — This section calls for a“procedure to monitor and measure… key characteristics of… operations that can have a significant impact on the environment.”
Note that the section does not specifically require the organization to monitor and measure the significant environmental impacts of its products or services. As a practical matter, however, organizations should establish measurements over all environmental aspects that they determine are significant irrespective of whether the impacts relate to an activity, product, or service.
This section also requires the documentation“of information to monitor performance, applicable operational controls, and… environmental objectives and targets.” §4.6,
Management Review, requires that environmental performance and achievement of objectives and targets become inputs into the Management Review (sub-sections c & d).
Calibration and Maintenance — The requirement of having a calibration system is to ensure that measurements are reliable and accurate. A calibration system may be developed following these steps:
· Identification of measurements to be made;
· Identification of equipment, instruments, hardware and software to be used;
· Identification of the testing methods to be used;
· Determination of the accuracy and precision required or desired;
· Definition of calibration procedures;
· Use of the system;
· Establishment of records;
· If equipment is found to be out of calibration, corrective action; and
· Improvement of the system as necessary.

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